市集|拆除天花板,在城市的客厅里和150+品牌拥抱绿意 Pt.1

美食   2024-10-14 20:22   上海  


Do you ever wonder what is the ideal or perfect lifestyle that suits you best? Well, during those 4 days at Common Gathering, you will get to interact with more than 150+ independent lifestyle brands and they would give you all the inspirations you need. Just when you think you have all the answers, we are here to widen your perspective. Click the ticket link below and stay tuned for our future posts about the event!

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致力于Girls Support Girls的民间基地

带你从无聊的地球 出发goooo 探索ing!

每个月还有2场 独一无二的 女性夸夸会 


Badmarket 于2016年在广州成立,率先发起了“潮流市场”的新零售体验模式,以年轻潮流的生活方式为理念,将有趣的创意想象与在地文化呈现于潮流中,集合百余个国内外原创品牌,是覆盖年轻群体、风格多元的零售百货品牌。    

Brook & Breeze

Brook & Breeze 是一家总部位于上海的生活方式品牌,旨在将骑自行车作为世界出行的首选方式。自2013年以来,他们由来自中国、美国和南非的国际友人设计、生产和零售城市自行车。它是上海市多元繁华文化中,不可或缺的一个独立设计自行车品牌。

Brook & Breeze 社群定期举办双周自行车活动,与各种生活方式品牌合作,包括城市骑行、城市探险(自行车寻宝活动)、宠物骑行以及自行车手工制作工作坊。    


Oneup 是⼀个城市运动⽣活⽅式品牌,我们天性顽⽪,遵从⾃在向上的身体本能,围绕运动与⽣活的⽆边界融合,创造轻松舒适的服饰装备和跨场景体验。我们关注每个⼈的每⼀天,Oneup is for everyone.
Oneup is an urban sports lifestyle brand. We are playful in nature and live upward. Around the borderless integration of sports and life, we create easy comfortable clothing, outfits, and cross-scene experience.We care about everyone and everyday. Oneup is for everyone.    

Once More Use 

Once More Use 为Snowline雪线发起的可持续事业,聚焦户外服装修补、边角废料再造、回收旧雪服改造、可持续工作坊坊⋯等内容,强调”有趣才能持续!”从中创造新价值也创造了很多趣味。    


INNER, 内在的思想与觉知

LAND, 时空的旷野与游乐场 


Evolve In Motion

INNER, inner thoughts and awareness.
LAND, the wilderness and playground of time and space.

INNERLAND draws inspiration from nature and ecology, integrating the concept of naturalism throughout the brand. It provides exploration gears for different dimensions and spaces,embracing every moment from energy restoring to power bursting. Our brand hopes to use pure self-explosion as its source and balance the energy flow between movement and reflection, effortlessly perceiving the dynamics and order of life brought by everyday movement.

Start on your journey of self-exploration.
Evolve In Motion    


Katalogue is a lifestyle brand that captures the essence of day-to-day lives.
A list of everything, a list of anything.
Making good designs that transform the ordinary objects that fill our routine with a touch of inspiration.    


Studio LUNA是成立于中国上海的独立艺术设计工作室。工作室设计的产品往往以自然形态和宇宙星体为灵感,擅长用丰富的转折线和曲面来构成产品的表面肌理。借助3d打印技术将虚拟的数字模型实体化,生产的一系列家居产品具有雕塑般的形态美感,从而对空间形成强列的装饰性。

StudioLUNA is an independent art and design studio established in Shanghai,  China.
The products designed by it are often inspired by natural forms and cosmic  stars, and are skilled at using rich turning lines and curves to form the  surface texture of the products. By utilizing 3D printing technology to  materialize virtual digital models, a series of home products are produced  with sculptural beauty, thereby forming a strong decorative effect on the  space.    




Usually, when we see something interesting and absurd,
we say "sick."
It flips the usual meaning on its head,
Becoming a positive and playful adjective.
It turns into an exclamation of approval and surprise.
You might feel a little confused at first,
But it'll also make you smile,
And exclaim, "So sick!"    


