第1节 政策
《保护美国人免受外国对手控制的应用程序法案》(简称“该法案”)(《公法》第118 - 50号,H部分)基于国家安全理由,对“外国对手控制的应用程序”进行监管,特别是由TikTok及其位于中国的母公司字节跳动有限公司的任何其他子公司所运营的应用程序。
该法案第2(a)节禁止实体在美国境内通过以下方式分发、维护或更新某些特定的外国对手控制的应用程序:(A) 通过在线移动应用商店或其他市场为此类分发、维护或更新提供服务;或 (B) 提供互联网托管服务以实现此类应用程序的分发、维护或更新。该法案第2(g)节将“外国对手控制的应用程序”定义为包括由字节跳动有限公司或TikTok直接或间接运营的网站、桌面应用程序、移动应用程序以及增强或沉浸式技术应用程序。根据该法案第2(a)节,该法案对这些实体的禁令于2025年1月19日生效。
(a) 我特此命令司法部长自本命令发布之日起75天内,代表美国不要采取任何行动来执行该法案,以便本届政府有机会确定针对TikTok的适当行动方案。在此期间,司法部不得采取任何行动来执行该法案,也不得对任何违反该法案的实体实施任何处罚,包括对该法案所定义的任何外国对手控制的应用程序的分发、维护或更新(或促成此类分发、维护或更新)行为。鉴于此指示,即使在上述规定期限届满后,司法部也不得对在上述规定期限内或本命令发布前的任何时期发生的任何行为,包括从2025年1月19日至本命令签署之日的时间段内发生的行为,采取任何行动来执行该法案或对任何实体实施任何处罚。
(b) 司法部长应采取一切适当行动发布书面指导意见,以落实(a)小节的规定。
(c) 我进一步命令司法部长向每个供应商发出一封信,声明不存在违反法规的情况,并且对于在上述规定期间内以及从该法案生效之日起至本行政命令发布之日止发生的任何行为,均不承担责任。
(d) 鉴于涉及国家安全利益,且该法案第2(d)节仅将调查和执行该法案的权力赋予司法部长,各州或私人方试图执行该法案即构成对行政权力的侵犯。司法部长应行使一切可用权力,维护和捍卫行政部门执行该法案的专属权力。
(a) 本命令中的任何内容均不得被解释为损害或以其他方式影响:
(i) 法律授予行政部门或机构及其负责人的权力;或
(ii) 管理和预算办公室主任与预算、行政或立法提案相关的职能。
(b) 本命令的执行应符合适用法律,并以有可用拨款为前提。
(c) 本命令无意也不会为任何一方创造任何可依法或依衡平法对美国、其部门、机构或实体、其官员、雇员或代理人或任何其他人强制执行的实质性或程序性权利或利益。
January 20, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Policy. The Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act (the “Act”) (Pub. L. 118-50, div. H) regulates “foreign adversary controlled applications,” specifically those operated by TikTok and any other subsidiary of its China-based parent company, ByteDance Ltd., on national security grounds.
Section 2(a) of the Act prohibits entities from distributing, maintaining, or updating certain defined foreign adversary controlled applications within the territory of the United States by providing (A) services for such distribution, maintenance, or updates by means of an online mobile application store or other marketplace; or (B) internet hosting services to enable the distribution, maintenance, or updating of such applications. Section 2(g) of the Act defines “Foreign Adversary Controlled Application” to include websites, desktop applications, mobile applications, and augmented or immersive technology applications operated directly or indirectly by ByteDance Ltd. or TikTok. Under section 2(a) of the Act, the prohibitions of the Act with respect to these entities became effective on January 19, 2025.
I have the unique constitutional responsibility for the national security of the United States, the conduct of foreign policy, and other vital executive functions. To fulfill those responsibilities, I intend to consult with my advisors, including the heads of relevant departments and agencies on the national security concerns posed by TikTok, and to pursue a resolution that protects national security while saving a platform used by 170 million Americans. My Administration must also review sensitive intelligence related to those concerns and evaluate the sufficiency of mitigation measures TikTok has taken to date.
The unfortunate timing of section 2(a) of the Act — one day before I took office as the 47th President of the United States — interferes with my ability to assess the national security and foreign policy implications of the Act’s prohibitions before they take effect. This timing also interferes with my ability to negotiate a resolution to avoid an abrupt shutdown of the TikTok platform while addressing national security concerns. Accordingly, I am instructing the Attorney General not to take any action to enforce the Act for a period of 75 days from today to allow my Administration an opportunity to determine the appropriate course forward in an orderly way that protects national security while avoiding an abrupt shutdown of a communications platform used by millions of Americans.
Sec. 2. Action. (a) I hereby order the Attorney General not to take any action on behalf of the United States to enforce the Act for 75 days from the date of this order, to permit my Administration an opportunity to determine the appropriate course of action with respect to TikTok. During this period, the Department of Justice shall take no action to enforce the Act or impose any penalties against any entity for any noncompliance with the Act, including for distributing, maintaining, or updating (or enabling the distribution, maintenance, or updating) of any foreign adversary controlled application as defined in the Act. In light of this direction, even after the expiration of the above-specified period, the Department of Justice shall not take any action to enforce the Act or impose any penalties against any entity for any conduct that occurred during the above-specified period or any period prior to the issuance of this order, including the period of time from January 19, 2025, to the signing of this order.
(b) The Attorney General shall take all appropriate action to issue written guidance to implement the provisions of subsection (a).
(c) I further order the Attorney General to issue a letter to each provider stating that there has been no violation of the statute and that there is no liability for any conduct that occurred during the above-specified period, as well as for any conduct from the effective date of the Act until the issuance of this Executive Order.
(d) Because of the national security interests at stake and because section 2(d) of the Act vests authority for investigations and enforcement of the Act only in the Attorney General, attempted enforcement by the States or private parties represents an encroachment on the powers of the Executive. The Attorney General shall exercise all available authority to preserve and defend the Executive’s exclusive authority to enforce the Act.
Sec. 3. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
January 20, 2025.
国务院:进一步加强对平台经济健康发展的统筹指导 加大政策支持力度
《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定》全文及说明