
文摘   情感   2024-10-24 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "你就像我心里的调味剂,没你一切都太 bland,而有了你,生活瞬间变得 spicy!""You’re like the seasoning in my heart; without you, everything is too bland, but with you, life instantly becomes spicy!"

  • "如果你是海洋,我愿意化作那条小鱼,时刻在你心间游荡,偷偷享受你的温暖。""If you were the ocean, I’d become a little fish, swimming in your heart, secretly enjoying your warmth."

  • "你的微笑像一扇窗,透出阳光和温暖,我只想永远在那道光里待着,享受你的每一瞬。""Your smile is like a window, letting in sunshine and warmth, and I just want to stay in that light forever, savoring every moment of you."

  • "我想做你心中的一道光,不求照亮整个世界,只想照亮你的一瞬间。""I want to be a light in your heart, not to illuminate the whole world, but just to brighten a moment of you."

  • "我把思念放进了星星里,每当夜空璀璨时,都是我在偷偷想你。""I’ve put my longing into the stars; whenever the night sky sparkles, it’s just me secretly thinking of you."

  • "你是我的宇宙,无论我如何漂流,心中永远有一颗星星是为你而闪耀的。""You are my universe; no matter how I drift, there’s always a star in my heart shining just for you."

  • "我不是在追求完美,只是在追寻那种和你在一起时的心跳感,那才是真正的心动。""I’m not chasing perfection; I’m just pursuing that heartbeat I feel when I’m with you—that’s true excitement."

  • "你的眼神像是夜空中的星星,每次对视都让我感觉掉进了一个无法自拔的黑洞。""Your gaze is like stars in the night sky; every time we lock eyes, I feel like I’m falling into an irresistible black hole."

  • "如果爱是一场游戏,我愿意把自己全部押上,只为那一局与我最爱的你。""If love is a game, I’d bet everything I have, just for that one round with my favorite you."

  • "我不是在追寻爱情的定义,而是在等待你的出现,恍如等待一个梦境的降临。""I’m not searching for the definition of love; I’m waiting for you to appear, like waiting for a dream to descend."



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