市集|逃离酷热,和140+独立品牌将地下的创意翻个底朝天 Pt.2

美食   2024-08-10 15:07   上海  

积攒着跳脱寻常的勇气,一头扎进了140+独立品牌创意碰撞的大乱斗中。瓶子里装的是别出心裁的气味暗号,暗橱里藏匿的是精心调制的灵感配方。8/15-8/18,快拿上寻宝的入场券,和创意界的冒险家们一起将怪点子联盟一网打尽,在Breaking Grounds地下市偷走所有的灵光闪现的时刻,在宝库里堆叠成永远会发光的金子。

Treat yourselves to part 2 of our lifestyle lineup! In this list, more than 140 brands will share their passion for all things creative and unique and it is definitely going to be an unforgettable 4 days of fun. Save up all of that excitment and join us by getting your early bird ticket in this post. Come meet up with them at Breaking Grounds next week!

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乐敦 Melano CC


ROHTO's fair-price whitening spot to acne printing brand.



人物对谈 | 轮上体验 | 运动生活


创立于2021年的SHARDAA夏达夏达,是一家源自于 Himalaya的藏地新兴品牌。我们致力于将高原生活智慧与现代化创新设计理念相融合,为大家介绍动态更新的藏地文化。

SHARDAA夏达夏达,在藏语中是'干杯'的意思。这个词语不仅包含庆祝、欢乐、合作、祝福等美好的含义,同时也象征着人与物、人与人、人与空间的亲密互动。在 SHARDAA,我们以人为核心,以产品为媒介,以空间为平台,传递当代藏地文化,我们旨在联结身处城市,但又向往自然环境中的自由群体。


除了产品,SHARDAA也致力于探索人与人、人与空间更多可能性。通过MIT SHARDAA TSANG HOLIDAY三大内容板块,我们期望提供一个藏地人文交流与展示平台。


中桃9号,成立于上海的插画项目,灵感来源于freak show马戏团的演出以及大卫林奇的电影,受到诡异美学的影响,尝试用幽默的方式去描绘出那些难以在日常生活中表达出来的消极想法或情绪,通过多种媒介进行创作,代表作品有油画棒系列:FREAK SHOW,高饱和度的浓郁色彩,荒诞、讽刺、甚至有一点恶趣味,后期衍生出以FREAK SHOW形象创作的周边家居系列。

N0.9 CHINESE PEACH-an illustration project base in Shanghai. The project get inspiration from freak show of circus and the movie of David Lynch, affected by absurd aesthetics, try to use humorous ways to reconcile negative thoughts or emotions that are difficult to express in daily life. Using different medias to create, including Representative works oil pastels series-FREAK SHOW, bold and bright color-combination, painting style is absurd, ironic, and also creepy。Later improved some Peripheral products based on art work.



RABBITHOLE兔洞文化is a visual art institution specializing in advertising  planning/photography. Its magazine RABBITHOLE-Paper, each issue is unlimited in form and theme, boldly giving full play to creativity and fun.


上海A.F.A的限时自营摊位——A.F.A PARK


上海·蓝人秀 Blue Man Group in Shanghai

《蓝人秀》(BLUE MAN GROUP),自1991年首演以来,足迹遍布全球25个国家,且在波士顿、芝加哥、拉斯维加斯等地设有驻场演出,全球观众超过5000万人。集⾳乐、默剧、多媒体、装置艺术和互动于一体,《蓝人秀》不断迭代演出形式,跨圈层吸引受众。打破语言界限,任何年龄段都能享受其中。


Blue Man Group is a global entertainment phenomenon, known for its award-winning theatrical productions, iconic characters and multiple creative explorations. Blue Man Group performances are euphoric celebrations of human connection through art, music, comedy and non-verbal communication. Since debuting at New York’s Astor Place Theatre in 1991, the live show has expanded to additional domestic residencies in Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas and an international residency in Berlin, and multiple North American and World tours, reaching more than 50 million people worldwide. Blue Man Group is universally appealing to a broad range of age groups and cultural backgrounds.

