
旅行   2025-01-30 18:03   新加坡  







▲晨光中的黑颈鹤 cr.张翼(Black-necked cranes in the morning light, CR.Zhang Yi )

▲牧家的喜悦 CR.卓·丹增曲培(A young yak was born in the blizzard CR.Tenzin Choephel)

▲日照金山 CR.曾鑫(The sunset over Namjag Barwa CR.ZenXin

▲圣殿冬韵  CR.拉萨市文旅局(The snow scene of the Potala Palace   CR. Lhasa Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism)

▲西藏登山大会上登山者攀登雪山 CR.拉萨体育局(Mountain climbers are climbing snow-capped mountains.CR.Lhasa Municipai Bureau of Spots )

▲西藏登山队冲顶洛堆峰-CR.贡嘎来松(Xizang mountaineering team charged to the summit of Luodui Peak.CR.GongGar)

▲雪后布达拉宫 CR.拉萨市文旅局(The snow scene of the Potala Palace   CR. Lhasa Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism )

▲在拉萨越冬的黑颈鹤群 CR.张宁(A flock of black-necked cranes overwintering in Lhasa CR.ZhangNing)


▲藏式小吃-凉粉饼子Xizang Snacks - Bean jelly and panckas

▲拉萨特色美食-藏式奶茶Lhasa Speciality-Xizang Milk Tea

▲拉萨特色美食-菌汤锅Lhasa Speciality-Mushroom Soup Pot

▲拉萨特色美食-手抓羊肉Lhasa Speciality-Hand-held Lamb Meat

▲拉萨特色美食-松茸石锅藏香鸡Lhasa Speciality- Stone Pot Xizang Chicken with Matsutake Mushrooms

▲拉萨特色美食-铜锅牦牛肉Lhasa specialties-Yak Meat in Copper Pot

▲拉萨特色美食-糌粑酸奶Lhasa Speciality-Tsampa Yoghurt


▲《圣湖纳木措—牧女晚归》CR.刘斌(Holy Lake Namtso-the shepherdess come home late CR.BinLiu)

▲传统体育竞技项目-抱石头Traditional Sports Competitions-Holding Stones

▲放牧女孩-cr.贡嘎来松(A little girl herding sheep CR. GongGar)

▲拉萨非遗—藏戏白面具Lhasa Intangible Cultural Heritage - Xizang Opera Masks

▲拉萨非遗技艺-堆绣唐卡Lhasa Intangible Cultural Heritage - Embroidery Thangka

▲拉萨非遗技艺-普松刻板Lhasa intangible cultural heritage skills - Pusong engraving craft

▲拉萨非遗技艺-雪拉鼓制作Lhasa Intangible Cultural Heritage-making of Xuela  drum 

▲拉萨风筝节Lhasa Kite Festival

▲拉萨举行纳木措“开湖”活动 CR.拉萨市文旅局(The culture tourism activities of Namtso opens in Lhasa CR. Lhasa Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism )

▲拉萨民俗-春耕仪式Lhasa Folklore - Spring Ploughing Ceremony

▲拉萨民俗-赛马节Lhasa Folklore-Horse Racing on Wangguo Festival

▲拉萨民俗-赛牦牛Lhasa Folklore-Yak Racing

▲相遇-拉萨市宗角禄康公园Encounter-Lhasa Dzongjok Lukang Park

