防范电信诈骗 Anti-telecommunication fraud

文摘   2024-10-24 09:53   重庆  



Congratulations, you've been selected to win a prize!


How it happens

骗子通过随机发送短信、电子邮件或在网页中置入虚假弹出框的方式,发布幸运QQ号、幸运游戏账号等中奖信息。例如:“恭喜您已被后台随机抽取为砸金蛋活动幸运二等奖,奖金58000元及笔记本电脑一台,请致电:40012345678 或登录 www.123456.com 领取,激活码2375”,同学们在登录该网站看到页面显示的中奖人名单和公证员资料后,被要求先支付个人所得税、公证费、手续费等,从而被骗取钱财。

Random text messages are sent via e-mail or pop-up in web pages, a site publishes a list of winning QQ numbers, account numbers, etc. A message might read:"Congratulations, you have been randomly selected for smashing golden egg activities prize. Prize money is 58,000 yuan and a laptop, please call: 40012345678 or log onto www.123456.com collection, and input code 2375.The student then logs on to the website to see the list of winners and notary information displayed page, and is asked to pay personal income tax, notary fees, handling fees,etc.,thereby becoming a victim of defrauding money.

防诈提示 Tips


In such cases, crooks try to take advantage of our personal weaknesses. Students should remember that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is. Remember not to share your personal information with those whose identities you cannot confirm.



Landlord requests rent deposited to a new bank account


 How it happens


Text messages are sent to out to targeted groups that read something like: “Hello I am your landlord, please submit the next rent payment to my wife's bank account:6215...” This kind of wide-net approach may manage to fool a few unsuspecting foreign exchange students who happen to be getting ready to pay the rent to the landlord. Students then transfer money into the account provided by the scammers.

防诈提示 Tips


This is a more common scam, and students should be careful. When students are renting, remember to choose a respectable rental real estate agency when finding an apartment. If you have found an apartment through a friend's who knows the landlord. we recommend giving the landlord your rent in person and making a note of it. lgnore text messages to pay the rent; contact the landlord by phone or in person to avoid being scammed. In addition, we ask that, upon the receipt of such fraudulent messages, students forward it to 12110.



Your parcel contains contraband


 How it happens


Scammers send a text message that reads something like: “Reminder: You have a package that could not be delivered on time because the address was unclear, please contact the Post Office,Tel:0755-12345678.” When the person who received this kind of message calls back, they are informed by individuals pretending to work for the police department that their parcels were found to contain drugs or other contraband, and must contact the public security officials. After that, crooks posing as the police arrive and threaten the victim by saying that unless he/she pays a fine, he/she will be punished by law. Afraid of running afoul of the law, the victim is defrauded.

防诈提示 Tips


In such cases, scammers take advantage of the victim’s fear to commit fraud. Students should be aware that during an investigation and or collection of evidence of such a case, police would never ask that fines or deposits be paid by way of their personal accounts. The students met in this case, in person at the post office for verification.



You are suspected of money laundering


How it happens


Scammers pose as the police, or as state prosecutors, judges,etc., and tell the victim that his or her identity has been stolen or that he/she is suspected of being involved in money laundering. As a result, the person must freeze all accounts under their name, and transfer funds into an account supervised by the police to prove their innocence. The scammers work together, pretending to be from many different agencies, gradually tricking the victim into transferring payments.

防诈提示 Tips


Again, in such cases, crooks take advantage of the victim's fears and ignorance of the law. If police investigating a criminal cases need to freeze an account, the must first get a court issued enforcement notice, and then contact the relevant financial institution(s).They will never ask a suspected or an affected party transfer money into another account. If anyone contacts you and makes a similar request, you should immediately call 110.



Credit Card Overdrafts


 How it happens


A scammer will send you a message to your phone saying something like “Notice: Your credit card was just billed 3,988 yuan at Wal- Mart, thank you for using your credit card. If you did not make this purchase, please call the customer service hotline: 40012345678.“ After the victim receives the message, he/she contacts the so-called hotline. They are often told that their credit card has been overdrawn, there was some kind of problem with the card and now they will be charged annual fees. Sometimes victims are told that their identity has been stolen and that they need to change their password based on the scammer's recommendations. After the changes have been made, the scammers take all of the money in the victim's account.