Modern people are gradually losing their perception of the present in the information explosion of social media and short videos, feeling anxious and out of control.
We help modern urbanites establish a daily routine through the design of natural jade products, hoping to become a path for people to return to the present and take control of their lives, along with meditation and parks.    


GalleryShift 是专注于探索美学新视角的生活品牌。立足当下生活,在复杂的网络、无限的信息流和混沌的世界中寻找新鲜灵感,转换成实体的、像素的、波形的生活趣味。

GalleryShift is a lifestyle brand focuses on exploring fresh aesthetic perspectives. Inspired by contemporary life, discovering from the sophisticated network, infinite information and world of chaos. Shift inspiration into object, pixel, and noise.    


ROUGH & RAW CO. 荒朴是一个纯素手工香氛品牌,专注于使用植物蜡和纯素精油制作产品。每款香氛的创作都源于生活中的点滴感动,或是文学、电影、音乐所赋予的灵感。我们希望通过这些香氛产品与和我们有共鸣的你建立联系,传播情感,分享感动。

ROUGH & RAW CO. is a vegan handmade fragrance brand dedicated to creating products using plant-based waxes and vegan fragrance oils. Each fragrance is inspired by everyday moments of joy and beautiful memories, or by the inspirations from literature, film and art. Our vision is to connect with like-minded individuals through these fragrance products, to convey emotions, and to share memories.    

开心餐厅Happy Restaurant 

From breakfast to bedtime treats, we believe"All things are gastronomy." Let's infuse life with the wonder of food in every way possible!
开心餐厅HappyRestaurant是 一家新兴的生活方式设计师品牌,2023年成立于伦敦, 热爱在日常小事物中汲取快乐能量。从早餐到睡前甜点,“Allthingsare gastronomy.” 让生活里的一切都像美食一样奇妙吧!    


Bemotion 是一個孤品手作陶瓷品牌,每一件產品的靈感均來自內心柔軟的浪漫呈獻,我們堅信生活的浪漫細節決定質感,一盞香升起的煙,也是愛浪漫的人眼中的煙火。
Bemotion is a unique handmade ceramic brand, and the inspiration for each product comes from the romantic presentation of inner softness. We firmly believe that the romantic details of life determine texture, and a cigarette rising with fragrance is also a fireworks in the eyes of those who love romance.    


本土品牌 FSTPS. 成立于 2018 年,品牌名由 “First & Steps” 组合并简化而来。为遵循 “Not merely the firsteps.” 品牌精神,将传统袜品板式与前卫的设计思想融合,以赋予 “fstpsocks” 独特的气质。作为国内年轻的制袜品牌,FSTPS. 希望通过不断创新,意图改变目前国内袜品样式雷同且无趣的市场现状,让当代青年穿上“真正个性”的袜子。

在品质方面,FSTPS. 选用行业内经验丰富的专业制袜商生产,并采用高品质长绒棉混纺纱线织造,保证了袜子上脚贴合绵软的自然触感。因此在保持产品独特性的同时,舒适性也是FSTPS. 一贯的坚持。    

UNI scent of life

UNI意为Unisex,  Unique,  United.旨在塑造一个无性别、无束缚,无边界的生活美学品牌。为了传递这种生活美学,我们和法国ISIPCA新锐调香师合作,以两位主理人自己的真实故事和木的容纳生命、坚韧和不朽为灵感结合,调制出独具一格的木质调香型。我们希望未来能与更多热爱生活的香薰爱好者共同创造更多专属于自己的味道。
UNI stands for Unisex, Unique and United. To deliver this lifestyle brand, we worked with French ISIPCA perfumer on concepts of wood. The UNI’s scents are curated from two founders’ own life stories, combined with nature of  wood, delivering conceptually the inclusiveness, tenacity and eternity. We would like to invite passionate aroma lovers to join us and create their own unique perfumes.    

