
科技   科技   2023-06-06 18:11   云南  



'''游戏名  :水果秀(fruit show)游戏作者:Python代码大全微信公众号:Python代码大全
'''import pygame, sys, randomfrom pygame.locals import *
class ScoreShow: # def __init__()是ScoreShow的构造函数,每次实例化时,都会先执行def这个构造函数,完成生成对象时的初始化工作 def __init__(self, x, y, image_name, energy_file_name): self.x = x self.y = y self.image_name = "./images/" + image_name self.energy_name = "./images/" + energy_file_name self.image = pygame.image.load(self.image_name) = pygame.image.load(self.energy_name) self.display = True self.show_score = 0 self.MAX_SCORE_BAR_WIDTH = 160
# 设置得分进度条中每一分的宽度 def set_width_per_score(self, max_right_score): self.DWIDTH = self.MAX_SCORE_BAR_WIDTH // max_right_score
# 进度条的初始位置 def set_dx(self, dx): self.blood_x = self.x + dx
# 通过得分,来控制进度条的显示长度 def set_score_bar(self, score): self.show_score = score if self.show_score > 0: width = if width <= self.MAX_SCORE_BAR_WIDTH: width = self.show_score * self.DWIDTH height = = pygame.transform.scale(, (width, height))
# 更新得分进度条的长度显示 def update(self): if self.display: screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) # 当得分大于0时,才需要将分数进度显示出来 if self.show_score > 0: screen.blit(, (self.blood_x, self.y+3))

# 定义一个水果类class Fruit: def __init__(self, filename): self.image = self.load_images(filename) self.apple_floor = False self.display = True
# 设置水果的位置 def set_pos(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y
# 加载水果图片 def load_images(self, filename): real_filename = "./images/"+filename + ".png" image = pygame.image.load(real_filename) return image
# 水果显示更新函数 def update(self): if self.display: screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y))
def set_display(self, display): self.display = display

# 定义一个Button类class Button: def __init__(self, filename): self.x = 24 self.y = 500 self.white_image = self.load_image(filename) self.green_image = self.load_image("green_button") self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 90, 90) self.white = True
# 点击Button时,将Button反色,代表正在被点击 def flip(self): self.white = not self.white
# 加载Button图片 def load_image(self, filename): real_filename = "./images/buttons/" + filename + ".png" image = pygame.image.load(real_filename) return image
# 将Button展开到不同的位置 def set_dx(self, dx): self.x += dx
# Button显示更新的函数 def update(self): if self.white: screen.blit(self.white_image, (self.x, self.y)) else: screen.blit(self.green_image, (self.x, self.y))

# 定义一个数字类class Num(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, i): super(Num, self).__init__() self.x = 40 self.y = 508 self.num = i + 1 self.display = True self.image = self.load_image(i)
def load_image(self, digit): real_filename = "./images/nums/" + "num" + str(digit) + ".png" image = pygame.image.load(real_filename) return image
def set_dx(self, dx): self.x += dx self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.x-1, self.y-1, 80, 80)
def set_display(self, display): self.display = display
def update(self): screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y))

# 将知识融入游戏的类class Slogan: # slogan对象初始化 def __init__(self, text_image_name_list): self.text_image_list = [] for text_image in text_image_name_list: self.text_image_list.append(pygame.image.load("./images/" + text_image)) self.pos_x = [1060, 1090, 1150, 1210] self.pos_end_y = 560 self.pos_y = 0 self.dy = 50 self.image_index = 0 self.slogan_sound_play = True self.slogan_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./sounds/water_hit.wav") index = 0 self.always_show_index = [] for text_image in self.text_image_list: screen.blit(text_image, (self.pos_x[index], self.pos_y)) index += 1
# 在特定位置显示特定slogan图片 def draw_text_index(self, index, pos_x, pos_y): screen.blit(self.text_image_list[index], (pos_x, pos_y))
# 实现slogan(将知识融入游戏落地的动态效果) def update(self): if self.image_index < 4: self.draw_text_index(self.image_index, self.pos_x[self.image_index], self.pos_y) self.pos_y += self.dy if self.pos_y >= self.pos_end_y: if self.slogan_sound_play: self.slogan_sound_play = False self.always_show_index.append(self.image_index) self.image_index += 1 self.pos_y = 50 self.slogan_sound_play = True for index in self.always_show_index: self.draw_text_index(index, self.pos_x[index], self.pos_end_y)