Blue Man Group in Shanghai will debut an exclusive, tailor-made piece crafted specifically for Shanghai audiences, bringing a unique experience that blends the signature style of Blue Man Group with the vibrant spirit of Shanghai. Audiences will rock, laugh and party as three bald and blue characters explore the world and discover music, comedy and surprises at every turn.











Independent Designer Brand 

ohayouki was founded in 2020 by Kiki and Taotao.

Ohayouki is a fashion brand that has nothing to do 

with fashion trends, but a simple and happy story.

The theme of the story is friendship,

 and the protagonist of the stories 

the two friends Kiki created-Qiqi and Weiwei.

Weiwei is like kiki, slow to a bit dull, obsessive to a bit stupid,

but it is said to be warm. Qiqi loves to play and is a little lazy, 

but she has energy tortoise shells and fairy sticks, to guide 

the WeiWei, and always helps the Weiwei tide over the difficulties.

Hope that every costume with “Qiqi and Weiwei” stories 

can warm and heal the busier and lonely girls and boys.



AENTOS is a modern lifestyle brand that believes in the power of slowing down and self-care. Our aim is to create home fragrances that inspire mindful living and empower individuals in their pursuit of wellness. We believe that by taking time to care for ourselves, we can learn to care for the world and those around us. Our products are designed to encourage a slower, more intentional lifestyle and promote a greater connection with oneself and the environment.

Play it by ear



A handmade label,  established in 2023.Play it by ear. Stubborn as a mule.stumbling along, jesting at  the everyday rebellion.

Captivated by the unique visual charm of ears, we seek to blend their forms into the aesthetics of daily living. Their gentle curves trace out mysterious and enchanting scenes, concealing the secrets of life. Listen, narrate, murmur, resonate...


JADE DECO是以天然玉石为设计语言的折衷主义美学生活方式品牌。


I take a deep breath of the earth and master my life. 我连接旷野,我掌控自身。

JADE DECO is an aesthetic lifestyle brand that uses natural jade as its design language.

Under the explosion of information on social media, people lose their perception of the present, which can lead to anxiety and a sense of loss of control. We try to establish a daily routine through our product made with natural jade, advocating for everyone to regain control over their lives.

I take a deep breath of the earth and master my life.


LEYFA®源于冰岛语「允许」,一个关注内在抽象体悟的生活观念品牌。我们将「Allow AII To Flow 允许万物流淌」的品牌哲思,注入家居日常,以灵动浪漫的设计语言,探索心流发生之时的广袤诗性。

LEYFA®  is derived from the lcelandic word "allow", a life concept brand that focuses on inner abstract perceptions. We inject the brand philosophy of "Allow All To Flow" into our daily life, and explore the poetry when the flow occurs with a smart and romantic design language.



3gegu is a lifestyle brand that expresses everyday objects in a relaxed and lovely form which is both practical and healing.We want to relax with you at any time and enjoy every moment of life.

futchi 福气

futchi 创立于2019年,读作“福气”,取自法语【当你剥开荔枝的瞬间Fugace Litchi】,寓意“剥离烦恼,细嗅清香”。品牌致力于将东方的能工巧匠与西方艺术调香结合,以“气味制片人”身份创作每只叙事香气,并沿用自过往曾服务于高奢集团供应链,视每件香氛产品如艺术品般用心手作与打磨,以“取其神,去其形”的当代东西融合语言,打造一个来自中国走向国际的轻奢品牌。

futchi is a scented name inspired by 'Fugace Litchi’(a moment of peeling lychee)and re-assembled into a new word similarly pronounced with ' Fortune’inMandarin.

futchi is founded by artists from Central Saint Martins college of Arts and Design inLondon, across London to Shanghai, who used to collaborate with Hermes, LVMHluxury brands as art directors.

