
学术   2024-10-05 17:30   河南  


Screening for Lung Cancer


Screening for lung cancer means looking for signs of cancer in your lungs before you have symptoms. Screening can help find cancer at an early stage. This can make treating it easier because the cancer might not have spread.


Screening for lung cancer is recommended once a year if you: 


  • have a "twenty pack-year" history of smoking cigarettes, meaning you have smoked about a pack a day for twenty years, or two packs a day for ten years;

  • 有 20 年吸烟史,即已经吸烟 20 年,1 包/天,或者 2 包/天,持续 10 年;

  • smoke now or have quit smoking within the past fifteen years;

  • 现在吸烟,或过去 15 年内曾戒烟;

  • and are between fifty and eighty years old.

  • 年龄介于 50-80 岁。

You may stop yearly screening for lung cancer if you 


  • are over 81 years old;

  • 年龄超过 81 岁;

  • haven't smoked in fifteen or more years; 

  • 已经 ≥ 15 年不曾吸烟;

  • or have a health problem that makes you unable or unwilling to have surgery if lung cancer is found. 

  • 或者出现健康问题,即使发现肺癌,也无法或不愿接受手术治疗。

The only recommended screening test for lung cancer is low-dose computed tomography. This is also known as a low-dose CT scan, or LDCT

唯一推荐的肺癌筛检方式是低剂量计算机断层扫描,也称低剂量 CT 扫描,或 LDCT

An LDCT machine emits a very low dose of x-rays that makes a series of detailed pictures of your lungs from different angles. A computer uses the pictures to make a 3D view of your lungs to look for signs of cancer.

LDCT 机器发射非常低剂量的 X 线,从不同角度获取一系列详细的肺部图片。计算机利用图片生成肺的 3D 视图,从而查找肺癌的征象。

If abnormal tissue is found, you may need to have other tests or procedures.  If you are at high risk for developing lung cancer, getting a low-dose CT scan could save your life. 

如果发现异常组织,患者可能需要接受其他检查或手术。如果患者为肺癌高危人群,则低剂量 CT 扫描可能会挽救患者的生命!

But getting the scan also has three potential risks.

但是,该检查方法也有 3 个潜在的风险。

First, it may give a false-positive result. This means the test result says you have cancer when you don't really have it. 


Second, it may lead to overdiagnosis. This means the test has found a type of cancer that isn't likely to cause you any problems. 


Both a false-positive result and overdiagnosis can lead to other tests or procedures that you don't need, and may have their own risks.


And third, there is a very low risk that getting many CT scans may expose otherwise healthy people to enough x-rays that could cause cancer. This is why screening is only recommended for those at high risk for having lung cancer.

第三,多次 CT 扫描可导致原本健康的人暴露在足以致癌的 X 射线下,尽管这种风险极低。这就是我们只推荐肺癌高危人群接受筛查的原因!

If you have questions about this test or your test results, talk to your healthcare practitioner.  

如果对 LDCT 或检查结果存有疑问,请咨询医务人员!


  • Tomography


tomography/təˈmɑːɡrəfi/n. X线断层摄影术

Any method that produces images of single tissue planes.

单词 tomography 由下列成分构成

tomo- (前缀)表示“切割部分”,“部分”


-graphy 产生影像的方法



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