Play it by ear 

被耳朵的视觉独特的美感吸引,意在将耳朵形态融入到生 活美学中。它们的柔软曲线,勾勒出神秘而迷人的画面,藏 匿着生命的奥秘。倾听、诉说、低语、共鸣......

A handmade label,stubborn as a mule.Stumbling along, jesting at  the everyday rebellion.Enchanted by the ear's unique visual allure, it seeks to blend its form into daily aesthetics. Soft curves sketch a mysterious, captivating scene, holding life's
Secrets—listening, speaking, whispering, resonating..."    


ANKORA 品牌宣言:objects that bring you a little closer to who you are.(陪你走向自己的饰物。)
ANKORA 由多元化的设计团队组成,从景观建筑、珠宝设计及艺术的视角出发,拥抱女性内在能量。在植物、天气与大地风貌里找到灵感,运用传统金匠技术,结合金、银、矿石、陶瓷等材质,抓取自然环境中的变化,磨合出大胆而毫不费力的饰物。
ANKORA, the brand that designs original accessories, has a diverse design team. These original designers are rooted in the perspective of landscape architecture, jewelry design and art, thereby embracing the innerenergy of women. ANKORA find inspiration in plants,weather, and landscapes, then uses traditional gold-smithing techniques to combine gold, silver, ore, ceramics and other materials to capture everlasting changes in the natural environment, thereby creating bold and effortless accessorles. ANKORA is taken from"ancora"in Italianand English. It has the meaning of still and again. It is the designers’understanding and expectation of feminism: It has always been there and will not give up. At the same time, it is a cognate word with anchor. We hope that every woman can pursue herself and sail on the sea of life. ANKORA will be your exclusive companion and strength during your life journey.    




Mounrain original studio
An original designer’s brand that believes "Everything can be fluffy". We create furry creatures nonstop. Combining ordinary objects with furry expressions and beautiful meanings. Bringing warmth, tenderness and cuteness into every moment of life!    


Goinon,一个专注于以设计和纯手工表达时髦生活方式的设计师品牌。2024年在上海创立。设计师从日常生活场景、大自然的线条以及动植物的生长中获取灵感,以纯手工的创作方式将产品融入生活。WHAT’S GOING ON? 用独特的产品向生活中的你热情问好。
Goinon,a designer brand expressing a stylish lifestyle through design and handcraft. Founded in Shanghai in 2024.The designer draws inspiration from daily life scenes、natural lines and growth of plants and animals, and integrates products into life in an all-handmade way. WHAT’S GOING ON ? Send a sassy greeting to you with these unique products.    


走走岛 dasKopfkino™ 是一个充满想象力的生活方式品牌,专注于原创陶瓷和配饰。品牌理念源自于主理人对虚实之间地探索,大脑电波在无尽的空间内四处流淌,引领人们漫步于梦幻与现实交织的自由岛中。(dasKopfkino™ is an imaginative lifestyle brand specialising in original ceramics and accessories. The concept of the brand comes from the founder's exploration of the virtual and the real. The hope is that people's brain waves will flow around in an endless space and lead them to walk around the island of freedom where dreams and reality are intertwined.)    



AENTOS is a modern lifestyle brand that believes in the power of slowing down and self-care.
Our aim is to create home objects that inspire mindful living and empower individuals in their pursuit of wellness. We believe that by taking time to care for ourselves, we can learn to care for the world and those around us.    


I am a freelance illustrator in Hangzhou. I like painting and handicrafts. My works are mainly based on two original IPs: Aguai and qieqie. I hope my works can bring warmth and healing to everyone, and at the same time get self-healing in creation.    



While collaborating with YISHION, we thrive to develop and explore more aroma possibilities with healthy and natural ingredients that provide our customers comfort, amusement and creativity with the ambition to inspire both of their personal and social lives. ASUCH has independently developed fragrances such as In The Weeds and Peach Mojito that have become representative and cutting-edge products of our brand. To explore the balance between aroma and efficacy, we advocate the use of fragrance to delight the mood without any frustration and concerns over excessive spending. Our fragrances are priced at around 100 yuan per bottle, which can be a great economical addition to your high quality life that pursues the sense of ritual of today’s generation.    