Uncle Belly|oneness archive

oneness archive成立于2020年,上海。我们是一家艺术工作室,致力于发现和创造充满乐趣和好奇心的艺术和产品。我们的灵感来自日常生活和观察,希望我们的作品可以给大家一些小乐趣。

Founded in 2020, Shanghai. We are an art studio and we want to discover and create art and products with fun and curiosity . The inspiration of our works come from our day to day life and observation, hope to bring a slight happiness to our fans and customers.

Uncle Belly是艺术家沈天宇(Sean Tnyu)创作的一个艺术系列。Uncle Belly代表着不被年龄和外貌困扰、不在乎别人的眼光,勇于探索和拥抱真实自我的精神。Uncle Belly从青少年时期就开始滑板。尽管他的年龄和体型已不再年轻,但他对自己喜欢的事物的热情、对未知的好奇心以及探索的欲望从未改变。

Uncle Belly

An art series created by artist Tianyu Shen(Sean Tnyu). Uncle Belly represents the spirit of not being bothered by age and appearance, not caring about surrounding criticisms, and having the courage to explore and embrace the true self. Uncle Belly started skateboarding when he was a teenager. Although his age and body shape are not young, his passion for things he likes, his curiosity about the unknown, and his desire to explore have never changed.





Give fragrance meaning, the senses into tune

As a fragrance brand, YRGD uses aromas to shape sensory profiles and explore classic aromas that coexist with time.

Aroma is the sound we use to describe the world. Named after an adjective, the pretone YRGD infiltrates the world with subtle aromas, sculpting aromas in a contemporary style, exploring classic aromas that can coexist with time, and describing the rich texture that comes from intuition.

assorted objects lifestyle

assorted objects lifestyle 隶属于精品设计咨询事务所 aglak 的艺术家居产品线。其旨在提供多样审美乐趣,提高家居生活体验。我们与来自不同背景,风格各异的艺术家进行紧密合作,共同开发多样式的优质家居产品。

assorted objects lifestyle is an artistic product line under boutique designstudio firm aolab.lt aims to enrich people's living environments with a hint ofdiverse aesthetic pleasure.assorted objects lifestyle closely works with artistsfrom different backgrounds and with distinct creative styles to research, anddevelop a variety of premium quality domestic goods.


NOOK HILL意为隐匿的⼭丘,以⽐喻⽣活中藏匿在⻆落的情绪。我们关注⽓味的私密性与时间性,尝试重现那些埋藏在记忆和景⾊中模糊⽽翻涌的内在体验。NOOK HILL期望⽤⽓味填充⽣活中被省略的部分。通过天然的原料,严谨的调⾹还原人类的感官⾯孔,以⽣机勃勃的⽅式体验我们⾃身。并为那些敏感好奇的情感探索者,提供⼀⽚实验与讨论的空间。

NOOK HILL symbolizes a concealed hill, serving as a metaphor for the hidden emotions in life's corners. We focus on the privacy and temporality of scents, trying to recreate those inner experiences that are vague and turbulent, buried in memories and landscapes.



Hangzhou freelance illustrator, in addition to illustrations, is also keen on handmade ceramics. My works mainly revolve around the original ip aguai and qieqie. I hope that through these works, I can convey strength, bring happiness and comfort to others, and also heal myself.


"ROUGH & RAW CO. 荒朴"是一个手工香氛品牌,专注于使用植物蜡和纯素精油制作产品,旨在为消费者和环境提供更加友好、令人安心的香氛体验。每款蜡烛的创作都源于生活中的点滴感动和美好记忆,或者是文学、电影、艺术所赋予的灵感。我们的愿景是通过这些香氛产品和与我们有共鸣的你建立联系,传递情感,分享回忆。