# 以特定字体,颜色,在特定位置显示字符def display_text(font, text, pos, color): display_text = font.render(text, True, color) screen.blit(display_text, pos)

width = 1280height = 600FPS = 10stage = 0pygame.init()pygame.mixer.init()screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), NOFRAME)back_image = pygame.image.load("./images/back_image.png")boot_image = pygame.image.load("./images/boot_image.png")start_image = pygame.image.load("images/start_game.png")game_win_image = pygame.image.load("./images/game_win.png")game_fail_image = pygame.image.load("./images/game_lose.png")game_success_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./sounds/game_win.wav")you_great_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./sounds/you_great.wav")come_on_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./sounds/comeon.wav")game_fail_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/game_fail.wav")clock = pygame.time.Clock()# 定义水果在树上显示的位置pans_position =[[240, 80], [240, 160], [340, 80], [340, 160], [557, 85], [669,69], [566, 167],\ [687, 158], [889, 82], [1008, 82], [902, 171], [1022, 164]]temp_position = pans_position# 将水果显示的位置打乱random.shuffle(temp_position)user_choose = FalseRIGHT_SCORE_DOEN = 20WRONG_SCONE_DONE = 20right_score = 0wrong_score = 0r_color = 'red'w_color = (0, 97, 10)r_pos = (195, 15)w_pos = (195, 35)score_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30)filename = ["white_button", "green_button"]slogan_text_obj = Slogan(["jiang.png", "zhishi.png", "rongru.png", "youxi.png"])start_button_rect = pygame.Rect(686,331,158,63)game_over_home_rect = pygame.Rect(360, 430, 130, 110)game_over_start_rect = pygame.Rect(575, 430, 130, 110)game_over_exit_rect = pygame.Rect(790, 430, 122, 110)game_before_exit_rect = pygame.Rect(1200, 17, 55, 45)game_running_start_rect= pygame.Rect(1145, 17, 55, 45)game_running_exit_rect= pygame.Rect(1210, 17, 55, 45)# 答对进度条right_score_bar = ScoreShow(10, 15, "right_score_show.png", "red_energy.png")right_score_bar.set_dx(24)right_score_bar.set_width_per_score(RIGHT_SCORE_DOEN)right_score_bar.set_score_bar(right_score)# 答错进度条wrong_score_bar = ScoreShow(10, 35, "wrong_score_show.png", "green_energy.png")wrong_score_bar.set_dx(24)wrong_score_bar.set_width_per_score(WRONG_SCONE_DONE)wrong_score_bar.set_score_bar(wrong_score)FRUIT_SHOW_TIME_INTERVAL = 5000 # 3SFACE_SHOW_TIME_INTERVAL = 1500 # 2SFIRST_ENTER = Trueuser_choose = False # 用户没有点数字image_index = 0display_begin = Truestart_button_switch_time = 0slogan_sound_play = Truewhile True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if stage >= 2: x, y = event.pos # 判断x,y是不是点击到了某个数字 for num_obj in num_objs: flag = num_obj.rect.collidepoint(x, y) # 如果鼠标点击了数字 if flag: button_objs[num_obj.num - 1].flip() # Button反色 break if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if 1 < stage < 5: x, y = event.pos # 判断x,y是不是点击到了某个数字 for num_obj in num_objs: flag = num_obj.rect.collidepoint(x, y) if flag and not user_choose: user_choose = True stage = 3 user_num_obj = num_obj button_objs[num_obj.num - 1].flip() # 数字Button反色 break # 判断鼠标是否点击了replay button和exit button if not flag: # 鼠标点击了replay button,返回到stage 1阶段,重新产生水果,得分清零 if game_running_start_rect.collidepoint(x, y): stage = 1 FIRST_ENTER = True right_score = 0 wrong_score = 0 right_score_bar.set_score_bar(right_score) wrong_score_bar.set_score_bar(wrong_score) # 鼠标点击了exit button,退出游戏 if game_running_exit_rect.collidepoint(x, y): sys.exit() # 在stage=5游戏结束画面,判断鼠标是否点击了home button,replay button,exit button if stage == 5: x, y = event.pos if game_over_home_rect.collidepoint(x, y): user_choose = False stage = 0 right_score = 0 wrong_score = 0 right_score_bar.set_score_bar(right_score) wrong_score_bar.set_score_bar(wrong_score) if game_over_start_rect.collidepoint(x, y): user_choose = False stage = 1 right_score = 0 wrong_score = 0 right_score_bar.set_score_bar(right_score) wrong_score_bar.set_score_bar(wrong_score) slogan_sound_play = True if game_over_exit_rect.collidepoint(x, y): sys.exit() if stage == 0: # 显示游戏的主界面,让用户点游戏开始 screen.blit(boot_image, (0, 0)) start_button_switch_time += 1 if display_begin: screen.blit(start_image, (690, 342)) if start_button_switch_time > 5: start_button_switch_time = 0 display_begin = not display_begin # 显示slogan“知识融入游戏”落地的效果 slogan_text_obj.update() is_pressed = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if is_pressed[0]: x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 鼠标点击了start button if start_button_rect.collidepoint(x, y): stage = 1 # 鼠标点击了exit button if game_before_exit_rect.collidepoint(x, y): sys.exit() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS) continue screen.blit(back_image, (0, 0)) if stage == 1: # 产生水果,并把水果放在随机产生的位置 # 记住水果产生的时间点,进入stage 2 fruit_cnt = random.randint(1, 10) fruit_type_index = random.randint(0, 4) fruit_type_map = {0:"apple", 1:"pitaya", 2:"pear", 3:"banana", 4:"mango"} fruit_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("./sounds/" + fruit_type_map[fruit_type_index] + ".wav") fruit_objs = [] for i in range(fruit_cnt): fruit = Fruit(fruit_type_map[fruit_type_index]) fruit_objs.append(fruit) pan_index = 0 real_postions = temp_position[:fruit_cnt] for fruit in fruit_objs: fruit.set_pos(real_postions[pan_index][0], real_postions[pan_index][1]) pan_index += 1 # 生成button对象 button_objs = [] for i in range(0, 10): button_obj = Button(filename[0]) button_obj.set_dx(i*128) button_objs.append(button_obj) # 生成数字对象 num_objs = [] for i in range(0, 10): num_obj = Num(i) num_obj.set_dx(i*128) num_objs.append(num_obj) fruit_show_start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() stage = 2 fruit_sound.set_volume(0.1) if stage == 2: # 判断水果显示时长已到,将水果设置为不可见,进入stage 3 fruit_show_end_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() if fruit_show_end_time - fruit_show_start_time > FRUIT_SHOW_TIME_INTERVAL: if FIRST_ENTER: FIRST_ENTER = False FRUIT_SHOW_TIME_INTERVAL = 3000 for fruit in fruit_objs: fruit.set_display(False) stage = 3 if stage == 3: # 获取用户点击数字 if user_choose: # if 正确,加分,语音表扬 # if 如果积累分数到达目标值 ,进行stage 5,显示游戏结束画面 # else 进入 stage 4,让你真棒和加油的图片显示3s # else ,错误,加分,语音鼓励, 进入stage 1 if user_num_obj.num == fruit_cnt: user_answer = 1 # 用户回答正确 right_score += 1 right_score_bar.set_score_bar(right_score) if right_score < RIGHT_SCORE_DOEN: if slogan_sound_play: slogan_sound_play = False you_great_sound.set_volume(0.1) if right_score >= RIGHT_SCORE_DOEN: game_success_sound.set_volume(0.1) stage = 5 else: face_show_start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() stage = 4 else: user_answer = 0 # 用户回答错误 wrong_score += 1 wrong_score_bar.set_score_bar(wrong_score) if wrong_score < WRONG_SCONE_DONE: if slogan_sound_play: slogan_sound_play = False come_on_sound.set_volume(0.1) if wrong_score >= WRONG_SCONE_DONE: game_fail_sound.set_volume(0.1) stage = 5 else: # 记录“要加油”,“你真棒”图片开始显示的时间点 face_show_start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() stage = 4 image_cnt = random.randint(0, 1)
if stage == 4: # 得到图片显示的结束时间点 face_show_end_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() great_boy = ["you_great_boys", "you_great_boyb"] great_girl = ["you_great_girls", "you_great_girlb"] image_map_great = {0: great_boy, 1:great_girl} comeon_boy = ["boy_comeon1", "boy_comeon2"] comeon_girl = ["girl_comeon1", "girl_comeon2"] image_map_comeon = {0: comeon_boy, 1: comeon_girl} if user_answer == 1: if image_index > 1: image_index = 0 great_image = pygame.image.load("./images/" + image_map_great[image_cnt][image_index] + ".png") screen.blit(great_image, (350, 300)) image_index += 1 else: if image_index > 1: image_index = 0 hard_image = pygame.image.load("./images/" + image_map_comeon[image_cnt][image_index] + ".png") screen.blit(hard_image, (350, 250)) image_index += 1 # 等待3s if face_show_end_time - face_show_start_time >= FACE_SHOW_TIME_INTERVAL: stage = 1 user_choose = False # 响应用户的数字点击 image_index = 0 slogan_sound_play = True
if stage == 5: if right_score == RIGHT_SCORE_DOEN: screen.blit(game_win_image, (0, 0)) if wrong_score == WRONG_SCONE_DONE: screen.blit(game_fail_image, (0, 0))
if stage != 5 and stage != 0: right_score_bar.update() wrong_score_bar.update() for fruit in fruit_objs: fruit.update() for button_obj in button_objs: button_obj.update() for num_obj in num_objs: num_obj.update() display_text(score_font, str(right_score), r_pos, r_color) display_text(score_font, str(wrong_score), w_pos, w_color)
pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS)


