The MUSE Design Awards is an international design competition dedicated to recognizing excellent and original design work from across the globe. With a mission to honor, celebrate, and elevate outstanding design innovators, MUSE also serves as a key stage to unveil up-and-coming stars in Architecture, Interior, Product, Landscape, Lighting, Furniture and Fashion Design worldwide.
Established by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015, the award aims to push the boundaries of what is possible, inspiring others to further elevate the standards of the design world. Beyond just honors, the MUSE Design Awards offers unparalleled exposure for award-winning designers, artists, architects, brands, and design agencies, highlighting their market-leading position and expertise in the industry.
Global Top Jury
缪斯设计大奖评审团从其广泛的评审群体中汲取了丰富的专业知识。评审团由在各自领域卓有成就的、备受尊敬和经验丰富的专业人士组成。评审们从来自世界各地的营销和广告公司以及专业领域中精挑细选,将行业知识和特定类别的技能集于一身,对每项参赛作品进行评审。The MUSE Design Awards Jury is exceptional in the depth of expertise it draws on from its extensive judging community, composed of highly respected and experienced professionals who have distinguished themselves in their field. Judges are handpicked from a diverse range of marketing and advertising companies as well as disciplines from around the world, bringing industry knowledge and category-specific skill sets to evaluate every entry.
BLUES荣获 15TH MELBOURNE 墨尔本设计奖三项殊荣
BLUES荣获 6TH LIA 园匠杯六项殊荣
BLUES荣获 3THAHLA亚洲人居景观奖五项殊荣
“Hope lies in dreams,in imagination,
and in the bravery to make dreams come true.”
▶ 蓝调国际:风景园林工程设计专项甲级资质单位
重庆蓝调城市景观规划设计有限公司(简称蓝调)系面向中国全方位发展的景观设计品牌公司。1998年公司成立以来,坚持以创新思维及可持续发展的眼光,致力于对社会美好环境的思考探索与设计实践,并长期为龙湖、新希望、保利、融创、金科等知名地产开发商提供各项咨询与服务,并达成长期战略合作意向。蓝调可为客户提供三大类别十五个子项的服务内容,其中三大类分别是:景观策划与咨询、景观规划与设计、景观产品系研发与培训,并且在景观规划与设计板块下已形成4大类景观产品线:现代自然系列、艺术人文系列、原生度假系列以及新都市开放空间系列。Chongqing Blues Urban Landscape Planning & Design Co.,Ltd. (BLUES) is a well-rounded landscape brand based in China. Since its establishment in 1998, BLUES, with innovative ideas and sustainable strategy, has been devoted to the exploration and practice of beautiful and comfortable living environment. Over the years, BLUES have cooperated with many well-known developers like LONGFOR, NEW HOPE, POLY, SUNAC, JINKE, etc. Now, BLUES provides clients with consultation service, planning and design, R&D and training on landscape. In addition, it has developed four landscape series: modern and natural series, art and cultural series, holiday series, as well as new urban series. 蓝调于2021年成立总公司概念,总公司由3个中心(创作中心+运研中心+品控中心)+经营部+品牌部+财务部+人力行政部共同构成,并覆盖3个设计院+新设立市政团队、规划团队+5个分公司(华南、成都、郑州、贵阳、昆明);In 2021, BLUES established its head office, which consists of three centers (Creative Center, R&D Center and Quality Control Center), Business Department, Brand Department, Finance and Accounting Department, Human Resource and Administration Department. Also, it comprises three design institutes, a new municipal team, a planning team and five branches located respectively in South China, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Guiyang and Kunming. 我们时刻秉承“创意美好生活”的使命及“客户至上、至臻至美”的原则为客户提供优质服务。凭借独特的地理优势及多年实践经验,倾力打造中国山地景观第一品牌。Bearing the mission of “creating a better life” and based on the principle of “customer first”, we always provide clients with excellent services. Ideally rooted in Chongqing, BLUES has gone all out to become NO.1 mountain landscape brand in China.