"ROUGH & RAW CO." is an artisanal fragrance brand that focuses on creating products using plant-based waxes and vegan fragrance oils, aiming to provide a more eco-friendly and reassuring fragrance experience for both consumers and the environment. Each candle is inspired by touching moments and beautiful memories from daily life, or by the inspiration drawn from literature, film, and art. Our vision is to connect with individuals who resonate with us through these fragrance products, conveying emotions and sharing memories.

ollah studio

成立于2023年的ollah studio是一个来自海边城市的生活方式集合品牌,ollah音为西班牙语的你好,我们提供轻快灵动、可持续的地中海风格原创家居生活产品,愿生机勃勃的假日给予我们无限力量。我们的产品涵盖家居、布艺、器皿、日常装饰品,品牌一以贯之可持续的理念,一物两用的设计和环境友好的材料,给生活带来更多的乐趣,在探索中获得愉悦。

Founded in 2023, ollah studio is a lifestyle brand from a coastal city. "ollah" sounds like "hello" in Spanish. We offer vibrant, sustainable, mediterranean-style original home living products, wishing that the lively spirit of holidays will give us endless energy. Our products include home goods, textiles, tableware, and everyday decorations. The brand consistently adheres to the principles of sustainability, dual-purpose designs, and eco-friendly materials, bringing more joy to life and delight through exploration.  “oozing lively life among holidays”



ASUCH is a young designer brand with great exploration spirit that pursues imagination, innovation and the favorable lifestyle embraced by the new generation. Our ultimate objective is to create products that provide young people the sense of ritual. 

The brand has developed six major product lines, including the Aromatherapy Candle, the No Fire Fragrance, the Aroma Crystal Stones, the Fragrant Spray, the Perfume, and the Artistic Candle. All our spices are provided by YISHION, the renowned fragrance brand that built its global reputation on its use of the highest quality soybean wax as raw material to explore the charm of fragrance candles in the most experimental endeavor in order to redefine the spirit of scented candles in the consumer's mind. 

While collaborating with YISHION, we thrive to develop and explore more aroma possibilities with healthy and natural ingredients that provide our customers comfort, amusement and creativity with the ambition to inspire both of their personal and social lives. ASUCH has independently developed fragrances such as In The Weeds and Peach Mojito that have become representative and cutting-edge products of our brand. To explore the balance between aroma and efficacy, we advocate the use of fragrance to delight the mood without any frustration and concerns over excessive spending. Our fragrances are priced at around 100 yuan per bottle, which can be a great economical addition to your high quality life that pursues the sense of ritual of today’s generation.


byyb 是一个以音乐、文化及线下现场为主导的工作室,坐标位于上海。

byyb.radio是工作室旗下的一个线下音乐电台聚集点,建立于23年,byyb.radio 旨在打破传统的音乐表演现场限制,如门票及封闭环境等,用社区电台形式展示,让音乐回到开放的环境,给予周边居民或游客,可以搬着板凳坐在路边欣赏音乐的机会,byyb 旨在打造一个真正舒适的环境让音乐人和音乐爱好者互相分享和探索,也希望这个小小的空间,能凝造出一个开放式的空间,把本地的声音和社群,广播给世界。

而 byyb.store则是一场从音乐电台出发,尝试和音乐关于日常的创意对话。我们希望可以通过对生活的观察,为音乐人,DJ及爱好者们提供更实用更贴近本土文化的生活单品选择。

byyb is a studio primarily focused on music, culture, and offline events, located in Shanghai.

We’re a gathering corner for music lovers, established in 2023. Transforming traditional music performances, we've created a community radio trend—no tickets, no closed spaces. We encourage people to enjoy music on the roadside, and let the local dj & artists connect us without barriers. byyb aims to create a comfortable environment for musicians and music enthusiasts to share and explore.We also hope that this small space can foster an open atmosphere, broadcasting the music and stories of our community to the world.

Starting from a radio station, byyb.store is a creative dialogue between music and daily life. We hope to provide DJs, musicians and music enthusiasts with a more practical yet local lifestyle through the observation of our neighborhood.
















