雪花将圣诞的信号飘落在窗前,融化了被冰冻了一年的圣诞颂歌和视线里的红绿。屋内的烛光和脑海描绘的星光,皆在挂满彩球的圣诞树上汇聚;笔触与画布发出的碰撞声,也化作节日里送来的美好祝福。这一次,凡几与插画师们用创意的蜡烛为冬日点亮了一份视觉化的温暖,12.19-12.22 在西岸文化艺术中心等你加入这场圣诞派对,与40+插画师一起寻找藏在礼物盒的色彩...
Come say hi to 40+ artists at our 8 year anniversary Christmas market! If you are an art lover, please head straight over to the prints & illustration area at HaHaHa Christmas Market first! We have co-created two independent exhibitions with artist PONGBEAR and handwriting artist CHALKBOY from Japan. So don’t miss out on their solo show- get your tickets today!
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Bettersee Breakfast
Bettersee Breakfast是一个独立创作工作室,专注探索用不同媒介讲故事。同为艺术家的 Bonnie & Jun 2017年在巴特西相识,最近几年旅居伦敦、青岛、景德镇等地,喜欢奇怪的惊喜,喜欢成分复杂的浪漫。目前工作室的主要出品包括陶瓷器皿、生活用品、版画,让感觉和记忆以物件的形式陪伴生活,希望参与使用者好与坏的日常。
Bettersee Breakfast is an independent ceramics studio that brings focus on creative living. The artist duo first met at the Royal College of Art in 2017. After spending almost five years in London working in the field of art and design, they started working together to explore artistic, creative combinations of visual storytelling and practicality. They experiment with various materials and crafts to design original products ranging from daily-use ceramics items to prints and drawings. Through looking into the history of using objects to commemorate memories, they design and make original hand-formed earthenware items to tell and pass on stories, and to highlight small moments of our everyday lives.
独立品牌:Baby guts。
Hi!I am Dali. I graduated from AUT,master degree of Art and Textile design. The B side of my life is an indie designer;on the other hand,Side A is a contemporary independent artist, who usually do interesting projects related to drawings, illustration, clay sculpture, space and music. Now in grinding haw to make money, while looking forward to A double A-side life!
Wuhood Studio
现工作生活于苏州。2021年创立Wuhood Studio
Wuhood is a freelance illustrator and clay ceramic artist. Currently working and living in Suzhou. She founded Wuhood Studio in 2021.
The brand is mainly created with the theme of clay,with a restless imagination and visually recognizable modelling as daily life. Hence, inject a little surprise into the interior space.
陈林 自由插画师
生活在上海,曾获得过英国World Illustration Awards世界插画奖和美国3X3国际插画奖,为多家国内外一线媒体和品牌合作供稿。她喜欢插画里叙事表达的部分。生活里的可能和不可能,在插画里都可以合理且有趣。
Lin Chen is an award-winning illustrator. she combines a dexterous skill using geometric vector forms with a sublime appreciation of abstract art. She’s creating lively and expressive images for world-leading clients in fashion and beauty, publishing and more.
Symbionis is an art brand rooted in the core concept of harmonious coexistence, inspired by the symbiotic relationship between mushroom mycelium and other natural beings. This is a world where all elements of nature are connected by mycelial threads. Here, people and mushrooms, ants and trees, all creatures respect one another and coexist harmoniously. Symbionis produces ceramics and illustrations that reflect the beautiful, profound connections among natural beings.
中桃9号,成立于上海的插画项目,灵感来源于freak show马戏团的演出以及大卫林奇的电影,受到诡异美学的影响,尝试用幽默的方式去描绘出那些难以在日常生活中表达出来的消极想法或情绪,通过多种媒介进行创作,代表作品有油画棒系列:FREAK SHOW,高饱和度的浓郁色彩,荒诞、讽刺、甚至有一点恶趣味,后期衍生出以FREAK SHOW形象创作的周边家居系列。
N0.9 CHINESE PEACH-an illustration project base in Shanghai. The project get inspiration from freak show of circus and the movie of David Lynch, affected by absurd aesthetics, try to use humorous ways to reconcile negative thoughts or emotions that are difficult to express in daily life. Using different medias to create, including Representative works oil pastels series-FREAK SHOW, bold and bright color-combination, painting style is absurd, ironic, and also creepy。Later improved some Peripheral products based on art work.
