Call for paper (IF 5.3):截止2024年9月30日

学术   2024-10-01 21:49   北京  

Population and Within-Host Dynamics of Biological Systems (Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems)

Mathematical modelling of biological systems and processes is a growing field that makes use of various mathematical models and analysis techniques. This special issue (SI) highlights mathematical and computational approaches, to examine central problems in the biological sciences, ranging from the organizational principles of individual cells to the dynamics of large populations. It will contribute with reference texts for a broad audience of researchers, practitioners, and advanced students, in this rapidly growing field, which encompasses applied mathematics, experimental biology and medicine, computational biology, biochemistry, physics and computer science. Authors are kindly invited to submit their valuable manuscripts to this SI.

Guest editors:

Coordinating Professor Carla Pinto, Polytechnic of Porto and Center of Mathematics, University of Porto

Leader of BCAM Maíra Aguiar, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM – Bilbao), Spain

Associate Professor Ganna Rozhnova, University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherland

Professor Alberto D’Onofrio, Computer Sciences for Complex Systems Lab, Università di Trieste, Italy

Manuscript submission information:

Please choose the Article Type of "VSI:  Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems" in the submission system:

The deadline for submission is: 30/09/2024

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact:


Population dynamics

Within-host dynamics

non-linear dynamics

Complex dynamics of biological systems

Computational biology

Epidemiology of infectious diseases

Ecology and eco-epidemiology

Network theory

Bayesian approach

Advanced statistical methods

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue.

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals的CAR指数

2023年3月份科睿唯安官方一次性踢除35本SCI期刊,多数涉及学术诚信问题,让我们意识到学术期刊的“被踢”指数,也很重要。目前,对于期刊的“被踢”指数,这里介绍一下:CAR指数(关于CAR的细介绍,请关注,这是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,指数越高代表可能的风险越大。从数据看,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals不管是2022年度,还是2023年度的CAR指数,都是比较低的。当然,CAR指数仅供参考,期刊风险情况,需以科睿唯安或中科院预警等官方为准!

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