《风景园林》2024-09刊首语 | 赵晶:人工智能与风景园林

文化   2024-09-06 10:03   北京  

全文刊登于《风景园林》2024年第9期 P8-9


Artificial Intelligence and Landscape Architecture


人工智能,这一术语最早于1956年在达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)召开的“达特茅斯人工智能暑期研讨会”上提出,主要研究如何使用计算机模拟人的学习、推理、思考、规划等思维过程和智能行为。自此以后,人工智能的概念不断扩展,并在半个世纪以来稳步发展。近年来,随着计算机的计算能力的提升和数据资源的丰富,大规模预训练语言模型,特别是生成式预训练模型(GPT),迅速进入大众视野。






With the gradually emergence of language model ChatGPT and the text-to-video generative model Sora recently, artificial intelligence (AI) represented by large models has rapidly entered into various industries from laboratories, attracting extensive attention. Some people compare AI to water and predict that it will nourish all things; while some others see it as electricity, hoping it will empower all industries.

The term artificial intelligence was first proposed in 1956 at the “Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence” held at Dartmouth College, mainly studying how to use computers to simulate the thinking process and intelligent behavior of human such as learning, reasoning, thinking, planning, etc. Since then, the concept of AI has continuously expanded and steadily developed for half a century. With the promotion of the computing capability of computers and the enrichment of data resources in recent years, large-scale pre-trained language models, especially generative pre-trained transformer (GPT), have rapidly entered people’s life.

At present, AI has been widely applied in numerous industries such as medical service, finance, transportation, and education. For medical sector, AI can be applied to intelligent diagnosis, medical image analysis, etc., enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis; For transportation, AI can assist in intelligent traffic control and autonomous driving, improving road traffic efficiency and safety; In the financial field, AI can be applied for risk control and anti-fraud, boosting the efficiency and security of financial services. Gradually becoming as important as water and electricity, AI is able to empower various industries, reduce costs, and improve production efficiency.

As an applied science involving multiple disciplines and knowledge, landscape architecture can also benefit from the development of AI. Covering multiple phases such as logical analysis, planning and design, construction, and evaluation, the research and practice of landscape architecture is quite complex. While as an auxiliary tool, AI will play an important role in these scenarios. In the analysis phase, AI can help to analyze natural elements such as climate, geography, hydrology, as well as human information such as historical culture and population data; In the design phase, AI tools can assist designers in completing tasks such as drawing blueprints and automatic modeling of proposals, saving designers from repetitive labor and allowing them to focus on design and creativity; After the design is completed, AI can also aid the calculation of performance and indicators, quickly obtaining data and judging the realization degree of design goals. Through pre-training, large language model (LLM) can quickly answer the questions such as professional standards, guidelines, and other content related to landscape architecture. It can also provide suggestions for plant selection and configuration based on the situation of sites, saving time in researching relevant materials. AI can also play a good role as an auxiliary tool in the field of landscape architecture, helping the industry reduce costs and improve efficiency, just like empowering other industries.

In addition, with the emergence of new technologies, designers can use big data and AI algorithms to predict development trends of environment, thereby proposing more intelligent and sustainable solutions for ecosystem. These solutions not only balance the current demand relationship between human and ecosystem, but will also consider the dynamic issues of the harmonious coexistence between human and nature in the future. This forward-looking analysis and prediction capability may be hard to achieve via traditional design methods.

AI is no longer just a tool or technology for such innovation, but has become a bridge connecting tradition and modernity, as well as nature and technology. Breaking the boundaries of traditional technology, AI has become a new way for artistic expression, philosophical thinking, and exploring the relationship between human and nature.

In my opinion, AI is like an out-and-out warrior, constantly making new progress while also advancing towards more meaningful and difficult goals. With the continuous improvement of algorithms and computing power, AI will also be able to better understand human language, emotions, and behavior, interact more naturally with human, and continue to expand its application scenarios, constantly challenging unsolved problems and providing more possibilities for our world and future.


Deputy Editor-in-Chief: ZHAO Jing


August 21, 2024



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 边紫琳

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