▶ 蓝调国际:风景园林工程设计专项甲级资质单位
重庆蓝调城市景观规划设计有限公司BLUES(简称蓝调)系面向中国全方位发展的景观设计品牌公司。1998年公司成立以来,坚持以创新思维及可持续发展的眼光,致力于对社会美好环境的思考探索与设计实践,并长期为万华、龙湖、万科、保利、中海、建发、金科等知名地产开发商提供各项咨询与服务,并达成长期战略合作意向,持续创新并研究穿越周期、领潮而生的“产品”。 Chongqing Blues Urban Landscape Planning & Design Co., Ltd. (referred to as "BLUES" or "Blues") is a comprehensive landscape design brand company developing across China. Since its establishment in 1998, the company has adhered to innovative thinking and a vision for sustainable development. It is committed to exploring and designing better social environments, providing consulting and services to well-known real estate developers such as WanHua, Longfor, Vanke, Poly, China Overseas, Jianfa, and Jin Ke, and has established long-term strategic cooperation intentions. The company continues to innovate and research “products” that transcend cycles and lead the trend. 蓝调可为客户提供三大类别十五个子项的服务内容,其中三大类分别是:景观策划与咨询、景观规划与设计、景观产品系研发与培训,并且在景观规划与设计板块下已形成4大类景观产品线:现代自然系列、艺术人文系列、原生度假系列以及新都市开放空间系列。Blues offers clients three major categories with fifteen sub-items of services. These three categories are: landscape planning and consulting, landscape planning and design, and landscape product development and training. Within the landscape planning and design category, there are four major product lines: Modern Natural Series, Art and Culture Series, Primitive Resort Series, and New Urban Open Space Series.蓝调景观26年,我们是[探索者],在重新思考未来,我们寻求生活方式的突破,也尊重生活根脉的所系,我们保持好奇心,不断反思,新的景观,新的征程,寻找破图而生的新生,注重对生活与价值的体验,关于BULUS。For 26 years, Blues has been [Explorers], rethinking the future. We seek breakthroughs in lifestyles while respecting the roots of living. We maintain curiosity, continuously reflect, and explore new landscapes and new journeys, focusing on the experience of life and value. About BULUS.B-Beauty[审美]审美的能量,激发人们的想象力与创造力
B-Beauty: The energy of aesthetics inspires imagination and creativity.
L-Landscape: Mountains, rivers, and seas embody the philosophy of endless cycles and vitality.
U-User: Focused on user research, emphasizing innovative experiences and interactions, with continuous upgrades.
E-Ecological: Ecosystems connect emotions and environments.
S-Space: Space is scene; scene is function; function is service; service is value.
蓝调景观 —— “为未来而设计” 以创新力赋予产品新特征
Blues Landscape – “Designing for the Future” gives new features to products with innovation.
We always uphold the mission of "Creating a Beautiful Life through Innovation" and the principle of "Customer First, Excellence in Quality" to provide high-quality services. By leading design value with a product-focused approach and leveraging our unique geographic advantages and years of practical experience, we strive to build China’s premier mountain landscape brand.