小霸王,设计师、插画师、独立艺术家。早年留学日本,曾在writtenafterwards、N.Hooly wood等日本品牌工作。回国后在上海创立自己的综合艺术品牌p.o.g.bottle。
p.o.g.bottle project是通过不同的色彩及材质的艺术载体(如绘画、陶瓷、纺织品等)探讨和研究“格子”的艺术可能性的实验项目。
Xiaobawang, designer, illustrator and independent artist. She studied in Japan in early years,and worked in Japanese brands such as writenafterwards and n. hooly wood.
After returning China, she founded her own comprehensive art brand p.o.g.bottle in Shanghai.
The p.o.g.bottle project is an experimental project to explore and study the artistic possibility of "lattice" through art carriers of different colors and materials (such as painting, ceramics, textiles, etc.).
The Seego are three little puppies who love to seek happiness and explore. I'd like to convey through the IP of Seego that pets are the bridges connecting contemporary people with nature. Promoting pet-friendliness and harmony between humans and pets is essentially promoting the harmony between humans and nature. Perhaps our pets are the Seego, and we ourselves can also be the Seego.
nieniethecat和黛西游泳池第一次合作!nieniethecat的名字来源于作者捡到的黑猫捏捏。插画主要以黑猫和白色的云朵人为主,创作一些有故事感的插画作品。黛西游泳池是自由创作者 ,个人工作室坐标武汉,作品以真实生活为创作路径,一直探索插画与生活的亲密关系,喜欢用手工方式去创作各种艺术载体,以找到更好的情感表达与输出,是我正在做的事情。
nieniethecat and Daisy Pool work together for the first time! The nieniethecat is named after a black cat that the author picked up. The illustrations mainly focus on black cats and white cloud people, creating some illustrative works with a sense of story. Daisy Swimming Pool is a freelance creator with a personal studio located in Wuhan. Her works take real life as the creation path, and she has been exploring the intimate relationship between illustration and life. She likes to create various artistic carriers by hand to find better emotional expression and output.
I like all the lovely things.
The visuals of “Dokie都可以” often consist of vivid geometric Dokie figures accompanied by English prose poetry.The central theme, “临在(Presence),” is the primary concept in the creation of “Dokie都可以,” referring to the mindful presence in the current moment.Di aims to convey insights and awareness of the present through spontaneous visuals and words,
guiding viewers back to the beauty of “everything is okay” in the here and now.
发个面 Faraphic
发个面 Faraphic 是一个用可爱与设计传达情绪的文创品牌,产出各类好玩的艺术插画产品,希望通过有趣和无厘头的表达将对生活的观察与思考传达出来,让思维能够跳出所谓的条条框框,关注当下,感受快乐。
Faraphic is an independent design brand founded in Shanghai. It hopes to convey observation and thinking about daily life through design language, so that the thinking can jump out of the box. Enjoy life and enjoy the moment.
朝来巷工作室主理人 , 艺术创作者
《小日子 - 茧人的油画棒杂记》。
The proprietor of Chaolai Xiang Studio, I am an artistic creator currently exploring the fusion of traditional and modern elements. Proficient in employing vibrant, retro colors in my works, I infuse them with a sense of simplicity, rusticity, or roughness, tightly intertwined with everyday life yet imbued with a touch of whimsy. Unrestricted by any particular medium, I approach the creation of psychedelic worlds with a playful mindset. I have previously published a picture book titled "Beautiful Days - Anecdotes of the Jianren's Oil Pastels."
Meicuoer is founded by illustrator Chao, we dedicated to creating deeply interesting life products with an inclusive and diverse perspective. It expresses profound topics in a lighthearted and humorous way, such as grotesque and absurd, and its forms are not limited to illustrations, clay and ceramics.
"100 Cats" is an ongoing creation by illustrator Maizi that began in 2024, featuring 100 cats but not limited to that number.
