AIM | MONA by Fotografiska 影像艺术中心

乐活   2024-11-01 17:00   上海  

左 ©Fotografiska 影像艺术中心;右 ©Seth Powers

AIM | MONA by Fotografiska

Fotografiska 影像艺术中心内的餐饮艺术画卷

一幢焕发新生的历史建筑的底层,艺术氛围浓厚的MONA悄然登场。作为Fotografiska 影像艺术中心的一部分, MONA巧妙地将展馆的文化艺术和再生精神铺叙至食客的空间体验之中。餐厅诠释了 Fotografiska 影像艺术中心的精髓,将传承与现代融为一体,构筑出一个视觉与味觉交织、美景和美味相衬的动人空间。

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A Culinary Canvas at Fotografiska Shanghai
Situated within the transformed historic walls of Fotografiska Shanghai, MONA extends the museum's narrative of art, culture, and regeneration into a dining experience. The restaurant embodies the essence of Fotografiska's ethos - a blend of heritage and contemporary vibrancy - creating a space that is as much about the visual journey as it is about taste.

©Seth Powers


MONA充分融入了建筑的工业风格,突出砖墙的裸露和混凝土的质感,以此向过往岁月致敬。空间内光影交错,多样的材质与博物馆精心营造的环境呼应,为客人创造一个可以沉浸于此的空间。用餐区设计巧妙融合了私密性与开放性,让宾客能够充分享受Fotografiska 影像艺术中心的活力氛围。

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A Culinary Experience Rooted in Design and Storytelling 

MONA embraces its industrial backdrop, highlighting exposed brickwork, concrete textures, and subtle nods to the building's past. Designed as an immersive space, MONA offers an interplay of light, shadow, and materiality that mirrors the museum's curated environment. The dining area's design merges intimacy and openness, allowing guests to be part of the dynamic flow of Fotografiska.

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©Seth Powers



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Activating the Space: A Vibrant Addition to Suzhou Creek

At AIM we like to think of cities as living, breathing playgrounds, always evolving, always buzzing. MONA does just that - it sparks life, energizes the museum, and reactivates its surroundings, making this stretch of Suzhou Creek feel even more alive. This restaurant is not just a place to dine; it's a dynamic meeting point where the city's layered history meets modern energy. It brings together locals and tourists in a space that feels like it's always been part of Shanghai's fabric, yet still fresh and invigorating. MONA dynamizes the neighborhood once more, adding a new rhythm to the cityscape where art, culture, and culinary excellence collide.

©Fotografiska 影像艺术中心


MONA的每一处细节都彰显着新旧交融的和谐美感。原始裸露的材料与现代元素相得益彰,共同营造出一个既承载历史底蕴又充满前瞻性的空间。餐厅内的定制家具和艺术品与Fotografiska 影像艺术中心里的视觉叙事完美呼应,让MONA与展馆在风格上一脉相承,丰富空间的整体定位。

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Where Heritage Meets Modern Dining

Every detail in MONA reflects the seamless blend of old and new. The use of tactile, raw materials paired with contemporary elements creates a space that honors the building's historical significance while looking forward. The custom furniture and art pieces within the restaurant echo Fotografiska's mission of visual storytelling, positioning MONA not just as a restaurant, but as an extension of the museum's cultural fabric.

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图1-3 ©Seth Powers

图4 ©Fotografiska 影像艺术中心


MONA超越了一般餐厅的范畴,它是艺术灵感、文化底蕴与创新烹饪的交汇之处。这里,不仅是摄影爱好者、市民与国际友人的汇聚之所,更是Fotografiska 影像艺术中心致力于成为文化地标愿景下的活力舞台,人们在此相遇、相识、相知,超越展览界限,碰撞灵感火花。

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Beyond Dining: A Space for Connection

MONA is more than just a restaurant - it's a place where art, culture, and culinary innovation converge. It serves as a gathering spot for museum-goers, locals, and international guests, offering a venue that reflects Fotografiska's vision: to be a cultural hub where moments of connection, inspiration, and discovery happen beyond the exhibits.

©Seth Powers





设计总监:Wendy Saunders,Vincent de Graaf


项目建筑师:Davide Signorato, Ewa Szajda

设计团队:Carlo Alberto Follo, Ferry Adrian Kesuma, 刘婧博, 焦月圆, 李子怡, 松洁, Victor Mongin, 张艺







摄影:Seth Powers

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Client: Fotografiska

Location: 127 Guangfu Road, Jingan, Shanghai

GFA: 285 sqm

Design Stage: Februray 2022 – October 2023

Completion: July 2024

Design Scope: Interior design, Façade design

Design Principals: Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf

Studio Director: Yvonne Lim

Project Architect: Davide Signorato, Ewa Szajda

Architecture/Interior Team: Carlo Alberto Follo, Ferry Adrian Kesuma, Gabi Liu, Jo Jiao, Laile Li, Song Jie, Victor Mongin, Zhangyi

Visualization: Jiao Yan

FF&E Team: Weisha Dai

General Contractor: Dongde Construction

MEP Consultant: ISLENG
AV Consultant: Sinoway
Lighting Consultant: Neko Lighting

Acoustic Consultant: Delhom
Kitchen Consultant: MS-tek
LDI: Liscence
Photography: Seth Powers

Vincent de Graaf(左)& Wendy Saunders (右)

AIM(恺慕)建筑设计,由比利时建筑师Wendy Saunders和荷兰建筑师Vincent de Graaf于2005年共同创立,拥有一支对设计充满激情的国际化团队。AIM的项目范围涵盖综合建筑、室内、及产品设计,在理念和实践中追求高度统一性。AIM总部位于上海,并在比利时安特卫普和美国芝加哥均设有办公室,兼具本土意识与国际视野。

我们追求严谨而专注的设计, 聚焦每个项目的独特性。将设计理念融入环境肌理,平衡设计愿景与可操作性间恰到好处的尺度。AIM操刀的空间拥有强烈叙事与高辨识度,大胆、有趣、富有韧性。项目兼顾高度落地性和精致的细节。我们探索每一种材料的可能性,全力以赴地投入每一次创造的热情之中。




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