防诈提示 Tips


Once again, criminals take advantage of victim's fears to defraud them. If you encounter such as situation do not panic; avoid calling any hotline number that is given to you via text message. Rather, you should go directly to your bank to handle any such problems, to avoid being scammed.



Bank Password Upgrade


 How it happens

骗子利用短信平台,用类似于工商银行客服热线“95588”的短信号码向被害人发送短信:“您申请的工行电子密码器将于次日过期,请尽快登入我行网址 www.icbcwd.com升级!”,让被害人误以为“95588”号码之前的数字是短信平台前缀或地区码,且被害人确实申请过工商银行电子密码器,因而对该短信是工商银行发来深信不疑。只要被害人点击手机短信中的工商银行网址链接,即会跳转到一个克隆“工商银行手机银行(WAP)”的网站。当被害人根据网页要求输入银行账号,密码和验证码后,页面显示“由于更新客户过多,请耐心等候”的循环字样时,骗子就利用被害人刚才输入的账号和密码在工商银行官方网站上进行转账操作,当工行网站提示输入电子密码器的验证码时,不法分子就利用“克隆”网站提示被害人输入验证码,随后根据该验证码将被害人账户中的资金转出。

Scammers send out text messages from a number similar to the ICBC customer service hotline (95588) to the victim like “Your secret code will be overdue next day, please log in the web site: www.icbcwd.com to go up a grade as soon as possible!” but with an additional few digits at the ending. Some people will mistake it for the real number, perhaps believing that the numbers at the end is an area code. A person is most likely to respond if he/she has just requested a similar change in his/her password and visits the link in the message. When visiting the page, it appears to be the ICBC Mobile Banking (WAP) page, but is in fact a fake site. The victim is then asked to enter his/her bank account number, password, and authentication code. Upon entering the information the page displays a notice that the site is down due to too many requests. Criminals then take the information that has been put in to transfer money out of your account into theirs.

防诈提示 Tips


Students should be familiar with their bank's official website; it goes without saying that you should never use your bank number and/or password to log into a suspicious looking website. If you receive such a message, do not follow its instruction, or visit any websites in it. You should call your bank's customer service hotline, or the police at 110. Remember that scammers make try to take advantage of you by pretending to be from the Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China or other banks. Students should be careful with their account information.



Online shopping: Bargain Prices Trap


 How it happens

骗子通过“XX 特价机票订购网”等虚假门户网站或者在论坛发布虚假信息,兜售远低于市场价的机票、名牌包等商品,受害人一旦上钩,就会诱骗其立即通过网上银行进行转账,转账之后,骗子继续以银行账户需要验证或是商品涉嫌走私被查扣等理由,诱使受害人继续实施转账,并威胁受害人,如果不及时转账的话,不但无法得到订购的货品,之前支付的钱款也无法退还。这样一次次地要求受害人支付钱款,直到受害人醒悟为止。

Scammers use ”XX special ticket ordering network” or other fake sites and list prices far below market price for tickets, designer bags and other goods to catch their victims. When someone logs on to make payments, he/she is fooled into making payments to a fake account. After the payment, scammers may use many other tricks to attempt defraud the victim of additional money, including: the first payment didn't go through and needs to be authorized again; asking them to re-verify their account details; or telling the person that the goods he/she originally purchased were smuggled or stolen goods and that they need to pay a fine or additional fees. The scammers continue to find ways of harassing or tricking the victim into making more payments until he/she realizes that there are no goods and that the money he/she has paid is gone.

防诈提示 Tips


In such cases, scammers take advantage of the desire to find great deals to bait victims. The victim and then took advantage of online banking or online shopping process is not familiar with the implementation of fraud. Whenever possible, students should shop on sites that are well-known and have good reputations. Beware of sites that may be phishing for your password, and when making online banking payments, carefully read the contents of the website, and keep a digital certificate. Carefully protect your account number, password, deposits amount, etc. Beware also that criminals may use Trojans or viruses to remotely control your computer.


Other Useful Information





(1)110 calls are free on any payphone, landline phone, and mobile phone;

(2)Whenever possible, call from a land line, in order that police can quickly verify and arrive at your location;

(3)If you are the victim of a crime, do your best to remember what the criminals look like, and, as soon as you are able, call the police;

(4)If you encounter uncertain situations, please contact your adviser in time.
