
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-20 00:00   云南  




一位古代炼金术师成功地把石头变成了金子,但他发现金子太重,搬不动,只好把金子再变回了石头。An ancient alchemist successfully turned a stone into gold, only to realize it was too heavy to move. In the end, he had to turn it back into stone.在宇宙中开派对,结果背景音乐是来自外星的“嗡嗡电波”,所有人都跟着跳舞,尽管没人真正听懂旋律。Throw a party in space, and the background music is just alien “buzzing signals,” but everyone dances anyway, even though no one understands the tune.

在太空酒店预定了一间“星空景观房”,结果床是漂浮的,枕头也飘走了,最后只能抱着一颗小行星睡觉。Book a “star-view” room at a space hotel, only to find the bed is floating, the pillow has drifted away, and you’re left cuddling a small asteroid to sleep.

太空加油站出现了供给不足的问题,船员们只好用外星人的“星尘燃料”顶替,结果飞船喷出了彩虹色的尾气。The space gas station ran low on supplies, so the crew had to use alien “stardust fuel” instead, and the ship started spewing rainbow-colored exhaust.

外星人的名片上印着奇怪的字符,人类收到后研究了好几年才发现,原来那只是一个“有事请发光年讯息”的普通祝福。An alien’s business card was covered in strange symbols, and humans studied it for years, only to realize it was just a “send me a light-year message” greeting.

宇航员试图在外太空吃个三明治,但每一口咬下去,面包屑就开始在飞船里自由漂浮,最后大家全都“吃了”一口太空面包屑。An astronaut tried to eat a sandwich in outer space, but every bite sent crumbs floating around the ship, and eventually, everyone ended up “eating” a bite of space crumbs.

太空健身房推出了“零重力瑜伽”,结果大家每次做动作时都漂得越来越远,最后教练得用太空绳索把学员拉回来。A space gym introduced “zero-gravity yoga,” but every time someone struck a pose, they floated further away, and the instructor had to use space ropes to pull everyone back.

外星人发明了“太空电梯”,但每次按下楼层按钮,电梯都会随机去另一个星球,宇航员们最终放弃,选择飞行回家。Aliens invented a “space elevator,” but every time someone pressed a floor button, it randomly took them to another planet, so the astronauts gave up and flew home instead.

星系快递公司承诺“光速送达”,结果包裹总是提前到达目的地,宇航员们笑称:“还没下单,东西已经到了!”A galactic delivery company promised “lightspeed shipping,” but packages always arrived too early, and the astronauts joked, “We haven’t even placed the order, and it’s already here!”



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