Stationery,standard & technology


We are just part-time human being




100% 泰国制造 & 拥有。简约而多面,熟悉的感觉却又独具特色。每一款产品均可独立使用或叠加其他产品,以表达每个独特的空间和情感。

Breezy, founded in the vibrant Bangkok, Thailand, believes that fragrance is a powerful tool that can help people find a moment of relaxation in their hectic lives and discover serenity amidst the hustle and bustle.

100% made and owned in Thailand. Simple yet multifaceted, familiar yet distinctive. Each product can be used individually or layered to express every unique space and mood.


DEFRONT是一个由伦敦,洛杉矶,杭州三地设计师工程师和社会学科研究者共同创立, 致力于让体验升级的设计品牌。希望将超负荷的数据及功能通过设计简化隐藏,使得体验更柔和的融入我们 的现代生活。

Vision of Fragrance系列,是DEFRONT从2022年开始研发的香氛体验产品系列。该系列的设计关注香氛的多重感官体验,将香氛感受从单纯的嗅觉体验延伸至视觉、 触觉等更多元化的感官体验。

DEFRONT is a design brand jointly founded by designers, engineers, and sociologists from London, Los Angeles, and Hangzhou. The brand is dedicated to enhancing experiences through design. DEFRONT aims to simplify and conceal overwhelming data and functions through design, making experiences seamlessly integrate into modern life.

The Vision of Fragrance series is a fragrance experience product line developed by DEFRONT since 2022. The design of this series focuses on a multi-sensory fragrance experience, extending the perception of fragrance from a purely olfactory experience to a more diverse sensory experience, including visual and tactile sensations.




Mounrain original studio

An original designer's brand that believes "Everything can be fluffy". We create furry creatures nonstop. Combining ordinary objects with furry expressions and beautiful meanings. Bringing warmth, tenderness and cuteness into every moment of life!





GUAIYOUQU is a brand studio founded by Hongxia and AN two good friends. Love to create around girls and cats! Keen on toy fun design - papermache. Choose art sculpture and hand jewelry as the main medium to show the world as we love it!

窗内Solo Mood

窗内 Solo Mood 是一个以香氛为主的原创设计家居品牌。用气味疗愈情绪,找寻平和、安宁的栖息地,灵魂得以休憩,跟风解缚自己。

Solo Mood is an original design home furnishing brand that focuses on fragrance. We use scents to heal emotions,finding a peaceful and tranquil habitat where the soul can rest well and free itself.


椭圆形是围绕两个焦点形成的曲线。ellipse stutio将“艺术”和“生活”作为椭圆的两个焦点,围绕艺术与生活进行以陶瓷为主的创作活动。

An ellipse is a curve formed around two focal points.

ellipse studio uses "art" and "life" as the two focal points of the ellipse to create ceramics based on art and life.







YUHUI MAO Ceramics

由YUHUI MAO毛钰慧创立于中国千年瓷都景德镇。

从伦敦金斯顿大学时装设计专业毕业后,先后在上海、深圳的独立时装设计师品牌和服装公司工作,并在质感设计(Material Design)和面料设计(Textile Design)领域进行了多个研究及个人项目。在景德镇学习陶瓷艺术后,她将对西方现代时装工业的面料、剪裁和工艺的关注,融入到东方古典陶瓷艺术中。


Brand YUHUIMAO was founded by Mao Yuhui in Jingdezhen, the millennium porcelain capital of China. After graduating from the Fashion Design program at Kingston University in London, she worked at independent fashion designer brands and clothing companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen, conducting research and personal projects in the fields of Material Design and Textile Design. Following her studies in ceramic art in Jingdezhen, she integrated her focus on fabrics, tailoring, and craftsmanship in Western modern fashion industry into Eastern classical ceramic art. Transitioning from fashion design to lifestyle art, the brand explores more intricate surface textures, forms, and functions, blending fabrics, new materials, and ceramics in an organic form through design language, establishing new aesthetic dimensions for objects.