不扫兴俱乐部 Grumpy Animal Club

不扫兴俱乐部(Grumpy Animal Club)是一个温暖有趣的文创生活品牌,讲述了一群个性鲜明的小动物们在俱乐部中的故事。他们一致认同“都给我做自己,不然会惹毛我”的准则而加入俱乐部。我们将有趣的日常生活融入其中,通过原创设计制作生活方式产品和各种可爱的小物,让大家感受随心做自己的快乐。

The Grumpy Animal Club is a delightful brand where quirky animals live by the motto "Be yourself, or you will piss me off!" We craft products that celebrate the joy of individuality. Embrace your uniqueness with us!    


onamanner 是一个关于度假,休闲等任何和生活产生联系的礼仪行为, 围绕使用者和产品展开的生活方式品牌。onamanner 希望通过美好之物营造一个松弛感与随性的使用体验。    


从身体穿戴到人间装饰,  放大重量与体量


elbol 音译自 "elbow"(肘关节),象征灵活与连接。我们相信温暖的力量可以改变生活,致力于创造一个自由尝试新想法的空间——elbow room。

elbol 的设计灵感来源于生活中简单的乐趣,打造将舒适与趣味性相结合的生活方式产品。我们融合丰富的色彩与现代几何美学,确保每件产品都是独一无二的存在。

elbol is phonetically derived from "elbow," symbolizing flexibility and connection. We believe in the power of warmth to transform lives and are dedicated to creating a space where new ideas can be freely explored—an elbow room.

The design inspiration for “elbol”comes from the simple joys of life, creating lifestyle products that combine comfort and fun. We blend rich colors with modern geometric aesthetics to ensure each product is unique.    


CHEESE4EYES is a Shanghai-based cultural and creative studio that applies witty design and craftsmanship to convey the beauty of culture and art. Not only focusing on the research and development of cultural and creative IP, cultural and creative products, art derivatives and affordable luxury corporate gifts, CHEESE4EYES is also engaged in revitalizing China’s intangible cultural heritage and promoting cultural expos and cultural tourism. Over the past few years, CHEESE4EYES has collaborated with Public Art Coordination Center (Shanghai), Power Station of Art (Shanghai), Shanghai Library, Sinan Mansions (Shanghai), ART at FULIANG and other leading culture and art institutions for many great projects.    


ALFIR was established in London in 2021 by two imaginative and free-spirited girls. ALFIR is a brand full of wonderful imagination, vitality, and warmth, embodying the founders' ideals. The brand name is pronounced "Offer," symbolizing a hopeful outlook for the future, while FIR represents the romantic, soft yet resilient cedar. The five letters of ALFIR stand for Active, Liberty, Fairy tale, Independent, and Relax. We believe that everyone's life should not be defined, and everyone has their own wilderness.
Each collection of ALFIR is the result of the team's meticulous effort, aiming to create whimsical yet practical pieces. The inspiration for our products comes from nature, everyday objects, insights from certain scenarios, or fantasies about the future. We weave all these elements together with creativity, hoping that everyone can find suitable accessories at ALFIR.

ALFIR成立于2021年的伦敦,由两位天马行空的女生创立。ALFIR是一个充满奇妙想象力、富有生命力且温暖的品牌,也是主理人理想的化身。品牌名发音“Offer”,象征着对未来的美好期盼,FIR则是浪漫、柔软但坚韧的雪松。ALFIR的五个字母代表了活力(Active)、自由(Liberty)、童话(Fairy tale)、独立(Independent)和松弛(Relax)。我们相信每个人的生活都不应被定义,每个人都有属于自己的旷野。


cancansupply从不同生活场景出发打造耐用可续的日用品,可循环材质+更低碳的替换方式为都市人带来更轻松的可持续日常。CanCanSupply creates durable and lasting necessities for everyday life, in order to make sustainable living easier and more delightful for the conscious urbanists.    