By 2025, it is projected that the world will generate 463 exabytes (EB) of data per day, equivalent to producing 212,765,957 DVDs worth of data daily. We can access a wealth of information, yet the voices we hear are becoming increasingly homogenized.
Thus, here we attempt to share a diverse array of cats, based on understanding and belief in substance, each "strange" cat is deserving of affection.
陶瓷也是插画的一种媒介^ ^
Ceramics are also a medium for illustration.
Illustrator. Enjoys collecting visual experiences of everyday life and is fascinated by the beauty of the original, rough, and clumsy. Often turns the characters in her works into "empty containers," using the power of blank space to bear worthwhile moments of life.
An independent illustrator who expresses his creations through ceramics, printmaking, crafts and other media.
Inspired by the twinkling mystery and gentle cruelty of the natural universe, the creation is embodied as a bird, happily spreading its wings, freely shuttling, exploring, wandering and dancing in the universe, and singing with all living things in the wind and rain and clear sky.
"It surrounds me with the wings of birds, with hot and broken daydreams."
kenko咒,毕业于中国美术学院视觉传达系,2021年开始陆续创作插画。探索自己的情感同时结合自己喜欢的元素常常是创作的灵感来源。在创作插画中表达一些彩色的欢愉和失落,时常着迷于捕捉生活的边角料以及没用的浪漫。Kenko zhou graduated from the Department of Visual Communication at the China Academy of Fine Arts, has been creating illustrations since 2021. Exploring emotions while combining personal favorite things often a source of inspiration for creation. Expressing some colorful joy and lost moments in creating illustrations, often fascinated by capturing the scraps of life and useless romance.
CANNA and FVAN , the youth screen print group in Shanghai.All the artworks inspiration mostly from various sentiments of life and scattered pieces of recall. We do hand screen-print for all over the artworks by ourselves and signed limited-edition number for sell.
ballor lab
A illustration art brand that focuses on "balls".
Hoping to uncover the fun and absurdity of sports and daily life, and express it in lighthearted and vivid storytelling images.
Not only imagination and creativity, but also logic and rationality are hoped to be present in the works.
The expression method is not only illustration, but will also be expanded to installations, videos, etc., hoping to convey its artistic expression and aesthetics to more people.
期待在凡几过圣诞啦,ballor lab也会推出新品:《我如此阐释时间》新年日历-内含最新创作的十二幅插画,都是关于时间的灵感和思考;备受欢迎的手机配件系列,也会新增篮球和圣诞最新主题!
FEVER DOG x BYAN vol.1是肥沃岛自漂移到新址后岛主和岛民首次合体!FEVER DOG的搞怪大白狗与BYAN的浪漫魔术贴编织项目相遇会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?大家敬请期待12月的凡几的圣诞市集!
FEVER DOG 独立艺术品牌。是创作者POLLY献给所有怪人的礼物:输出原创插画漫画、图形图像作品,专注于艺术领域的创作和实验,售卖艺术版画、独立漫画、T恤、环保袋等艺术产品与周边。
BYAN 魔术贴编织。是设计师YAN的个人项目,通过精准的计算结合材质的特性,尝试不同的色彩排列组合,呈现各样的功能与形态,表达某种故事与情感,YAN相信这是最科幻和浪漫的事情。
「OO」是我日常画作笔下的形象小人,TA像一块白面团,没有年龄,没有性别,主要形象是红圆球的鼻子,怪趣的是屁屁上的颗颗小痱子。有人猜测TA是雪人/白球/包子/鬼精灵... whatever,想你所想,TA是每个人的生活观察员,治愈陪伴者,第二灵魂,简单自然,快乐起舞。
最早的人物形象与2018年7月绘制,第一次公开发布是2020年11月,现持续更新系列:《OO影相计划》/ 《OO治愈日杂》/《当我与人类在一起》
OMO33 (Shan Lin)
Creative Graphic Designer/Illustrator, graduated from RMIT University. OMO33 is a personal brand founded in 2020, like finding interesting sign related to everything I did. My concept and inspiration come from daily life. And I enjoy playing with colors and healing elements to record and present it.
