序号 Number | 活动内容 Activity Content | 时间 Time | 地点 Location | 牵头部门 Leading Department |
1 | 重庆邮电大学新生开学典礼 Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Freshman Opening Ceremony | 9月11日07:30 September 11th 07:30 | 太极操场 Taiji Stadium | 国际学院留学生学工办 International College Student Affairs Office |
2 | 入学教育(一)(新生见面会、留学生日常管理规定教育) Entrance Education (I) (Freshman Meeting, Education on Daily Management Regulations for International Students) (Noted: All new students are required to attend and sign in on arrival.) | 9月12日 10:00-11:55 14:00-17:55 September 12th 10:00-11:55 14:00-17:55 | 5200 | 国际学院留学生学工办 International College Student Affairs Office |
3 | 新生汉语测试 Freshman Chinese Test | 9月13日 09:00 September 13th 09:00 | 5207 5208 5209 | 国际中文教育教研部 International Chinese Education Research Department |
4 | 来华留学新生体检 Physical examination for new students studying in China | 9月14日 07:00 September 14th 07:00 | 医院 Hospital | 国际处 International Office |
5 | 入学教育(二)(培养学院:各专业培养方案、学分要求、出勤率、毕业要求、学籍异动、图书馆资源使用等) Enrollment Education (II) (Major College: Professional study Program, Credit Requirements, Attendance Rate, Graduation Requirements, Student Status Changes, Library Resource Utilization, etc.) | The 2nd Week | 各培养学院安排 Arranged by major colleges | 国际学院教学办 Teaching Office of International College |
6 | 入学教育(三)(国际处邀请出入境管理局:出入境法律宣讲及面签) Entrance Education (III) (International Office will invite the Exit Entry Administration Bureau to give legal lectures on entry and exit and finish interviews ) | 待定 undetermined | 待定 undetermined | 国际处 International Office |