钻采工艺 | 李根生等:冲击破岩钻井提速技术研究现状与发展建议

文摘   2024-07-30 06:30   湖北  


作者|李根生 穆总结 田守嶒 黄中伟 孙照伟










图1 轴向冲击钻井提速技术原理图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the axial percussive drilling technology

图2 Fluid Hammer提速钻具的凸轮运动示意图
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of the cam motion of the Fluid Hammer

图3 Torkbuster核心冲击系统工作原理示意图
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the Torkbuster torsional impact system

图4 轴-扭耦合冲击辅助钻头钻进技术示意图
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of the axial-torsional coupled percussive drilling technology

图5 多维冲击器工具结构
Fig.5 Schematic diagram of the multi-dimensional impactor

图6 冲击载荷下岩石动态破碎演化过程
Fig.6 Rock breaking process under percussion loads

图7 不同冲击破岩方法下的破岩进尺和钻速对比
Fig.7 Comparison curves of penetration depths and drilling rates of different percussion rock-breaking methods

图8 扭转振动动力学理论模型
Fig.8 Theoretical model of torsional vibration dynamics

Fig.9 Rock failure patterns with axial+torsional cyclic loading




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