乐图将携赵梦佳个人项目于北京abC Open M Art Fair|展位A02

文摘   2024-06-12 00:06   北京  

乐图LOTO ART将于6月13日-16日参加由abC主办的“打开——Open M Art Fair”北京展会,带来艺术家赵梦佳的最新个人项目「晨昏交界处的梦呓」。

展 览 时 间

2024年6月13日(周四)- 6月16日(周日)11:00 - 18:00

展 览 地 址



「 晨昏交界处的梦呓 」

Sleep At The Junction Of Day And Night




Freud saw dreams as a shortcut to the unconscious. Both photography and dreams reconstruct and create a "parallel world" above reality, which contains a more essential reality than the superficial shell of reality. Reality and experience, as fragmented materials, are reorganized into dreams according to a certain grammar, and photography also collects slices of reality to weave and interpret a narrative with more or less reconstruction and fiction.

The author takes the "dream" in her name as the theme, and the intersection of dawn and dusk is not only the sun rising and setting in the east, but also the cycle of emotions. The dreamscape of animals and plants, mountains and sea is the focus of her senses. In the output of the work, I inject the temperature of hand into it, needle and thread, soil and wood, to explore the material and the physical nature of the form.

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:捕梦网》 40x30cm 绢布、树枝、线 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Dreamcatcher ”40x30cm silk cloth, branches, line 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:捕梦网》(图像)

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Dreamcatcher“ (image)

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:芳草地》 30x20cm UV打印在木板、石英砂上 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Parkview Grass“ 30x20cm UV printed on wood, quartz sand 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:芳草地》 细节

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Parkview Grass“ Detail

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:忧伤的水》 30x20cm UV打印在木板、石英砂上 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Sad Water “30x20cm UV printed on wood, quartz sand 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:忧伤的水》 细节

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Sad Water ” details

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:圣山羊》 40x30cm UV打印在木板、石英砂上 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Holy Goat“ 40x30cm UV printed on wood and quartz sand 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:绿藻》 40x30cm UV打印在木板、石英砂上 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Green Algae” 40x30cm UV printed on wood, quartz sand 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:无名花》 21.5x21.5cm 绢布、亚克力 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Nameless flower“ 21.5x21.5cm silk cloth, acrylic 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:水烟花》 18.7x15cm 博物馆级艺术微喷 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Water fireworks” 18.7x15cm museum art micro-spray 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:星河》31.5x20.8cm 玻璃、博物馆级艺术微喷 2023

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Star River“ 31.5x20.8cm glass, museum-grade art micro-spray 2023

赵梦佳《晨昏交界处的梦呓:王子的⻢》 博物馆级艺术微喷 8.5x11cm 2023Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night: Prince's Horse“ Museum art micro spray 8.5x11cm 2023

赵梦佳 《晨昏交界处的梦呓:摄影随笔》 节选

Zhao Mengjia “Sleep at the Junction of Day and Night:  photographic essays“


Artist Introduction


Zhao Mengjia (b.2000), a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, graduated from photography major of China Academy of Art in 2022, and was recommended for a master's degree in Photography and Image Art creation of China Academy of Art in the same year. The work focuses on the noumenon and subconscious of photography, attempts to blur the boundary between photography and painting, depicts the natural landscape above reality, and emphasizes the unique atmosphere floating above the work. Using dreams as an image rhetoric, he hopes to present works like his own name. His works have been exhibited at Jimei Arles International Photography Festival (Xiamen), PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai Art Fair (Shanghai), Lishui Photography Festival (Lishui), Three Shadows Photography Art Center (Xiamen), Zhejiang Art Museum (Hangzhou), Dacheng Art Center (Hangzhou) and other institutions. As an artist and photographer, he has worked with Uniqlo, Land Rover, Lomography, Nike and other brands.

打开abC的新方式——Open M Art Fair 北京|全名单公布&开票

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