
文摘   2024-10-25 12:45   上海  



上海市巨鹿路272号cedar kitchen


*本场活动为私人活动,请联系您在cedar kitchen的联络人获取邀请*

*Invite only event, please contact with cedar kitchen for invitations*


**one drink at door to enter the garage**

DJ //10.25//

DJ Ricky (22:00-23:00)

Kino (кину) (23:00-00:00)

UCstore (00:00-01:00)

LUJI (01:00-02:00)

DJ //10.26//

Feya song (22:00-23:00) 

Willnima (23:00-00:00) *recording*

salmonofthedoubt (00:00-01:00) *recording*

Rockie (01:00-02:00)

VJ //10.25/26//


装置 Installation //10.25/26//

车库内 In the garage

 by Kelsey/Willnima/Tiko/Mavis/ᴬᵀᴱᴼ/Ghost Host/...


404NOTFOUND represents a 404 page, typically used to indicate that a user cannot access the information provided by the server, or that the server cannot properly function to respond with the information.


404NOTFOUND can also be interpreted as a passive form of saying you were not invited.


It can be understood as an artificially created barrier to prevent further access—a method not usually driven by individual choice.


However, "404 NOT FOUND" also creates a systemic cognitive bias. Often, during prolonged information control, it becomes a collective phenomenon, specifically manifesting as:

- Unwarranted rejection of specific content

- Conservative speculation and correction

- Obsessive pursuit of standardized information

- Excessive reverence for centralized information


So, how can we resolve "404 NOT FOUND"?


We propose the following methods to address "404 NOT FOUND":


Establish hierarchical standards and ensure transparency in the production and publication of information.** Use individual actions to resist the formation of centralized information and standardized norms to the greatest extent possible.


For content errors judged subjectively, proactively check by returning to the domain resolution page to verify compliance.** During this process, avoid generalizing content; entrust the choice of content to the audience. Proper settings will ensure successful operation.


If content blocked banned, remove the violating  information, and proceed with website registration.


At 404NOTFOUND, we brought two of the phenomenal posts on xiaohongshu into the cedar kitchen party scene.

近日火爆的16岁天才音乐少年的电子音乐dj现场 (25日)

被封禁的帖子“夭折的上海baby”实体装置 (25/26两日)


请联系您在cedar kitchen的联络人获取邀请*

*Invite only event,please contact cedar kitchen for invitations*


**one drink at door to enter the garage**


*follow for the upcoming event on Sat.*

Cedar Kitchen
巨鹿路272号dance w/ SWANA美食、咖啡 https://linktr.ee/cedarkitchenshanghai