Are you tired of carrying all the goodies you bought at our market? This time, we’ve turned our limited gift pack into a crossbody bag, which is filled with our limited edition baseball cap, water bottle, pin set, and an exclusive gift from other brands. Obviously, it’s perfect for your everyday commute, trips to the gym, and also shopping around at Common Gathering! So stop hesitating, scan the QR code to join our market next week and take this awesome gifts back home!
活动时间 TIME
2024 /10 / 24 - 2024 / 10 / 27
10/24 周四 16:30-21:00
10/25 - 10/27 周五至周日 12:30-21:00
活动地点 VENUE
Shanghai Culture Square
597 Middle Fuxing Rd.
四五限量优惠票 Thurs/Fri Ticket 39元
单人早鸟票 Single Early Bird Ticket 60元
早鸟双人票 Early Bird Ticket for 2 110元
活动单人现场票 At the Door 75元
限量「秋日chill游」套票 Limited Bundle Pack 185元
(含一张快速通道门票,includes one fast pass ticket )
限量快速通道单人票 Fast Pass Ticket 85元
(含一起凡几徽章套组,includes a limited edition pin set)
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撰 写 W R I T T E N B Y / X U E Y.
设 计 D E S I G N E D B Y / S U O S U O L.
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