We are a brand of hat accessories that focuses on original design and hand-made production. In the flow of each season, we seize the inspiration of the moment, record the real life that can be seen and touched through our hands, and also create romantic imagination about ordinary life.    


奶噗噗PUPU BABY品牌诞生于2020年,聚焦于玩具设计与创作领域,擅长使用丰富多样的色彩,以简约又极具辨识度的视觉设计,搭配温暖柔软的触感,传递治愈的能量和无限的活力。
Born in 2020, the "PUPU BABY" brand has devoted itself to the field of toy design and creation. Being good at using a variety of colors, it conveys the energy of healing and infinite vitality through the application of a simple and highly recognizable visual design to match with a warm and soft touch sense.Designers can do well in the acquisition of the elements full of vitality, and the use of simple and bright colors to match with soft temperature for the conveying of pure and passionate emotions, so a relaxed and pleasant experience can be brought for people.    


cangle陶瓷工作室,2022年成立。我们擅长通过泥巴与不同的材料进行实验,制造出一些有趣的互动,将这些惊喜与使用者分享,同时也向大家展示陶瓷的另一种可能性。 Cangle Ceramics Studio, established in 2022. We are good at experimenting with the combination of mud and different materials to create some interesting interactions, share these surprises with users, and also show everyone another possibility of ceramics.    



GUAIYOUQU is a brand studio founded by Hongxia and AN two good friends. Love to create around girls and cats! Keen on toy fun design - papermache. Choose art sculpture and hand jewelry as the main medium to show the world as we love it!    



Meilizi seed is an original brand created by the designer chestnut who graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. The main manager Chestnut loves all vivid and beautiful things, and refuses to reject the assembly line, so he insists on handmade and retains the traces of hand work. Every piece made is unique.
It is also for this reason that I hope my products can resonate with customers who buy them, become a presence that brings energy, and later become a carrier of unique emotions and memories of customers.    


PLOK自然实验从自然中汲取灵感 , 把富有自然气息的元素融合于创作 ,致力于探索自然形态且转换为可穿戴饰物 , 塑造属于 PLOK 的生活美学 。    


“DRAWNTO”成立于2024年,是一个诞生在生成式人工智能AIGC大爆发背景下的智能定制首饰品牌。不只是饰品品牌,“DRAWNTO”更是以「AI+饰品」形式落地的商业化平台,拥有行业首创智能定 制饰品解决方案。以AI技术赋能传统饰品制造业,让消费者无门槛、无限制设计定制专属于自己的饰品。我们的愿景是让每个人都戴上独一无二的首饰 。

DRAWNTO "was founded in February 2024 and is an intelligent custom jewelry brand born in the context of the explosion of generative artificial intelligence (AIGC).
Not only a jewelry brand, 'DRAWNTO' is also a commercial platform that has landed in the form of 'AI+jewelry', with the industry's first intelligent customized jewelry solution. Empowering the traditional jewelry manufacturing industry with AI technology, allowing consumers to design and customize their own accessories without barriers or limitations. DRAWNTO's vision is to enable everyone to wear unique jewelry.    


Capture the Love and Passion.    



tima 每件产品的“改造”初衷,




TINOM, a creative label established in 2021, explores the affectional bonds between individuals and accessories. Each collection is correlated as a script, based on experimental expression, conveying the diversity of culture through a multifaceted mindset.

TINOM takes a macro perspective of tiny details. The accessories are infused with sensitive intuitions to reinterpret intrinsic contradictions and to shatter gender difference, creating an opportune unisex concept. TINOM reinvents the essence and aesthetics of accessories through the unconventional materials and craftsmanship to perceive the permeated diversity, strength and beauty.    

islet bean豆岛



"Always believe in the healing power of nature and innocence."
In our rapid journey of growth, we shed our early innocence. Islet Bean revives this pure energy. Planting these seeds, they bloom, releasing nature's essence, intertwining past and present. This invites a reconnection with the serene beauty of natural simplicity and innocence.    


