
美食   2024-10-11 19:55   上海  


Looking for places to hang out in the next couple of weeks? Our biggest market ever is about to make its debut, and it’s definitely going to blow your mind! We can’t wait to present you these amazing works from these 30+ artists! They will showcase their newest prints, art collection, and also products too. If you are an illustration lover, then you can’t miss out on this one. Early bird tickets are now available, scan the QR code below today! 

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LALA COMPANY 是由来自马来西亚的艺术家兼平面设计师 Radio Woon 开创的插画项目,2015年形成固定风格并全面投入创作。创作灵感来自音乐、 朋克文化以及对日常生活的观察和解读。艺术家坚持以马克笔为创作的基本工具,以简约的黑色线条不断创作出外型各异、姿态多变的大眼怪嘴人,他们构成LALA COMPANY的大家族,且成员还在不断壮大中。艺术家透过作品展现出他对生活的独特观察视角,以此表达幽默、搞怪和坚持自我的态度。

LALA COMPANY is an illustration project created by the Malaysian artist and graphic designer Radio Woon. Its distinctive style was formed in 2015. The creation is inspired by music, punk culture and the observation and interpretation of daily life. The artist insists on using the marker pen as his basic tool, and continuously create the typical big-eyed and weird-mouthed characters. These characters constitute the big family of LALA COMPANY, and the members are still growing. The artist shows his unique perspective on life through his artworks, which are expressing his attitude of humor and self-adhere.    


Ceramics is also a medium for illustration    


独立插画师,现生活工作于杭州,画画和写字是做梦的地方,有一天,世界或许就是你梦里的样子。Independent illustrator, currently living and working in Hangzhou. Drawing and writing are places where dreams come alive. One day, perhaps the world will look just like it does in your dreams.    


Hi ! I'm koong0, a painter. I want to express my subjective feelings through painting. If I give things another expression based on my current feelings, I prefer to make this expression more intuitive and interesting, so I will do a lot of GIF dynamic expression and create in this form.    


小霸王,设计师、插画师、独立艺术家。早年留学日本,曾在writtenafterwards、N.Hooly wood等日本品牌工作。回国后在上海创立自己的综合艺术品牌p.o.g.bottle。
p.o.g.bottle project是通过不同的色彩及材质的艺术载体(如绘画、陶瓷、纺织品等)探讨和研究“格子”的艺术可能性的实验项目。

Xiaobawang, designer, illustrator and independent artist. She studied in Japan in early years,and worked in Japanese brands such as writenafterwards and n. hooly wood.
After returning China, she founded her own comprehensive art brand p.o.g.bottle in Shanghai.
The p.o.g.bottle project is an experimental project to explore and study the artistic possibility of "lattice" through art carriers of different colors and materials (such as painting, ceramics, textiles, etc.).    



Meizibuyuan, graduated from China Academy of Art, currently lives in Hangzhou. The name comes from a plum that is sweet and brings instant happiness. I like simple and happy things, like to collect daily shining moments, like to be unrestrained. I like creating pictures with bright colors and simple graphics, and like to collect warm materials to make handicrafts.    


An independent illustrator who expresses his creations through ceramics, printmaking, crafts and other media.
Inspired by the twinkling mystery and gentle cruelty of the natural universe, the creation is embodied as a bird, happily spreading its wings, freely shuttling, exploring, wandering and dancing in the universe, and singing with all living things in the wind and rain and clear sky.
"It surrounds me with the wings of birds, with hot and broken daydreams."    


欧乐园的座右铭是:”就用今天的快乐,治愈未来的每一天吧~““take it easy~”


Ole paraque is a 6-person small team that specializes in illustration arts. The main creator, Lai Lai, graduated from the Academy of Art and Design at Tsinghua University and then graduated from the Graduate School of Picture Book at Kyoto City University of Arts.

The team focuses on creating artwork featuring the character of Bi Shui Xiang, a small animal with stable emotions, freedom, and wisdom. They paint scenes of everyday life.

