PhD Studentship: Integrative Bioinformatics Approaches for The Identification of Novel Targets and Therapeutics for Cell Cycle Changes and Cell Death
We are looking for a PhD candidate with a passion to combine bioinformatics and computational biology, as well as next-generation sequencing and high-throughput 'omic technologies, to target cells and their development.
This project focuses on using integrative bioinformatics approaches and next-generation sequencing technologies to develop an in-silico framework for the identification of new targets (genes and proteins), as well as potential novel therapies that target cell cycle changes (cellular oscillation), cell plasticity, and cell apoptosis. Cell growth and invasion is a fundamental mechanism of many diseases, and plays a key role in other notable cell changes such as ageing.
By investigating genetic and protein changes at different points of the cell cycle, we can identify how these different molecules are active at different stages of the cycle, and how they change during cell development.
This has wide-reaching applications, as it can lead to the identification of potential markers that can be targeted at specific stages of cell development, changes related to ageing or to specific disease, and changes that should be targeted to prevent cell death.
The first axis of the project involves the development of a large-scale repository of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data and spatial transcriptomic data, and high-throughput ‘omic technologies (whole genome sequencing, whole exome sequencing).
In particular, the project will focus on single-cell sequencing, and spatial transcriptomics, to probe genetic changes at a cellular level, using data from several large-scale scRNAseq repositories.
The second axis of the project focuses on 3D protein information and protein interaction data pertaining to cell-cycle oscillations and cell death.
This work will also involve using high-throughput drug docking and molecular-dynamics simulations of protein-drug interactions. Both axes of the project will allow the candidate to develop an in-silico pipeline for rapid identification of potential therapeutics against genetic and proteins targets involved in cell death.
Anybody who does not meet the criteria for home / UK student, above, would be classed as an international student.
Awards for both UK residents and International applicants cover UK tuition fees and provide a stipend at the standard UKRI rate to support living costs. UKRI funding will not cover the difference between UK tuition fees and international tuition fees. There are institution-specific options which may be able to help cover the difference between UK and international tuition fees. See the institution specific information below and/or contact potential supervisors at the desired institution directly in order to understand if funding to cover international level tuition fees is available to them.
UKCISA provides information on tuition fees to help you assess your fee status.
International students will require a student visaLink opens in a new window in order to be able to study in the UK. There are costs associated with the visa application process, which must be met by the student; approx £2500 for the visa and healthcare surcharge. Please ensure you have the means to meet these costsLink opens in a new window before you apply to the programme.
“硕士申请” 或 “博士申请”
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@留德华叫兽:系美国Clemson大学数学硕士(运筹学方向)、Ph.D. candidate,欧盟玛丽居里学者,德国海德堡大学数学博士(离散优化、图像处理),读博期间前往意大利博洛尼亚大学、IBM实习半年,巴黎综合理工访问一季。现任德国无人驾驶资深研发工程师。
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