Maria Cadima, Paola Castellanos, Estrella Olmedo, Joaquim Dias, Edmo J.D. Campos, 2024. A maximum sea surface salinity tongue in the North Brazil continental shelf. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,
Figure: Hovmöller diagrams of surface salinity (latitude vs time) from (a) SMOS and (b) CORA; salinity (depth vs time) from CORA at (c) 2°N and (d) 4.5°N with contour lines in black; and surface current (latitude vs time) from GLORYS12: (e) east–west (E positive) and (f) north–south (N positive). All data were averaged longitudinally to 300 km off the coast. The time interval of the diagrams is 2011–2019.
- 英文摘要 -
The variability of the sea surface salinity measurements provided by the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission reveals the presence of a local salinity maximum (a salty tongue) in the northwestern tropical Atlantic. The sea surface salinity positive anomaly starts increasing in July, reaches its maximum in January, and then disappears. The local maximum of salinity appears in the late boreal autumn/winter, when the Amazon discharge is minimal and the salty water from the South Atlantic is transported by the North Brazil Current along the shelf break across the equator. The authors validate the satellite observations in this area and assess the vertical structure of the salinity maximum by using in situ measurements and an in situ-interpolated product.
Tropical Atlantic Ocean
salty tongue
North Brazil Current
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