奥塞车站里,一间消失的房间:Sophie Calle

文摘   文化   2024-08-15 17:28   法国  

苏菲·卡尔 Sophie Calle 端详着自己手上的这张平面图,上面没有501号房。然而,当她25岁时,自己曾在这个房间里渡过了许多天....

从1978年底到1979年,苏菲·卡尔曾偷偷住在这间酒店的 501 号房,酒店就位在巴黎的奥塞火车站内。随着车站弃用,这个车站酒店也已废置了,早已人去楼。时光荏苒,此地现在转身变成了奥塞美术馆,而这位知名艺术家则在这里展出她在当年经历的痕迹。

钥匙、镶在房门上的号码牌、数千人的出入登记表、写给Oddo(酒店杂务员)的便签、行政文件、艺术家所拍摄的这些荒废破败之地的照片……所有这一切-- 苏菲·卡尔当年搜集而来的碎片,共组成了一段时光倒流(或穿越时光)的旅程,回到了她还是一位年轻有抱负的艺术家,刚刚着手创作她的第一批作品的时期。那时,她开始在街上跟踪陌生人,纪录他们在城市中的一举一动,同时偷拍他们……(《La Filature/跟踪》(1981))。

展览《奥塞的幽灵》是由许多巧合促成的。最离奇之处,是那间在所有平面图中都找不到的 501 号房间,然而,那并非唯一奇怪的地方。那个时代真的存在过吗?只身躲在空屋中流连徘徊的日子,仅仅是艺术家的梦境吗?

一个对时间、现实、偶然、精彩绝伦的如梦似真的奇想和投映… 而换句话说,这也就是:生命!

Room 501 has disappeared from the plans found by Sophie Calle. Yet she spent many days in this room when she was 25 years old.

From late 1978 to 1979, Sophie Calle secretly stayed in room 501 of an empty hotel. This hotel was located in the Gare d'Orsay in Paris, also abandoned. This place has become the Musée d'Orsay where the artist exhibits these days the traces of her experience here.

Keys, numbers affixed to the doors of the rooms, registration forms of thousands of people, notes addressed to Oddo (the establishment's factotum), administrative documents, photographs of these abandoned and devastated places taken by the artist... All these elements collected by Sophie Calle at the time create a sort of journey back in time (or through time), to a time when she was a young and aspiring artist working on her first works. It's the time she started to follow strangers in the streets, recording all their movements in the city, taking photos of them… (“La Filature/Tailing” (1981)).

The exhibition “Les Fantômes d’Orsay / The Ghosts of Orsay ” is the result of many coincidences. The disappearance of room 501 on some old plans is the strangest, but not the only one. Did this era really exist? Are the days of solitary wandering in this place only a dream of the artist?

A wonderful reflection on time, reality, chance… in short: life!

PT Express