招聘:硅谷AI公司招聘实习生 - 人工智能岗位

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招聘职位:人工智能实习生 【No.202401】




  • 数据工程、人工智能等领域的专家团队实地/远程工作的机会
  • 一个支持性的工作环境,实习生可以在其中提高先进的分析技术和深度学习应用的技能
  • 美国本土公司工业级的项目,全英文工作环境、实习经历 + 雇主公司官方人事实习证明
  • 雇主公司支持CPT,雇主公司支持美国本土人事背景调查 – 求职背调 + 硕博申请背调
  • 深入项目团队,学习最前沿的技术并每周得到项目经理1对1的亲自指导和培训,独立完成任务




  • 算法开发:开发和实现人工智能算法和模型,包括但不限于机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理或计算机视觉。确保算法高效、可扩展且可靠。
  • 数据处理:收集、处理和清洗大型数据集。确保数据质量并进行探索性数据分析以揭示隐藏的洞见和识别相关模式。
  • 模型训练与评估:使用准备好的数据集训练人工智能模型。使用合适的指标和技术评估模型的性能。微调模型以提高准确性和效率。
  • 研究与创新:紧跟最新的人工智能研究和技术。探索人工智能中的新方法、工具和技术,并将它们应用于正在进行的项目以增强结果。
  • 团队协作:与数据科学家、软件工程师和产品团队紧密合作,将人工智能解决方案整合到公司的产品和服务中。确保解决方案满足业务需求并增加显著价值。
  • 问题解决:应用解决问题的技能来解决人工智能项目中的复杂挑战。将问题分解为可管理的部分,并制定实际且创新的解决方案。
  • 文档记录与报告:记录开发过程,包括方法学、算法和结果的选择。准备报告和演示文稿,向团队和利益相关者传达发现和建议。
  • 测试与优化:对人工智能模型进行严格测试,确保它们在各种条件下正确运行。优化模型以提高性能、速度和资源效率。
  • 伦理考量与合规:确保人工智能解决方案的设计符合伦理,并遵守相关行业标准和法规。处理与数据隐私、安全和公平相关的问题。
  • 专业发展:参与持续学习以跟上人工智能领域的快速发展。参加研讨会、研讨会和课程以增强技术技能和知识。
  • 跨功能协作:与不同部门接洽,了解他们的需求和挑战。使用人工智能提供创新解决方案,可以简化运营并推动业务增长。


  • 目前在美国或英语国家就读的计算机科学、人工智能或机器学习等相关专业的本科生或研究生。希望探索新领域或在新领域找到工作的行业专业人士。
  • 在Python、Java或其他相关编程语言中具有强大的编程技能。
  • 有使用AI框架和库(如TensorFlow、Keras或PyTorch)的经验。
  • 对机器学习、神经网络和深度学习原理有深入的理解。
  • 出色的解决问题能力和能够在最小监督下处理复杂项目的能力。
  • 强大的沟通技巧以及在远程团队环境中有效工作的能力。

Artificial Intelligence Internship 【No. 202401】


Location: Onsite/Remote
Duration: 4-12 weeks 


About the Company

We are located in Silicon Valley, USA, andspecialize in providing enterprise-level AI engineering solutions to our clients. Our management team includes top industry experts such as former Google AI scientists, former Amazon computer vision experts, and former data scientists from Deloitte, KPMG, and Accenture.


Internship Overview

We are seeking highly motivated and talented interns to participate in our Artificial Intelligence internship training program. This opportunity aims to provide hands-on training experience through one-on-one mentorship, working with our expert team in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, business analytics, and software development, and independently completing industrial-level projects.


Key Responsibilities

  • Algorithm Development: Develop and implement AI algorithms and models, including but not limited to machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, or computer vision. Ensure the algorithms are efficient, scalable, and reliable.
  • Data Handling: Collect, process, and clean large datasets. Ensure data quality and perform exploratory data analysis to uncover hidden insights and identify relevant patterns.
  • Model Training and Evaluation: Train AI models using the prepared datasets. Evaluate the models' performance using appropriate metrics and techniques. Fine-tune the models to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  • Research and Innovation: Stay updated with the latest AI research and technologies. Explore new methodologies, tools, and techniques in AI and apply them to ongoing projects to enhance outcomes.
  • Collaboration with Teams: Work closely with data scientists, software engineers, and product teams to integrate AI solutions into the company's products and services. Ensure the solutions meet the business requirements and add significant value.
  • Problem-Solving: Apply problem-solving skills to tackle complex challenges in AI projects. Break down problems into manageable components and devise practical and innovative solutions.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Document the development process, including the choice of methodologies, algorithms, and results. Prepare reports and presentations to communicate findings and recommendations to the team and stakeholders.
  • Testing and Optimization: Perform rigorous testing of AI models to ensure they function correctly under various conditions. Optimize the models for performance, speed, and resource efficiency.
  • Ethical Considerations and Compliance: Ensure AI solutions are ethically designed and comply with relevant industry standards and regulations. Address issues related to data privacy, security, and fairness.
  • Professional Development: Engage in continuous learning to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving field of AI. Participate in workshops, seminars, and courses to enhance technical skills and knowledge.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Engage with different departments to understand their needs and challenges. Use AI to provide innovative solutions that can streamline operations and drive business growth.


Recruitment Requirement

  • Undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in the United States or English-speaking countries. Major in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or related field. Industry professionals who want to explore a new area or find a job in a new area.
  • Strong programming skills in Python, Java, or another relevant programming language.
  • Experience with AI frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, or PyTorch.
  • Solid understanding of machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning principles.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to work on complex projects with minimal supervision.
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively in a remote team environment.



What We Offer

  • Opportunities to work onsite/remotely with a team of experts in fields such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • A supportive work environment where interns can enhance their skills in advanced analytics techniques and deep learning applications.
  • Industrial-level projects from a U.S.-based company, a fully English work environment, internship experience, and official internship certification from the employer company.
  • The employer company supports CPT and U.S. domestic background checks – job application background checks + master's and Ph.D. application background checks.
  • Delve into project teams to learn cutting-edge technologies, receive one-on-one guidance and training from project managers weekly, and independently complete tasks.