Through recording the little stories of Bi Shui Xiang and its good friends, the team conveys its healing philosophy!

Ole paraque's motto is:  "Take it easy~"

Of course, the team also designs cute but not childish products. They have created a variety of  handmade works!    


Lilishu’s works focus on ceramics and illustrations, which contain mushrooms, snails, ants and other creatures and the natural spirits she created, expressing the harmonious and symbiotic relationship between all things in nature guided by mushroom mycelium and her belief in equality among living things. Beautiful thoughts of coexistence.    

兔子狗 RabbitDog

 Monster Lover. Chenxue Zhao is a graphic designer and illustrator, base in Shanghai. Since 2019, RabbitDog Studio has 1-2 series of zines and artworks each year.    


kokoeunie是一家以 ‘表达情绪’ 为初衷的手作陶瓷品牌。人类是被情感环绕的生物,而人与人之间的交互加速着情绪的产生,情绪从迸发到映射的过程中都存在着不同的表现值得捕捉。    


独立插画师 现居上海 通过插画搭建自己的内心世界 捕捉每一个心事女孩    


GO Chris 四川人base 上海

ballor lab  



Meicuoer is founded by  illustrator Chao,we dedicated to creating deeply interesting life products with an inclusive and diverse perspective. It expresses profound topics in a lighthearted and humorous way, such as grotesque and absurd, and its forms are not limited to illustrations, clay and ceramics.    


NiceMai is the original peripheral brand of the illustrator Maizi. This time, it introduces a brand new series of illustrations titled "100Cats". The first batch of original peripherals has been designed based on this new series. As they see the world for the first time, it is hoped that they can bring healing and charm to lovely you.    


roooom is a theatre about things in themselves.
The material, shape, color and other attributes of things form an intertextuality, escaping from fixed usage patterns.    



danno is a personal brand founded by creator Shen Xintong, dedicated to producing and expressing cultural and creative content. The brand encompasses various fields, including graphic design, installation art, theater production, and ceramics, aiming to convey authentic emotions and cultural concepts through the fusion of innovation and art.    


「OO」是我日常画作笔下的形象小人,TA像一块白面团,没有年龄,没有性别,主要形象是红圆球的鼻子,怪趣的是屁屁上的颗颗小痱子。有人猜测TA是雪人/白球/包子/鬼精灵... whatever,想你所想,TA是每个人的生活观察员,治愈陪伴者,第二灵魂,简单自然,快乐起舞。
最早的人物形象与2018年7月绘制,第一次公开发布是2020年11月,现持续更新系列:《OO影相计划》/ 《OO治愈日杂》/《当我与人类在一起》

OMO33 (Shan Lin)
Creative Graphic Designer/Illustrator, graduated from RMIT University. OMO33 is a personal brand founded in 2020, like finding interesting sign related to everything I did. My concept and inspiration come from daily life. And I enjoy playing with colors and healing elements to record and present it.
"OO" is the typical character that I create for the brand. It is like a white ball, no age, no gender, the main feature is the nose looks like a red ball, the odd thing is the little heat rash on its butt. Some people guess that it is a snowman/white ball/steamed bun/ghost ... whatever you think, it is everyone's life observer, healing companion, second soul, simple and natural, happy dance.
The original character was drawn in July 2018, the first public release was in November 2020, and the series is now continuously updated: OO Photo Project / OO Healing Moment / When I Stay With Humans.




An independent illustrator & art creator, currently living and working in Guangzhou.
My works start from my own living environment, recording daily things and urban scenery.
I like to observe and record seats in different scenes and capture the delicate emotions and textures of things. Export illustration peripherals, independent publications, and other derivative products.    



发个面 Faraphic

发个面 Faraphic 是一个用可爱与设计传达情绪的文创品牌,产出各类好玩的艺术插画产品,希望通过有趣和无厘头的表达将对生活的观察与思考传达出来,让思维能够跳出所谓的条条框框,关注当下,感受快乐。

Faraphic is an independent design brand founded in Shanghai. It hopes to convey observation and thinking about daily life through design language, so that the thinking can jump out of the box. Enjoy life and enjoy the moment.    