索再®️是一个主打东方特色植物精油的香薰品牌。以传统自然芳香的因理,在现代审美的引导下,提炼出配方香气,意求来自自然深处的奢靡香气为线索,一再带领我们探索玄之又玄的内心深处。SOULZILLION®️ is an aroma brand focusing on Oriental characteristic plant essential oils. With the reason of traditional natural fragrance, under the guidance of modern aesthetics, we extract the formula aroma, meaning to seek the luxurious aroma from the depths of nature as a clue, and repeatedly lead us to explore the deep heart of the mysterious.    

不会呱小蛙 Frogs can’t talk

The frog who can't bark is the protagonist and eternal focus of the story, the author is drawn to the rough hand textures to tell the story of personal growth through personal drawings    






CosGine is an original concept jewelry brand. Being different from most jewelry which decorates people's bodies, CosGine focuses more on modifying people's mental state with jewelry. CosGine expresses the feelings and emotions that people have in their daily lives in a humorous way and the style of absurdism through jewelry works. It participates in the wearer's life in the process of use, resonating with the wearer or playing a role in catharsis.    








At Cone7, we approach tableware as more than just functional objects; each piece is a thoughtful intersection of aesthetics and practicality. Our design philosophy centers on creating tableware that not only serves its purpose but also resonates with the user on a deeper level.

True value lies in the connection between the object and its owner. When tableware is designed to be cherished, it transforms everyday use into a mindful experience. Its weight, texture, and color are all deliberate choices, aimed at enhancing the tactile and emotional relationship the user has with the piece. Even the slightest imperfection or damage can elicit a sense of loss—evidence of the object’s significance. At Cone7, we aim to craft tableware that fosters this connection, offering pieces that invite reflection, care, and a quiet sense of happiness in their daily use.    


爻二,以‘香’为原点,强调自然之道。通过嗅觉感知人与空间的联系,使之成为连接空间、自然的媒介。经过使用者之手,感知温度、活力、率真、自由,让自然之美的灵性充满内心。YAO ER  takes "fragrance" as the starting point and emphasizes the way of nature. It links people and universe through perception, making it a creative idea to connect space and nature. People can feel the temperature, vitality, frankness and freedom through it. Let the spirituality of natural beauty fill your hearts.    




小麻瓜商店创办于 2021 年,从江苏南通一家20平米的中古玩具商店开始,2022 年拓展成为了一家以售卖中古玩具为主,集原创周边、咖啡、甜品、杂货为一体的生活方式空间。
“小麻瓜”的说法来源于哈利波特中,对不会魔法的人类称呼——“麻瓜”。小麻瓜商店也有自己的原创 IP 形象,一个胖乎乎的小眼睛女孩。希望小麻瓜没有魔法,也能创造可爱宇宙。
MUGGLES STORE was founded in 2021. It is a lifestyle space mainly sells Vintage toys, Original Products, Coffee, and Desserts.
In this retro and diverse space, we prepare delicious 5-star desserts and various special festival activities for you.
MUGGLES STORE also has its original IP image, a chubby girl with a cute face.
As you know, people without magical abilities are "Muggles" in the wizard world. I hope that the muggles can also create a cute universe without magic.    


An IP cultural and creative studio established by two animation practitioners. Because of the life attitude of "doing nothing, luck is coming", it was named - "闲了就发". At present, the studio has 7 IP images of different forms, and is active in the art market with graphic illustrations and handmade products. I hope to bring happiness and relaxation to everyone.    


