
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-23 00:01   云南  


科学家发明了一个超智能冰箱,但每次你打开门,它都会批评你:“这么晚还吃?你是不是该健身了?”Scientists invented a super-intelligent fridge, but every time you open it, it says, “Eating this late? Shouldn't you be hitting the gym?”

一位程序员设计了一款能自动写代码的AI,但AI写着写着开始吐槽:“这段代码谁写的?简直一团糟!”A programmer created an AI that writes code automatically, but halfway through coding, the AI starts complaining, “Who wrote this? It's a complete mess!”

家里的智能语音助手总是误解指令,比如我说“放音乐”,它却开始给我讲起量子物理学的历史。The smart home assistant always misunderstands commands—like when I say “play music,” it starts giving me a lecture on the history of quantum physics.

最新的智能手机屏幕能自动修复裂纹,但每次掉地上,手机先会发出抱怨:“又摔我!要不换个主人吧!”The newest smartphone screen can auto-repair cracks, but every time it’s dropped, the phone complains first: “Dropped again? Maybe it's time for a new owner!”

开发了一个能自动打扫的机器人,结果它觉得地板太脏,罢工了,贴了一张告示:“人类,请自救!”I developed a robot that automatically cleans, but it thought the floor was too dirty and went on strike, posting a sign: “Humans, please save yourselves!”

科技公司推出了全自动驾驶汽车,但每次上车,车都会问:“你确定要我开?上次可不是我的错!”A tech company launched a fully autonomous car, but every time you get in, it asks, “Are you sure you want me to drive? Last time wasn't my fault!”

科学家发明了会说话的洗衣机,但每次洗完衣服它都会抱怨:“你怎么又把袜子和白衬衫混在一起了?”Scientists invented a talking washing machine, but every time it finishes a load, it complains: “Why did you mix your socks with the white shirts again?”

新出的健身手环会自动记录运动,但它每次都把午睡算成“深度瑜伽冥想”,让我觉得自己有点“健身大师”的潜力。The new fitness tracker automatically records activity, but it always counts naps as “deep yoga meditation,” making me feel like I’m secretly a fitness guru.


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