
文摘   2024-08-08 21:30   山东  

艺无反顾 ——叶勇艺术回顾展

前 言

叶勇 (1969.10.7-2024.1.7),湖北籍当代艺术家,先后在湖北美术学院油画系接受本科和硕士教育,并在湖北美院从事油画教学工作。因此,叶勇的早期艺术创作是典型的学院派写实具象油画,但他的艺术之心总不甘如此。叶勇的艺术人生,是不断地在否定、叛逆和转型。他一共实现了三个重要的转身”:一、身份转换:从体制院校的油画教师到体制外的自由艺术家;二、创作方向转换:从写实具象绘画到抽象表现作品;三、地域转移:从湖北武汉到首都北京。

《自画像》200x155cm 布面丙烯 2017


《自画像》200x155cm 布面丙烯 2018



《22.NO127》200x300cm 布面丙烯 2022


《19.NO30》200x155cm 布面丙烯 2019




For Art Without Looking Back--Ye Yong's Art Retrospective Exhibition


Ye Yong (1969.10.7-2024.1.7), a contemporary artist from Hubei, received undergraduate and master's education in the Oil Painting Department of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, and engaged in oil painting teaching at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. Therefore, Ye Yong's early artistic creations were typical academic realistic and concrete oil paintings, but his artistic heart was never willing to do so. Ye Yong's artistic life is constantly negating, rebellious and transforming. He achieved three important "turns" in total: Firstly, his identity transformation: from an oil painting teacher in an institutional college to a freelance artist outside the system; Secondly, the transformation of his creative direction: from the realistic concrete painting to the abstract expression works; Thirdly, the regional transfer: from Wuhan city of Hubei Province to the capital of Beijing.

In 2021, Ye Yong was invited to hold a solo exhibition at Beijing Jindu Art Center in Beijing 798. Later, he moved his studio from Wuhan to Beijing and focused on the contemporary art creation. Being a "Beijing drifting contemporary artist" is Ye Yong's artistic ideal and a major turning point in his life. He chose this free and arduous artistic path willingly and "without looking back". In the studio of Jiu art district in Liqiao, Beijing, he worked completely selflessly, just like when he broke out of the box in the performance work "Express Ye Yong". His artistic passion and life energy at this time finally"broke out", thus he created a large number of large-scale abstract expression paintings until his sudden death in the cold winter of 2024.

Ye Yong is a typical case among the "Beijing drifting contemporary artists" after the Yuanmingyuan period of Chinese contemporary art. This "Ye Yong’s Art Retrospective Exhibition" is not only a case presentation of Ye Yong, but also a "contemporary"study of Chinese contemporary art: the current artistic situation, the life state of current artists, current social problems etc.

Ye Yong is a scholar-type painter with reading, cultivation, concepts, passion and touch. Therefore, viewing Ye Yong's art works requires a certain visual reading experience: his realistic and concrete paintings are not simple reproduction and refinement of objects. They have multiple perspectives, not only the painter's own inner aspirations and emotions, but also include elements such as film and pop art; The visual power of the pictures in Ye Yong's abstract expression works is overwhelming, but the visual impact of the picture form is still superficial. We should also think more about metaphors outside the picture: visual metaphors and cultural metaphors.

The exhibition is divided into several sections: In hall 1, it is displayed mainly by Ye Yong's realistic paintings; In hall 3, it is shown by Ye Yong's transitional works from realistic concrete to abstract expression; In hall 4, it is presented by Ye Yong's large-scale "Red and Black" abstract expression works, and includes installation, performance art (video) works, as well as objects and daily necessities from Ye Yong's studio, to comprehensively present Ye Yong's artistic life.

What is important is not art, but the scene of art to commemorate Ye Yong!


                                          Han Tao Art Museum


 济南市韩涛美术馆 是一家公益性美术馆,依托济南市莱芜区雪野风景区而建,主要功能有艺术展览、教育、收藏、研究与学术交流等。


 韩涛美术馆 的建立,将完善雪野风景区的功能性配套结构,更好的助力雪野走出国门、步入国际视野。


 展 览 组 委 会 
 展览日期 2024.8.10-9.10 



哌,是一种药 有溶解 驱虫 等作用