艾瑞鸭Irene,独立插画师,居住在广州。2021年开始探索个人插画风格。记录生活中的观察和想法,是目前作品的主题。《100 DAYS HOME》记录了两年的租房生活——“光阴很短,需要刻意记得”,在2022年TwelveMoons邀请展上展出。合作客户包括:娇韵诗《知中》《coffee t&i》《周末画报》《T》中文版等。作品《城市-上海和香港篇》入围第十届Hiii Illustration国际插画大赛。
irene store艾瑞鸭商店由艾瑞鸭Irene主理。主要围绕个人原创插画作品来进行设计。把生活的观察藏进商店小物中,陪伴你渡过每一个日常。

Irene Huang is an independent illustrator based in Guangzhou. She graduated from GAFA and started exploring her personal illustration style in 2021. Recording observations and thoughts in life is the theme of her current works. Her piece "100 DAYS HOME" documents two years of renting an apartment and was exhibited at the TwelveMoons Invitational Exhibition in 2022. Some of her collaboration clients include Clarins,ZHICHINA, coffee t&i,T magazine, among others. Her project "City - Shanghai and Hong Kong" was shortlisted in the 10th Hiii Illustration International Competition.
Irene has a brand call "irenestore". The product designs are centered around her personal, original illustrations. The brand's concept is to infuse the beauty of life into the small things that are sold in the store. This is meant to accompany consumers through their everyday lives, making even the most ordinary moments more special.    


关于友情 关于爱.Love&Friendship ."关于友情,关于爱”,友谊与爱不仅是心灵深处最温柔的慰藉,也是插画创作的核心。在人生的旅途中,真正的陪伴与理解,如同夜空中最亮的星,指引着方向,温暖着归途。"About friendship, about love," not only are they the gentlest solace deep within the heart, but also the essence of illustration creation. In the journey of life, genuine companionship and understanding serve as the brightest stars in the night sky, guiding the way and warming the return path.    






An original ip label created by Chinese illustrator Yam. We are committed to developing more interesting lifestyle products that belong to Chinese creativity. Let the illustration not only grow on the paper, but also interspersed in life.

The overall style aims to find "comfort" under a high-pressure life, let people find some lovely little fun in the ordinary life.    


 中桃9号,成立于上海的插画项目,灵感来源于freak show马戏团的演出以及大卫林奇的电影,受到诡异美学的影响,尝试用幽默的方式去描绘出那些难以在日常生活中表达出来的消极想法或情绪,通过多种媒介进行创作,代表作品有油画棒系列:FREAK SHOW,高饱和度的浓郁色彩,荒诞、讽刺、甚至有一点恶趣味,后期衍生出以FREAK SHOW形象创作的周边家居系列。

N0.9 CHINESE PEACH-an illustration project base in Shanghai. The project get inspiration from freak show of circus and the movie of David Lynch, affected by absurd aesthetics, try to use humorous ways to reconcile negative thoughts or emotions that are difficult to express in daily life. Using different medias to create, including Representative works oil pastels series-FREAK SHOW, bold and bright color-combination, painting style is absurd, ironic, and also creepy。Later improved some Peripheral products based on art work.    


AMAO, 毕业于大阪艺术大学多媒体设计硕士,是一位来自上海的多面艺术家。她的作品包括插画、动态设计和 VR 作品。她的插图和动画着眼于现实,以窥视的目光捕捉当代的本质,但总是带有一丝幻想和活力,使她与众不同。

AMAO, who graduated from Osaka University of Arts with a Master's degree in Multimedia Design, is a multifaceted artist based in Shanghai. Her work ranges from illustration to motion design and making VR works. Her style is colourful and fun. Her illustrations and animations look at reality, capturing the essence of contemporaneity with a voyeuristic gaze, but always with a touch of fantasy and liveliness that sets her apart.    