"OO" is the typical character that I create for the brand. It is like a white ball, no age, no gender, the main feature is the nose looks like a red ball, the odd thing is the little heat rash on its butt. Some people guess that it is a snowman/white ball/steamed bun/ghost ... whatever you think, it is everyone's life observer, healing companion, second soul, simple and natural, happy dance.
The original character was drawn in July 2018, the first public release was in November 2020, and the series is now continuously updated: OO Photo Project / OO Healing Moment / When I Stay With Humans.
The image of George is an original ip created by Yam in 2021. College he is an office worker, because part of the shenzhen National People's Congress is an office worker. What is remarkable is that he is an office worker with character. Although he has no expression on his face, he is full of inner activities. He likes to play alone, drink coffee and enjoy all the chill things in life.
We created this ip, George, with the goal of finding "comfort" under a high pressure life, so that people can find some lovely little fun in the ordinary life day after day.
梅子不圆,毕业于中国美术学院,现居杭州。名字来源于一颗富含浆汁的梅子,甜甜的,给人带来瞬间的快乐。我喜欢简单快乐的事物,喜欢收集日常的闪光瞬间,喜欢放空,喜欢不拘束。擅长用明亮色彩和简单图形创作画面,喜欢收集温暖的材料制作手工。Meizibuyuan, graduated from China Academy of Art, currently lives in Hangzhou. The name comes from a plum that is sweet and brings instant happiness. I like simple and happy things, like to collect daily shining moments, like to be unrestrained. I like creating pictures with bright colors and simple graphics, and like to collect warm materials to make handicrafts.
cuspdot 卡斯普多特
cuspdot is a non profit space in Hangzhou where we organize exhibitions, workshops, and other activities.
鱼大月|LAZZY CAT,秉持自由/生活/环保的理念,结合插画与手工纸,碰撞出更有趣且实用的产品。
LAZZY CAT,Adhering to the concept of freedom/living/environmental protection, combining illustration and handmade paper, collide to create more interesting and practical products.
is a studio co-founded by shoutao loco and freya, and it's a way for us to say hello to the world. We use illustration, animation, storytelling and dolls...all the media we can manage to communicate with the world and get along with it.
Bu~ is the sound of a fart, la~ is the sound of a song, we hope you are free and happy.
Shoutao loco: Independent illustrator/animator/toy designer. A person who strives to make connections with the world around himself.
插画师,坐标上海。 原本是法国育碧平面设计,突然有一天不想再做朝九晚五的工作,于是辞职创立自己的品牌羊卷无线公司。 用插画来记录生活,产品包括:艺术版画、冰箱贴、明信片等。Yang Hello,I’m a Illustrator, coordinates Shanghai. I’m working as a Graphic designer Ubisoft, suddenly one day no longer want to do the nine-to-five job, so quit to start my own brand, My studio named Rovis Design Shanghai Col. record life by illustration.And products including art posters, refrigerator magnets, postcards, etc.
雾中商店 Store in the Mist
The ‘still’ moments of life, the smallest things, the plants and the light in nature, the little animals that we doodle, we keep these moments when there is nothing to do.
ONE BITE插画艺术商店
ONE BITE是一家以韩国插画艺术品牌为主的文创集合店,比如装饰画、艺术卡片、贴纸、环保袋、毛绒玩具等文创周边,给喜欢插画艺术、热爱生活的人们提供一个沉浸式的选购空间,做大家身边的艺术小店。
ONE BITE目前主要合作的韩国品牌有:Zero Per Zero、JOGUMAN、LITTLE TEMPO、minimoni 、Warmgery Tail、Life Spice、Dinotaeng、Mr.Donothing、Second Morning。合作的韩国艺术家有Bomsamuso、Youngchae Lee、Seungyoun Kim,以及用刺绣进行创作的艺术家Jooyeon Koh。
同时我们也会和艺术家联名举办主题展览,每过一段时间就有不同的视觉体验也是 ONE BITE 的经营特色。
ONE BITE is a cultural and creative collection store based on Korean illustration art brands, such as decorative paintings, art cards, stickers, eco-friendly bags, plush toys and other cultural and creative peripherals, providing an immersive shopping space for people who like illustration art and love life, and be an art shop around everyone.
