Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the philosophy that health is achieved through the balance of the body's energy, known as 气 (qì), and the harmony between the human body and the natural world.
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
5 TCM Practices
To Try in China
01. Acupuncture
Acupuncture (针灸 zhēnjiǔ) is one of the most well-known TCM practices. It involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and restore balance.
Duration: ~60-70 min
Relaxation Level: 🌕🌑🌑
Muscle Tension Relief: 🌕🌕🌕*
Tiny needles are placed in the body at specific points and you likely won't feel anything, although it may ache when the correct depth is reached. If you feel some pain, you could say:
02. Cupping
Cupping therapy involves placing heated cups on the skin to create a suction effect. It's commonly used to relieve muscle tension and detoxify the body.
Cupping therapy can cause small, painless bruises that usually fade in a few days. These marks are normal and not cause for concern.
Duration: ~60 min
Relaxation Level: 🌕🌗🌑
Muscle Tension Relief: 🌕🌕🌑
刮痧 (guāshā) or scraping therapy is a technique that involves gently scraping the skin with a flat, smooth-edged tool to stimulate the flow of blood and lymph.
gua sha; scraping therapy
挂 (guā) means "to scrape," while 痧 (shā) refers to the distinctive red or purple spots that appear on the skin surface due to scraping.
Duration: ~60 min
Relaxation Level: 🌗🌑🌑
Muscle Tension Relief: 🌕🌗🌑
推拿 (tuīná) is a form of Chinese therapeutic massage that involves various techniques such as kneading, pressing, and stretching. If you wake up with a stiff neck (落枕 làozhěn), tuina would be a good remedy.
pressure point massage
lit. "push-pull"
Duration: ~60 min
Relaxation Level: 🌗🌑🌑
Muscle Tension Relief: 🌕🌕🌕
Tuina is a safe and common type of massage in China, but remember that it's not a gentle or relaxing massage. You may feel some discomfort during or after a session.
💡In the meantime, explore other types of massages and opt for more relaxing options:
| Getting a Massage in China: Popular Types & Handy Phrases
Moxibustion involves burning dried mugwort (艾草 àicǎo) near the skin to warm and stimulate specific points on the body, improving circulation and boosting the immune system.
Duration: ~30 min
Relaxation Level: 🌕🌕🌑
Muscle Tension Relief: 🌗🌑🌑
Moxibustion may be worth a try if you're exploring complementary and integrative treatments, but remember that it's better to be done by a skilled practitioner.
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