
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-10-12 00:01   云南  


每次洗完头发,吹风机总是把我头发吹得像狮子一样蓬松,仿佛它在说:“今天你就是森林之王!”Every time I blow-dry my hair, it ends up looking like a lion’s mane, as if the blow-dryer is declaring, “Today, you are the king of the jungle!”

每次吃意大利面,总有一根面条不听话,滑到我脸上,好像它是参加跳水比赛的冠军选手。Every time I eat spaghetti, there’s always one noodle that rebelliously flops onto my face, like it’s a champion diver at the Olympics.

我发现我每次走楼梯的时候,总有一阶比其他阶高一点,感觉它们在集体捉弄我,让我差点摔跤。I’ve noticed that whenever I walk up stairs, there’s always one step that’s slightly higher than the others, like they’re all in on a prank to trip me.

点咖啡时总装作自己很懂,结果每次都点一样的拿铁,好像全世界的咖啡种类对我来说都是拿铁的变形。Every time I order coffee, I pretend to be an expert, yet I always end up with a latte, as if every coffee variety in the world is just a fancy version of it.

我的床单和枕套仿佛每晚在进行一场缠斗,每天早上我醒来时,它们都在一个我完全记不住的姿势上演最后的胜利姿态。My bed sheets and pillowcases seem to be wrestling every night, because when I wake up, they’re in positions I don’t remember, like they’ve just finished their final victory pose.

每次去理发店,我总是信誓旦旦地告诉发型师:“只修一点点”,但出来的时候却发现,头发好像提前两个月就被剪好了。Every time I go to the hair salon, I confidently tell the stylist, “Just a little trim,” but when I leave, it feels like my haircut is ready for two months in advance.

打开冰箱找零食的时候,我总觉得那些蔬菜在用一种责备的眼神看着我,好像在说:“又在找垃圾食品,真失望!”Every time I open the fridge looking for snacks, I swear the vegetables are giving me a judgmental look, as if saying, “Looking for junk food again? Disappointing!”

每次倒垃圾,垃圾袋都像是故意要挑战我的力气,总是在我拉紧时突然破掉,让我陷入一场“垃圾雨”的洗礼。Every time I take out the trash, the bag seems to test my strength by breaking at the most critical moment, showering me in a delightful “rain of garbage.”


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