Independent illustrator, good at printmaking and handwork, original combination of his own illustration style with ceramics and printmaking.

Works are around the natural universe mysterious free theme series, with my sincere blessing power.


SAYONE 2015 年创立于上海。成立 9 年来,用器物发声,坚持原创设计手工绘制,在漫长复杂的制作工序里,注入对泥土的敬意,传递如友人般手作的温度。我们致力于把艺术带上餐桌,唤醒生活本质的力量。主张每个人都能创造自己的日常浪漫,让日常的用餐,充满生趣和色彩。灵感来自于自然界的植物和色彩,崇尚自由的随性生活。

SAYONE, the sound of ceramics. Commodities accompany with us every day, which makes them have their own emotions. Handmade and hand painted, each one is one of the kind. Our goal is to bring art on our dining-table, bring a sense of ritual in our life.


face-b 创立于 2022年,经过对产品的不断打磨,于 2023 年夏季正式面市。


通过品牌同名形象: face-b —— “一个表情呆呆的、穿着舒适宽松睡衣的小孩,手里抱着一只枕头,一幅没有睡醒的慵懒模样”,完全沉浸在这一刻的时间里,传递了 face-b 想要的生活状态。

face-b 注重产品的美观及实用性,以原创高品质且兼备艺术性的产品为愿景,致力于创造能够为人们的日常生活带来欢乐的产品。













工地GongD Ceramics


Here are some ceramic tableware products from GongD Ceramics, who dedicate to present ceramics that are slightly above everyday life but never lofty or finicky. We downplay artistry, avoid style, dissolve narrative, and focus on refining shapes and exploring glazes and kiln-firing extensively. We praise craftsmanship while embracing imagination, presenting rich visual effects that reflect contemplation on materials, civilization, memory, and emotions.


荒核NUWILDS 独立香氛品牌成立于2019年上海。品牌从自然、历史、艺术中汲取养分和灵感,致力于创造有力量的,独居风格的香氛产品。




Founded in 2024, DRAWNTO is an intelligent customized jewelry brand that generates images online.It uses AI technology to allow consumers to design and customize their own jewelry without any restrictions.


倦鸟是位于杭州世界非遗良渚遗址内的一家手作陶瓷工作室,成立已八年。主要以良渚特有的黑、灰、红陶制作茶器 食器 花器,作品常被笑问是不是发掘文物,是文物元素提炼和现代实用改造互相融合的日常器物。

Tired Bird is a hand-made ceramic studio located in the World Heritage Liangzhu Site in Hangzhou, which has been established for eight years. Tea ware's food utensils and flowerpots are mainly made of black, gray and red pottery unique to Liangzhu. The works are often asked with a smile whether they are excavated cultural relics, and they are daily utensils that are integrated with the extraction of cultural relics and modern practical transformation.

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活动时间 TIME

2024 /8 / 15 - 2024 / 8 / 18 

8/15周四  16:30-21:00

 8/16 - 8/18 周五至周日 12:30-21:00

活动地点 VENUE



Shanghai A.F.A - ROJO Space

NO.570 Huaihai West Street,

 Changning District, Shanghai


四五限量优惠票  Thurs/Fri Ticket  39元


单人早鸟票  Single Early Bird Ticket  60元

早鸟双人票  Early Bird Ticket for 2 110元

活动单人现场票 At the Door  75元


限量「别“篮”我」套票  Limited Bundle Pack 185元

(含一张快速通道门票,includes one fast pass ticket )

限量快速通道单人票 Fast Pass Ticket  85元

(含限定BG大海报,includes a limited edition BG poster) 

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撰 写  W R I T T E N  B Y  /  X U E  Y. &  Y U E  L.

设 计  D E S I G N E D  B Y  / E S T H E R  M.


重启Breaking Grounds地下市⁵的火爆现场

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