ONE BITE currently cooperates with the following Korean brands: Zero Per Zero, JOGUMAN, LITTLE TEMPO, minimoni, Warmgery Tail, Life Spice, Dinotaeng, Mr.Donothing, and Second Morning. Collaborations with Korean artists include Bomsamuso, Youngchae Lee, Seungyoun Kim, and Jooyeon Koh, an artist who works with embroidery.
At the same time, we will also co-host themed exhibitions with artists, and it is also the business feature of ONE BITE to have a different visual experience every once in a while.
2021年我们推出了【便利手帐】主题系列,主推可以不需要印台的光敏印章,便于携带的切条胶带贴纸,护照尺寸的手帐素材包。让做手帐变得更方便,从而希望所有人都可以在日常的生活里体会到做手帐乐趣。everyone can be 手帐er。
This is a hungry gator store, which is a gator-focused shop selling illustrations. Since the birth of the little gator named Sean in 2019, our store has concentrated on original illustration designs as well as derivative products, and we have made a series of derivative works based on the life of Sean and his friends.
We introduced a theme called Convenient Scrapbook in 2021, mainly featuring photosensitive seal stamps which allow for stamping without using ink pads, die-cut sticker rolls which are easy to carry and passport scrapbook kits. They all make it more convenient to keep a scrapbook, aiming to enable every user to have fun in daily life when scrapbooking. Everyone can be a scrapbook maker.
Let’s make happy records of life with the little gator!
可爱岛cute islands
可爱岛cute islands是 一家新兴的原创插画文创,生活方式设计师品牌,2023年成立于杭州,通过可爱的插画表达对生活的态度,可爱有趣,嘻嘻哈哈的生活下去吧!Everything is lovely&cute!希望我们的生活都是可爱美好的。 Cute Islands is an emerging original illustration and lifestyle designer brand, founded in Hangzhou in 2023. Through cute illustrations, we express our attitude towards life. Cute and interesting, let's continue living happily! Everything is lovely&cute!I hope our lives are all lovely and beautiful.
Hello Smile微笑商店是由中国原创文创品牌“木蝉司”于2017年创立的。木蝉司成立于2015年,名字源于中国传统文化中的“木蝉”,象征着蜕变与新生。
Hello Smile was founded in 2017 by the Chinese original cultural and creative brand "MuChanSi". MuChanSi was established in 2015, named after the traditional Chinese culture of "wood and cicada", symbolizing transformation and rebirth.
Its brand philosophy is "cultural and creative make life artistic, let fun be everywhere". We have adhered to original and distinctive design styles, committed to bringing warmth and joy to the lives of every customer.
This series of products focuses on design style . Opened for studio experience visits in 2017. Customers can be experienced and appreciated in store!
In 2023, the studio moved to Julu Road and focus on cultural and creative offline community studio stores. Not only our own original brand products in the store, we also have more products from outstanding domestic original, better showcasing the charm of original cultural and creative works to everyone!
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活动时间 TIME
2024 / 12 / 19 - 2024 / 12 / 22
12/19 周四 16:30-21:00
12/20 - 12/22 周五至周日 12:30-21:00
活动地点 VENUE
West Bund Art Center Hall B,
near No.2600 Longteng Avenue
Xuhui District, Shanghai
四五限量优惠票 Thurs/Fri Ticket 39元
单人早鸟票 Single Early Bird Ticket 59元
早鸟双人票 Early Bird Ticket for 2 110元
活动单人现场票 At the Door 69元
Limitied HaHaHa Beverages Ticket 109元
(含一张快速通道门票,includes one fast pass ticket and two beverages)
凡几x CHALKBOY联名毛巾快速套票
Limited Fast Pass Ticket 85元
(含快速通道单人门票x1,凡几xCHALKBOY联名毛巾x1,includes one fast pass ticket and a limited collaboration towel)
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撰 写 W R I T T E N B Y / K A I X I N L.
设 计 D E S I G N E D B Y / S U O S U O L.
凡几品牌及文章排版图文素材设计版权归凡几Common Rare所有。未经许可不得随意擅用上述图文及文字,已获得授权的内容应当在授权范围内使用,并注明来源。违反上述声明依法追求其法律责任。