
学术   2024-10-07 17:30   河南  


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Magnetic Resonance Imaging, commonly known as MRI, helps doctors find, watch, and treat medical problems. 

磁共振成像,俗称 MRI,有助于医生查找、观察、以及治疗疾病。

MRI uses very strong magnets, radio waves, and a computer to make pictures of the inside of the body. MRI pictures are more detailed than those made with other methods. 

MRI 使用强磁场无线电波,以及计算机拍摄人体内部的图像。MRI图像较其他方法更为详细。

There are many reasons to have MRI. MRI may find bleeding, such as bleeding in the brain; brain changes as in stroke; problems with your back, such as a herniated disc; and an injury inside the body, such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

MRI 的用途很广泛,可检查出血,如脑出血;中风等脑改变;背部疾病,如椎间盘突出;身体内部损伤,如前交叉韧带撕裂

Before MRI, you will remove all metal objects. And it\'s not safe to have MRI with some medical implants. You should tell the MRI technologist about any metal device or implant you may have in your body, such as a pacemaker

行 MRI 检查前,应去除所有金属物品。身体内有植入物时,行 MRI 也是不安全的。患者应告知 MRI 技术人员自身体内的任何金属装置或植入物,如起搏器

To prepare for MRI, you will lie on a table just outside the scanner. MRI scanners are very noisy. So you will probably wear earplugs or headphones. Different equipment, such as pillows and straps, will help you stay in the correct position. 

MRI 检查的准备工作:患者躺在扫描仪外的桌子上。MRI 扫描仪噪音很大,所以患者可能会佩戴耳塞耳机。充气枕和带子等不同的设备有助于患者保持正确的姿势。

Once you\'re ready, the table will slide into the scanner. Most often, closed scanners, such as this one, are used. The area inside is very narrow. 


In some areas, open scanners are available. This scanner is open on the sides. So you won\'t be completely surrounded by the machine. However, the pictures may not be as good as with closed scanners. 


For either type of scanner, a technologist will operate it from the next room. You will be able to talk to each other through a two-way speaker


During the scan, magnets in the machine will create a strong magnetic field. This will not harm you. Then the scanner will send radio waves through your body. This will not harm you. When the radio waves are turned off, the scanner will pick up energy signals from your body. These signals are used to make the pictures. 


During the scan, you will have to stay very still, so the images will be clear. You may be asked to hold your breath for a short time. MRIs may take 30 to 45 minutes or longer to complete. In some cases, you may get contrast dye with your MRI. The dye helps make clearer pictures. 


After the MRI, you can resume your normal activities. If you received contrast dye, the technologist may ask you to drink plenty of water or other healthy drinks to help your kidneys remove the dye from your body.



  • Magnetic


mag•net•ic/mægˈnɛtɪk/adj. 磁的,磁性的,有磁性的

of or relating to a magnet or magnetism.

单词 magnetic 由下列成分构成

magnet/ˈmæɡnət/n. 磁铁




  • Resonance

res•o•nance/ˈrezənəns/n. 共振,谐振

the condition of a system in which there is a sharp maximum probability for the absorption of electromagnetic radiation or capture of particles.

单词 resonance 由下列成分构成




附:MRI 的历史和应用