RABBITHOLE is a visual art studio, mainly engaged in advertising planning/commercial photography. Its independent photography magazine RABBITHOLE-Paper is produced in the form of a monthly magazine. Each issue takes the theme of no content as the starting point, regardless of the form of expression, boldly giving full play to creativity and fun.    


See狗的创作原型是我们的宠物狗Bambi, 一只惠比特犬。作为视觉猎犬,相对于其他犬类,他们会更多的利用视觉去“see”。我们根据这一特点,并结合他们“细长”的独特身材,创作出了See狗这一IP。  See狗的标志性蓝黄配色,是狗狗所能看见的颜色,是我们最具识别性的特点之一。因为狗狗的眼睛只能看得到蓝色与黄色,我们希望当有其他小狗看到See狗的时候,可以看到色彩。

The creative prototype of See狗 is our pet dog Bambi, a whippet. As a sight hound, they rely more on vision to “see” compared to other dog breeds. Based on this characteristic and their unique slender body shape, we created the IP of See狗. The iconic blue and yellow color combination of See狗 represents the colors that dogs and cats can see and is one of our most recognizable features. Since a dog's eyes can only perceive blue and yellow, we hope that when other puppies see See狗, they can see a colorful world.

Years of living abroad have made me realize that in domestic society, there is a significant lack in areas such as pet friendliness, harmonious coexistence of people and pets, and scientific pet raising. Therefore, I decided to create the pet IP of See狗, hoping to raise people's awareness of pets through the power of this character .

Our brand value is to promote harmonious coexistence between people and pets. Through the character image of See Dog, we convey to people that pets are also members of the family. When raising pets, we also need to train them so that society can more easily accept pets and open up more pet-friendly areas, truly achieving harmonious coexistence.    

Single Person

Single Person 是来自于个体视角对于生活的感知,关注在不同环境下自我情绪的投射,从中寻找秩序的平衡。
Single Person originates from an individual's perspective on life, focusing on the projection of
self-emotions in different environments and seeking a balance of order. It explores how
to achieve self-consistency and self-healing in a "self-entertaining"manner.    


so far so good意为“到目前为止一切顺利!”口语化的解读是“还行”“还不错”,而good加上s就是商品的意思,因为sofarsogoods不只是一家古着玩具店,也在不断引入一些调性相契合的独立设计师、艺术家的周边衍生品和产出自己的设计产品,欢迎大家来sofarsogoods做客!
sofarsogoods is a vintage toy grocery store founded in Shanghai in 2022.
so far so good means "so far so good!" The colloquial interpretation is "OK" and "not bad", and "good" plus "s" means goods, because sofarsogoods is not only a vintage toy store, but also constantly introduces some tonally compatible independent designers and artists' peripheral derivatives and produce their own design products. Welcome to sofarsogoods!   

活动时间 TIME

2024 /10 / 24 - 2024 / 10 / 27 

10/24 周四  16:30-21:00

 10/25 - 10/27 周五至周日 12:30-21:00

活动地点 VENUE



Shanghai Culture Square

597 Middle Fuxing Rd.


四五限量优惠票  Thurs/Fri Ticket  39元


单人早鸟票  Single Early Bird Ticket  60元

早鸟双人票  Early Bird Ticket for 2 110元

活动单人现场票 At the Door  75元


限量「秋日chill游」套票  Limited Bundle Pack 185元

(含一张快速通道门票,includes one fast pass ticket )

限量快速通道单人票 Fast Pass Ticket  85元

(含一起凡几徽章套组,includes a limited edition pin set) 

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撰 写  W R I T T E N  B Y  /  X U E  Y.

设 计  D E S I G N E D  B Y  /  M O R I  J.

市集|10/24-10/27 伴随着秋游的思绪,


凡几品牌及文章排版图文素材设计版权归凡几Common Rare所有。未经许可不得随意擅用上述图文及文字,已获得授权的内容应当在授权范围内使用,并注明来源。违反上述声明依法追求其法律责任。

《凡几》整合了多种跨领域的活动,为亚洲消费者创造简单却深刻的体验,延续#smallthingsmatter的精神。Creative Market | Lifestyle | Food | Design | Explore