
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-21 00:01   云南  





小象出生时就重达100公斤,但它们在母象的照顾下显得格外温柔可爱。Baby elephants weigh about 100 kilograms at birth, but they seem incredibly gentle and cute under their mother’s care.

小象一生下来就会用它的小鼻子探索世界,虽然动作笨拙,但非常好奇。Baby elephants start exploring the world with their tiny trunks as soon as they are born, though they’re quite clumsy yet very curious.

小象喜欢玩耍,经常追逐其他象群成员的尾巴,像是在玩捉迷藏。Baby elephants love to play and often chase other members’ tails as if they’re playing hide-and-seek.

小象要花几个月的时间学会熟练使用鼻子,最开始它们甚至不知道如何拿东西。It takes baby elephants several months to learn how to skillfully use their trunks; at first, they don’t even know how to grab things.

小象非常依赖母亲,常常紧紧跟随在她身后,像个不离身的“小尾巴”。Baby elephants are highly dependent on their mothers, often following closely behind like a little “shadow.”

小象的社交能力很强,它们会和其他小象一起打闹、滚动泥巴,就像幼儿园的小朋友。Baby elephants are very social, playing and wrestling with other baby elephants in the mud like preschoolers.

小象的叫声像是高频的喇叭声,这帮助它们在象群中引起注意。Baby elephants make high-pitched trumpet-like sounds, which helps them get noticed within the herd.

小象的耳朵比成年象要小一些,但它们仍然用耳朵扇风来降温,避免过热。Baby elephants’ ears are smaller than adults’, but they still use them to fan themselves and stay cool.

小象在出生后不久就能站起来,并开始学习如何用脚踩地来感知震动。Baby elephants can stand shortly after birth and begin learning how to sense vibrations through the ground using their feet.

小象很爱“洗澡”,它们会和大象一起用鼻子喷水,然后在泥地里打滚,给自己降温。Baby elephants love “bathing”; they join the adults in spraying water with their trunks and rolling in mud to cool off.

小象通过“模仿”学习各种行为,包括如何觅食和社交,它们总是观察成年象的动作。Baby elephants learn behaviors through “imitation,” including how to forage and socialize, always watching the actions of adult elephants.

小象通常会被象群中的其他成年象“共同抚养”,整个象群会保护它们。Baby elephants are often "co-raised" by the herd, with all the adults playing a role in their protection and care.


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