喜彡FewMount 是一个以云贵高山自然与人文为灵感,发掘高山植物气味 ,讲述东方民族文化的 自然疗愈生活方式品牌。停止内耗,关注悦己。品牌坚持自然环保理念,采用植物原料,减少过渡加工,产品采用传统手工艺制作,使用环保材料包装。我们在乎你的每一分嗅觉/视觉/触觉/感觉 。以自然之力,表现自然之味。和我们一起生于自然,你就是自然本身。
FewMount is a natural healing lifestyle brand inspired by the nature and culture of the highlands of Yunnan and Guizhou. We explore the scents of alpine plants and tell the stories of Eastern ethnic cultures. Our philosophy is to stop self-depletion and focus on self-joy. The brand is committed to natural and eco-friendly principles, using plant-based ingredients with minimal processing. Our products are handcrafted using traditional techniques and packaged in environmentally friendly materials. We care about your every sense—smell, sight, touch, and feeling. Harnessing the power of nature, we embody its essence. Join us in embracing nature, for you are nature itself.    


在宇宙与量子科学中,皆是早已排列组合好的秩序,秩序的美感带给人极大的能量。其中心灵秩序的平衡,是情绪的宁静和舒适。3E JEWELRY通过美丽的几何元素,在空间的韵律感与秩序感中,在有序和无序之间,通过揉杂的几何设计语言,构建和解读现代社会人们有序与无序的感性与理性。  In the cosmos and quantum science, everything is prearranged in an orderly fashion. The beauty of order imparts immense energy. Among them, the balance of mental order is the tranquility and comfort of emotions. 3E JEWELRY, through the use of beautiful geometric elements, captures the rhythm and order in space, and between order and chaos, it constructs and interprets the sensibility and rationality of modern society with a mixed geometric design language.    


品牌 YUHUI MAO,是由艺术家毛钰慧于2022年创立于中国千年瓷都景德镇。从英国伦敦Kingston时装设计专业毕业后,她将对西方现代时装工业的面料、剪裁和工艺的关注,融入到东方古典陶瓷艺术中。
Brand YUHUI MAO, It was founded by artist Mao Yuhui in 2022 in Jingdezhen, the millennium porcelain capital of China. After graduating from Kingston Fashion Design in London, UK, She will pay attention to the fabrics, cutting, and craftsmanship of the modern Western fashion industry,Integrate into Eastern classical ceramic art. From fashion design to the art of homeware, the brand starts from exploring more detailed surface textures, forms and functionality. Through the design language and craftsmanship, it seamlessly combines elements such as delicate and soft lace fabrics born in the West, and fragile ceramics which inherited from the East for thousands of years, establishing a new aesthetic dimension of ceramics.    



Sean  is a little crocodile created by Daydreaming workshop in 2019. He is a little crocodile who loves nature and history, likes to eat hamburgers, and is a little shy.
In the past few years, he has developed a lot of interesting stories and adventures around him. With enriching the experience of little Sean, we have made a lot of illustration products about him, and gradually derived other series of handmade and cultural products.
So in 2022 we decided to let Sean open a fun illustration shop with him and his friends, and he will introduce you to the things he likes and the world he perceives.
Hope you enjoy this sharing from a friendly little crocodile.    

活动时间 TIME

2024 /10 / 24 - 2024 / 10 / 27 

10/24 周四  16:30-21:00

 10/25 - 10/27 周五至周日 12:30-21:00

活动地点 VENUE



Shanghai Culture Square

597 Middle Fuxing Rd.


四五限量优惠票  Thurs/Fri Ticket  39元


单人早鸟票  Single Early Bird Ticket  60元

早鸟双人票  Early Bird Ticket for 2 110元

活动单人现场票 At the Door  75元


限量「秋日chill游」套票  Limited Bundle Pack 185元

(含一张快速通道门票,includes one fast pass ticket )

限量快速通道单人票 Fast Pass Ticket  85元

(含一起凡几徽章套组,includes a limited edition pin set) 

- - - - - - - - - - 

撰 写  W R I T T E N  B Y  /  X U E  Y.

设 计  D E S I G N E D  B Y  /  H I L A R Y  L.

市集|10/24-10/27 伴随着秋游的思绪,


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