蓝调荣誉丨BLUES荣获TITAN 美国国际奖两项荣誉

文摘   2024-05-31 17:51   重庆  


 Good news of Awards 

TITAN设计奖(TITAN PROPERTY AWARDS)是美国国际奖项协会(IAA) 旗下的全球性赛事之一,旨在表彰房地产行业内最高成就。该奖项经由一众知名专业评审权威臻选,以影响力与权威性,为引领时代的全球作品加冕。一直以来,素有“地产界奥斯卡”之称。2024年获奖名单重磅揭晓。BLUES Landscape Design 蓝调景观申报的作品中铁青岩健康小镇·悦山组团 获居住区景观最高荣誉——铂金奖 、中交城开·重庆西岸 获居住区景观荣誉——金奖

The TITAN Property Awards, part of the International Awards Associate (IAA), is a global competition aimed at recognizing the highest achievements in the real estate industry. Judged by a panel of esteemed professionals, the awards are known for their influence and authority, crowning leading global works and often referred to as the "Oscars of the real estate world." The 2024 winners have been announced, with BLUES Landscape Design receiving top honors. Their project, China Railway Qingyan Health Town's Yueshan community, was awarded the highest accolade in residential landscape design—the Platinum Award. Additionally, their Chongqing West Coast project by China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) City Development secured the Gold Award for residential landscape design. 

中铁青岩健康小镇青岩“悦山”组团营造了一种身处桃花源之感,更是书院精神情感的皈依。在园区空间里我们借用了方士庶在《天慵庵随笔》里云:“山川草木,造化自然,此实境也。因心造境,以手运心,此虚境也。虚而为实,是在笔墨有无间。”在园区空间中虽然建筑多有江南的青瓦白墙,但景观设计却不是复现江南的园林,而是通过“黔式山水”的临摹,将场地内的建筑与景观之间包括周界的河谷山峦模糊其界限,让其场景自发地互融互鉴。因此无论是山水、人物,还是林、风、泉、影、画等均是有“情” 之物,穿林过水都是归家隐世的体验。

China Railway Qingyan Health Town's Qingyan "Yueshan" community creates a sense of being in a utopia, embodying the spiritual and emotional essence of an academy. In the park's design, we draw from Fang Shishu's "Tianyong An Essays": "Mountains, rivers, grasses, and trees, naturally created, this is the real realm. Creating realms with the heart, manipulating the heart with the hand, this is the virtual realm. The virtual becomes real in the interplay of ink and brush." Although the buildings in the park predominantly feature the black tiles and white walls typical of Jiangnan architecture, the landscape design does not merely replicate Jiangnan gardens. Instead, it adopts elements of "Qian-style landscapes" to blur the boundaries between the site's architecture and its natural surroundings, including the encircling river valleys and mountains, allowing the scenes to seamlessly blend and interact. Therefore, whether it is mountains and waters, people, forests, winds, springs, shadows, or paintings, all are imbued with "emotion." Passing through forests and waters, one experiences a sense of returning home and retreating into seclusion.




"Chongqing West Coast"—The river speaks no words, yet it is always a companion. The landscape space is a reflection of the designer's aesthetic and sensory activities. Participants' sensitivity to spatial changes, guided by thematic metaphors, gradually constructs visual perceptions and impressions, fostering emotional resonance through extended spatial cognitive memories. The conceptual logic of this project’s scene space aims to achieve this by responding to the spatial philosophy through the theme of "the flowing river," using the language of the scene to evoke a dialogue between people and space, thereby realizing spiritual interaction.





美国TITAN地产大奖(TITAN PROPERTY AWARDS)是一个国际性的奖项,设立于2019年,每年举办两季旨在表彰在地产开发、室内设计、建筑、景观设计、房地产和营销领域的卓越成就。该奖项注重创新性、人体工学、生活标准、原创性和可持续性,为全球地产行业的专业人士提供了一个展示其卓越工作的平台。美国TITAN地产大奖(TITAN PROPERTY AWARDS)是一个国际性的奖项,设立于2019年,每年举办两季旨在表彰在地产开发、室内设计、建筑、景观设计、房地产和营销领域的卓越成就。该奖项注重创新性、人体工学、生活标准、原创性和可持续性,为全球地产行业的专业人士提供了一个展示其卓越工作的平台。


Global Top Jury

TITAN Property Awards的评审团由在各自领域中备受尊敬且经验丰富的专业人士组成,集合全球各大知名创意和产业方向的领先人专业人才作为评审,以确保公正性。

The jury for the TITAN Property Awards is composed of highly respected and experienced professionals in their respective fields. These judges are leading experts from various renowned creative and industry sectors worldwide, ensuring fairness in the evaluation process.






BLUES荣获 15TH MELBOURNE 墨尔本设计奖三项殊荣


BLUES荣获 6TH LIA 园匠杯六项殊荣

BLUES荣获 3THAHLA亚洲人居景观奖五项殊荣




“Hope lies in dreams,in imagination, 

and in the bravery to make dreams come true.”  




Chongqing Blues Urban Landscape Planning & Design Co.,Ltd. (BLUES) is a well-rounded landscape brand based in China. Since its establishment in 1998, BLUES, with innovative ideas and sustainable strategy, has been devoted to the exploration and practice of beautiful and comfortable living environment. Over the years, BLUES have cooperated with many well-known developers like LONGFOR, NEW HOPE, POLY, SUNAC, JINKE, etc. Now, BLUES provides clients with consultation service, planning and design, R&D and training on landscape. In addition, it has developed four landscape series: modern and natural series, art and cultural series, holiday series, as well as new urban series.        


In 2021, BLUES established its head office, which consists of three centers (Creative Center, R&D Center and Quality Control Center), Business Department, Brand Department, Finance and Accounting Department, Human Resource and Administration Department. Also, it comprises three design institutes, a new municipal team, a planning team and five branches located respectively in South China, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Guiyang and Kunming.  


Bearing the mission of “creating a better life” and based on the principle of “customer first”, we always provide clients with excellent services. Ideally rooted in Chongqing, BLUES has gone all out to become NO.1 mountain landscape brand in China.   
