报告视频 | 融合生成式设计与自动化分析的建筑结构智能设计

学术   2024-06-02 21:20   北京  



1 研究背景与关键难题
2 建筑结构生成式智能设计方法
3 基于PKPM接口的自动化分析方法
4 建筑结构智能设计工程应用
5 结论和展望








  1. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.7技术背景(1):基于PKPM API的自动化建模和计算分析(20240522)

  2. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.7:新增后处理功能,云端完成PKPM结构计算和AIstructure优化(20240520)

  3. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.6:给马儿换上精饲料,AIstructure设计效果持续改善(20240511)

  4. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.5:前处理功能持续更新,设计质量提升(20240419)

  5. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.4:新增错误提示功能,并更新多标准层设计功能(20240329)

  6. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.3:前处理与梁布置设计功能持续更新(20240315)

  7. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.2:梁布置设计功能更新(20240308)

  8. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.1.1:外围轴线封闭自动检测等功能更新(20240219)

  9. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.2.1:新界面!新功能!新设计!新研讨!(20240126)

  10. AIstructure2023:从智能设计云平台到AIstructure-Copilot(20231230)

  11. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.1.7功能更新:实现多标准层的PKPM/YJK自动建模(20231222)

  12. AIstructure更新:剪力墙结构GNN梁智能设计功能试用 + 智能设计云平台更新(20231208)

  13. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.1.5:自动生成YJK/PKPM建模文件(20231201)

  14. AIstructure-Copilot实现“三驾马车”驱动:Diffusion Model智能设计上线!(20231103)

  15. ai-structure.com更新:材料用量预测模块和网页架构更新(20231029)

  16. AIstructure-Copilot功能更新:框架-核心筒构件截面尺寸设计Copilot版本(20231008)

  17. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.1.2更新:精细化考虑抗震设计条件影响的全新GNN版本,请您来试试(20230928)

  18. AIstructure-Copilot-v0.1.1功能更新:1次设计,2个方案,3套模型(20230915)

  19. ai-structure.com:剪力墙结构材料用量AI预测模块上线测试(20230731)

  20. AIstructure-Copilot:嵌入CAD平台的结构智能设计助手(20230711)

  21. 建筑结构生成式智能设计在日内瓦国际发明展上获“评审团特别嘉许金奖”(20230519)

  22. ai-structure.com:新开源 GAN to PKPM/YJK的自动化建模程序(20230518)

  23. ai-structure.com:土木工程自然语言规则AI解译模块上线测试(20230513)

  24. AI剪力墙设计问卷调查结果(20230508)

  25. ai-structure.com | GAN-to-ETABS的自动化建模程序开源(20230503)

  26. ai-structure.com图神经网络(GNN)设计剪力墙功能上线(20230427)

  27. ai-structure.com v0.0.4新版上线(20230420)

  28. ai-structure.com剪力墙结构梁自动设计功能更新(20230329)

  29. ai-structure.com 开放内测一周简报(20230307)

  30. ai-structure.com 剪力墙结构生成式智能设计系统内测邀请(20230226)


  1. Liao WJ, Lu XZ, Huang YL, Zheng Z, Lin YQ, Automated structural design of shear wall residential buildings using generative adversarial networks, Automation in Construction, 2021, 132, 103931. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103931.

  2. Lu XZ, Liao WJ, Zhang Y, Huang YL, Intelligent structural design of shear wall residence using physics-enhanced generative adversarial networks, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2022, 51(7): 1657-1676. DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3632.

  3. Zhao PJ, Liao WJ, Xue HJ, Lu XZ, Intelligent design method for beam and slab of shear wall structure based on deep learning, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 57: 104838. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104838.

  4. Liao WJ, Huang YL, Zheng Z, Lu XZ, Intelligent generative structural design method for shear-wall building based on “fused-text-image-to-image” generative adversarial networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 118530, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118530.

  5. Fei YF, Liao WJ, Zhang S, Yin PF, Han B, Zhao PJ, Chen XY, Lu XZ, Integrated schematic design method for shear wall structures: a practical application of generative adversarial networks, Buildings, 2022, 12(9): 1295. DOI: 10.3390/buildings1209129.

  6. Fei YF, Liao WJ, Huang YL, Lu XZ, Knowledge-enhanced generative adversarial networks for schematic design of framed tube structures, Automation in Construction, 2022, 144: 104619. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104619.

  7. Zhao PJ, Liao WJ, Huang YL, Lu XZ, Intelligent design of shear wall layout based on attention-enhanced generative adversarial network, Engineering Structures, 2023, 274, 115170. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115170.

  8. Zhao PJ, Liao WJ, Huang YL, Lu XZ, Intelligent beam layout design for frame structure based on graph neural networks, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 63, Part A: 105499. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.105499.

  9.  Zhao PJ, Liao WJ, Huang YL, Lu XZ, Intelligent design of shear wall layout based on graph neural networks, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023, 55, 101886, DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2023.101886

  10. Liao WJ, Wang XY, Fei YF, Huang YL, Xie LL, Lu XZ*, Base-isolation design of shear wall structures using physics-rule-co-guided self-supervised generative adversarial networks, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2023, DOI:10.1002/eqe.3862.

  11. Feng YT, Fei YF, Lin YQ, Liao WJ, Lu XZ, Intelligent generative design for shear wall cross-sectional size using rule-Embedded generative adversarial network, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 2023, 149(11). 04023161. DOI:10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-12206.

  12. Fei YF, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Guan H*, Knowledge-enhanced graph neural networks for construction material quantity estimation of reinforced concrete buildings, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023, DOI: 10.1111/mice.13094.

  13. Zhao PJ, Fei YF, Huang YL, Feng YT, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Design-condition-informed shear wall layout design based on graph neural networks, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023, 58: 102190. DOI: 10.1016/j.aei.2023.102190.

  14. Fei YF, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Taciroglu E, Guan H, Semi-supervised learning method incorporating structural optimization for shear-wall structure design using small and long-tailed datasets, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107873

  15. Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Fei YF, Gu Y, Huang YL, Generative AI design for building structures, Automation in Construction, 2024, 157: 105187. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.105187

  16. Zhao PJ, Liao WJ, Huang YL, Lu XZ*, Beam layout design of shear wall structures based on graph neural networks, Automation in Construction, 2024, 158: 105223. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.105223

  17. Qin SZ, Liao WJ*, Huang SN, Hu KG, Tan Z, Gao Y, Lu XZ, AIstructure-Copilot: assistant for generative AI-driven intelligent design of building structures, Smart Construction, 2024, DOI: 10.55092/sc20240001

  18. Gu Y, Huang YL, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Intelligent design of shear wall layout based on diffusion models, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/mice.13236

  19. Fei YF, Liao WJ, Zhao PJ, Lu XZ*, Guan H, Hybrid surrogate model combining physics and data for seismic drift estimation of shear-wall structures, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.4151



  1. 《从基于模拟的结构设计到基于人工智能的结构设计》学术报告视频

  2. 《建筑结构AI生成式设计的应用与开发》在线交流视频

  3. 混凝土结构的智能设计和对专业教学的思考》学术报告视频


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  4. 新论文:剪力墙结构的GNN梁布置智能设计

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  22. AI+PKPM | 给个建筑户型图,结构设计全自动

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  27. 新发明专利:一种将规范文本自动转为可计算逻辑规则的方法及系统

