尽管夏天来的火热,但逐渐被工具化的大脑,依旧千方百计把自己塞入雷同的模具,变成流水线上毫无灵魂的冰冷罐头。地下的的土壤里,4位艺术家们早已种下不甘平庸的种子,像积蓄着能量的火山一般,在喷发时全力以赴。他们抓取生活里的恶趣味,也调取美好的想象,在各自的展览空间里为那些特立独行的态度再次赋形。8/15-8/18,别等急需释放的个性守住本分,快来到Breaking Grounds地下市⁵的四间展览,一起等待创意的救援吧!
From tattoo art to wool felt artworks and tea drinking inspired merch, are you ready to be whisked away by these 4 unconventional exhibitions? Since there will be a lot of eye-catching things going on all at once, it may be hard to focus and locate all of them. Therefore, we've listed out all the artist's limited edition art piece to help you figure out where to start!There’s still time to book your early bird tickets, so don’t miss out on all this fun!
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活动时间 TIME
2024 /8 / 15 - 2024 / 8 / 18
8/15周四 16:30-21:00
8/16 - 8/18 周五至周日 12:30-21:00
活动地点 VENUE
Shanghai A.F.A - ROJO Space
NO.570 Huaihai West Street,
Changning District, Shanghai
四五限量优惠票 Thurs/Fri Ticket 39元
单人早鸟票 Single Early Bird Ticket 60元
早鸟双人票 Early Bird Ticket for 2 110元
活动单人现场票 At the Door 75元
限量「别“篮”我」套票 Limited Bundle Pack 185元
(含一张快速通道门票,includes one fast pass ticket )
限量快速通道单人票 Fast Pass Ticket 85元
(含限定BG大海报,includes a limited edition BG poster)
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设 计 D E S I G N E D B Y / S U O S U O L.
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