CT检查流程 丨医学英语视听学习

学术   2024-10-17 17:30   河南  


CT Scan


A CT scan, also known as a CAT scan or computerized axial tomography, is a painless diagnostic test that uses x-rays and computers to create cross-sectional images of bones and tissues inside your body. 


Your doctor may recommend a CT scan to examine your body for any of the following, blood clots, broken bones, cancerous tumors, infections, internal injuries and bleeding, and signs of heart and vascular disease.

医生可推荐 CT 扫描检查身体是否出现以下情况:血栓、骨折、恶性肿瘤、感染、内脏损伤和出血,以及心脏和血管疾病体征。

A CT scan helps your doctor select the correct location for surgery, biopsy, or radiation therapy, check the treatment of cancer or heart disease, and check your condition after surgery. A CT scanner is a large square or round x-ray machine with a tunnel through the center. 

医生可在 CT 扫描辅助下决策手术、活检,或放疗的准确部位,核查癌症或心脏疾病的治疗进展,以及术后病情的恢复。CT 扫描仪是一种巨大的方形或圆形X射线机,中央有一个通道。

During your CT scan, you will lie on a table that slowly passes through the tunnel. As you move through the tunnel, a giant ring, called a gantry, will rotate around your body. The gantry contains a tube that will release x-ray beams and detectors that will measure the amount of radiation absorbed by your body. 

CT 检查期间,患者躺在检查台上,缓慢地通过扫描通道。CT 扫描仪台架(巨大环),将随着患者通过通道,围绕身体旋转。台架包含释放 X 线束的管道和可测量身体吸收辐射量的探测器

The x-ray beams will capture many views of your body from different angles as the gantry spins. The detectors will send data to a computer that will create cross-sectional images of the bones and soft tissues inside your body. 


The scan allows your doctor to see the location of a condition inside your body, which will help them decide how to treat it or to see how well your treatment is progressing. 


In some cases, you may receive contrast dye before your procedure in a drink, an injection, or a barium enema to make it easier for your doctor to see certain areas of your body.


If you received a drink with contrast dye, your esophagus or stomach will be highlighted. If you received an injection, your blood vessels, gallbladder, liver, or urinary tract will be highlighted. If you received a barium enema, your large intestine will be highlighted.


After the procedure, you can resume your normal activities. If you received contrast dye, drink plenty of fluids to help your kidneys remove the dye from your body.



  • Tomography


tomography/təˈmɑːɡrəfi/n. 体层摄影(利用X射线和超声波清楚显示体内结构)

Making of a radiographic image of a selected plane by means of reciprocal linear or curved motion of the x-ray tube and film cassette; images of all other planes are blurred ("out of focus") by being relatively displaced on the film.

单词 tomography 由下列成分构成

tomo- (前缀)表示“切割部分”,“部分”


-graphy 产生影像的方法


  • Gantry

gan•try/ˈɡæntri/n. (支承设备的)台架

A frame housing the x-ray tube, collimators, and detectors in a CT machine, with a large opening into which the patient is inserted.

单词 gantry 源于中世纪英语 gauntre,指“木桶平台,木桶架”


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