
学术   2024-10-22 17:31   河南  


Medical Term


Do EMTs need to know medical terminology


Yes. If we want to be treated as medical professionals, we need to speak the language of medicine -- but it's like learning a whole different language! Well ... yes. It's ancient Greek and Latin


The words can appear long and difficult to pronounce, but with practice you will learn them. And we will be using them throughout the semester. 


Don't get frustrated when you first look at the word and you don't understand what it means. Break it into smaller elements -- we use the same rules when we have large words in English. 


We look for the elements that we know and understand and then we can deduce -- based on the information in front or behind it -- what the word is trying to convey. So let's start at the beginning with the prefix.


The prefix I consider ... I think of it more like an adjective. It describes the main topic. It can describe its' position, its' state, it's the number (such as a uni-, bi- or tricycle), as well as speed. These are just some examples of what a prefix can convey about word. 

前缀,我认为,它更像是一个形容词。它形容主题,主题的“位置”、“状态”、“数量(如uni-【单,一】, bi-【双,二】或tricycle【三轮车】)”,以及“速度”。这些只是前缀表达单词含义的一些例子。

Root -- the word root -- is the main topic; it's the noun that you're talking about. 


A Bible is a good book, agriculture, centre, federalism, feminism,. Arachno- = spiders -- a lot of people have a fear of spiders, also known as arachnophobia

圣经是一本包含农业、商业、联邦主义、女权主义等的好书。Arachno- =蜘蛛,许多人害怕蜘蛛,术语是arachnophobia蜘蛛恐惧症】。

There's an O in there and that's a combining vowel that links two or more root words together, such as: pyromaniac = someone who is crazy for fire, cardiopulmonary, pneumothorax that is air in the chest cavity, or an electrocardiogram


At the end we have the suffix and this is similar to the verb because this is the action or condition of the main root. 


-itis is going to be an inflammation or -oma could be a cancer or a tumorous mass. 

-itis 表示炎症-oma 表示癌症肿瘤性肿块

Wait ...how do you eat an elephant? Well I've heard this riddle before. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. 


You have to think about learning this entire language of medicine in a similar manner. You need to number one learn in short sessions so you don't get the words confused. Study often and regularly and, most importantly, make it fun and interesting.



  • Arachnophobia


a·rach·ne·pho·bi·a/əˌræknəˈfoʊbiə/n. 蜘蛛恐惧症

Morbid fear of spiders.

单词 arachnophobia 由下列成分构成

arachno 蜘蛛


phobia 恐惧症

  • Pyromaniac

py•ro•ma•ni•ac/ˌpaɪroʊˈmeɪniˌæk/n. 纵火狂

One affected with pyromania; arsonist.

单词 pyromaniac 由下列成分构成



-mania 疯子

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