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文摘   2024-12-17 09:20   辽宁  




有需要博士后职位发布的教授/PI,也欢迎通过相同方式, 添加叫兽微信,免费发布职位!


TitlePostdoctoral Research Fellow (Photonics)

Employer:Tampere University

LocationKalevantie 4 Tampere, Finland


Application deadline2025-01-30

Job type: Postdoc

FieldElectromagnetism, Optics, Experimental Physics, Computational Physics, Photonics and 1 more


About the position

The Physics Unit at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Tampere University is inviting applications for a postdoctoral research fellow position in Photonics Laboratory, working jointly with Nanophotonics, Experimental Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics groups. The position includes research on quantum nonlinear photonics and/or nanofabrication. The research project(s) of the postdoctoral research fellow are thematically linked to the Finnish Flagship in Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN) and to the Innovative Doctoral Education Ecosystem for Photonics (I-DEEP) Doctoral Pilot Programme.


Job Description

A postdoctoral researcher will work with three research groups (nanophotonics, nonlinear optics and experimental quantum photonics). Depending on applicants strengths and interests, the job may focus on one/some of these research themes:

1-Integrated photonics, nanofabrication and photonics assembly
2-Structured light and quantum phenomena
3-Nonlinear optical phenomena and metasurfaces

We also encourage the candidate in implementing their own ideas. Please specify in your application if you are specifically interested to work on one or more of the above topics. Your tasks will involve performing outstanding research on the relevant topic(s) as well as participating in the supervision of three doctoral researchers (one per participating research group) working within the I-DEEP Programme. In addition, according to the practices of the Physics Unit, postdoctoral research fellows should dedicate approx. 5% of their working time for teaching.



We are looking for a motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to carry out outstanding research. You should have a doctoral degree in photonics, physics or a related field. Excellent written and spoken English skills are essential. Knowledge in programming languages, e.g., Matlab, Python, Labview, or similar are highly appreciated. You are expected to be able to work independently, guide the experimental work of the students and assist in scientific writing, and participate in teaching. International experience and networks are appreciated. Expertise in quantum optics, nonlinear photonics and/or nanophotonics are advantageous.

Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary, forward-thinking and evolving community. Our values are openness, critical thinking, diversity, learner-centredness, courage, erudition and responsibility. We hope you can embrace these values and promote them in your role.


Additional information

Prof. Robert Fickler, robert.fickler (at) tuni.fi
Assoc. Prof. Tapio Niemi, tapio.niemi (at) tuni.fi 
Adj. Prof. Mikko Huttunen, mikko.huttunen (at) tuni.fi





· The  End ·

 Recommended readings


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