Acta Materialia | Grain Boundary Database: 327 GBs 58 Elements

文摘   科学   2025-01-21 12:47   浙江  

Polycrystalline materials are composed of many grains, and the interface between grains is called a grain boundary. The structure and energy of grain boundaries are essential for predicting the properties of polycrystalline materials. Therefore, scientists are committed to studying the properties of grain boundaries to better understand and design polycrystalline materials.

Graphical Abstract


Scholars from the University of California San Diego used a high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculation workflow to construct the largest database of DFT-computed grain boundary properties to date - the Grain Boundary Database (GBDB). The researchers also developed a novel scaled-structural template approach for high-throughput grain boundary calculations. This approach can reduce the computational cost of converging GB structures by a factor of ~ 3–6.

Fig. 1. Grain boundary generation process.

    • Constructed the largest database of DFT-computed grain boundary properties to date, GBDB. The database currently encompasses 327 GBs of 58 elemental metals, including 10 common twist or symmetric tilt GBs for body-centered cubic (bcc) and face-centered cubic (fcc) systems and the Σ7 [0001] twist GB for hexagonal close-packed (hcp) systems.

    • Developed a novel scaled-structural template approach for high-throughput grain boundary calculations, significantly reducing the computational cost.

    • Developed an improved predictive model for the GB energy of different elements, improving the prediction accuracy.

    Fig. 2. GB energy γGB distribution for (a) bcc, (b) fcc, and (c) hcp/dhcp elemental metals, sorted by increasing γGB.
    • Provides more accurate grain boundary property data for the design of polycrystalline materials.

    • Promotes the application of high-throughput DFT calculations in materials science.

    • Provides an improved direction for the predictive model of grain boundary properties.

    Fig. 3. Comparison of γGB between the following: (a) this work and previous DFT values; (b) and (c) EAM and SNAP values. (d), (e) and (f) compare the calculated γGB of bcc Fe, fcc Al and fcc Ni with experimentally measured MRD. Where: γGB refers to grain boundary energy; DFT refers to density functional theory; EAM refers to embedded atom method; SNAP refers to spectral neighbor analysis potentials; MRD refers to multiples of random distribution.

    The co-first authors of the paper are Hui Zheng and Xiang-Guo Li from the University of California San Diego. Prof. Shyue Ping Ong from the University of California San Diego is the corresponding author of this work.
    H. Zheng, X.-G. Li, R. Tran, C. Chen, M. Horton, D. Winston, K.A. Persson, S.P. Ong, Grain boundary properties of elemental metals, Acta Materialia 186 (2020) 40-49.

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