Call for paper (IF 4.2):截止2025年8月31日

学术   2024-10-08 22:36   北京  

Redefining Disaster Risk: Equity-Centered Approaches to Risk Assessment

Decades of disaster research have consistently emphasized how natural hazards disproportionately affect marginalized groups. Traditional disaster risk modeling frameworks overlook these disparities, hindering the development of more equitable disaster risk reduction strategies. This special issue aims to redefine disaster risk assessment by bringing together studies that explicitly prioritize procedural, recognitional, and/or distributive equity in their risk assessment approaches. Such studies could include new approaches or information that capture disparate impacts, recognize local needs and histories, or include marginalized groups in decision-making.

Guest editors:

Sabine Loos, PhD

Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Michigan, MI, United States

Robert Soden, PhD

School of the Environment, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Jasper Verschuur, PhD

Delft University of Technology, Zuid-Holland, Netherland

Nicole Paul, PhD

Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, Univ. College London, London, United Kingdom

Kanako Iuchi, PhD

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Questions of particular interest include:

  • How can the disaster risk assessment process be structured to prioritize the needs of multiple users, especially communities most vulnerable to disasters?

  • Who is and should be involved in disaster risk assessment projects?

  • What are alternative ways of considering risk that move beyond fatalities, losses, or other traditional metrics?

  • How have equity-informed risk assessments been explored for use in planning and decision-making and what barriers exist for their use?

  • How has data been collected to support equity-informed risk assessments, such as disaggregated loss, longitudinal impact, or infrastructure disruption data?

  • Can we reimagine alternative disaster risk assessment methods and applications that differ from historical precedence?

For any questions, please direct questions to the special issue email address:

Manuscript submission information:

Submission deadline: Aug 31, 2025.

Please refer to the to prepare your manuscript. Once the manuscript is ready, please submit it through, click "Submit New Manuscript" and select the article type “VSI:Equity and Risk Assessment” from the dropdown list. 

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction的CAR指数

2023年3月份科睿唯安官方一次性踢除35本SCI期刊,多数涉及学术诚信问题,让我们意识到学术期刊的“被踢”指数,也很重要。目前,对于期刊的“被踢”指数,这里介绍一下:CAR指数(关于CAR的细介绍,请关注,这是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,指数越高代表可能的风险越大。从数据看,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction不管是2022年度,还是2023年度的CAR指数,都是比较低的。当然,CAR指数仅供参考,期刊风险情况,需以科睿唯安或中科院预警等官方为准!


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