
文摘   2024-07-15 07:02   美国  
压缩机是一种将低压气体提升为高压气体的流体机械石油、石化和天然气行业的生产中,压缩机作为气体压力提升设备应用广泛。美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute,API)发布了一系列和压缩机相关的标准(Standard, Std),推荐做法(Recommended Practice, RP)和技术报告(Technical Report, TR)供行业使用,以下列出供大家参考。
API Std 611-2022 General-Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的通用蒸汽轮机, 6th Edition / 第6版
API Std 612-2020 Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries - Steam Turbines - Special-Purpose Applications / 石油、石化和天然气工业特种用途 蒸汽轮机, 8th Edition / 第8版
API Std 613-2021 Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 石油、化工和气体工业特种用途齿轮装置, 6th Edition / 第6版
API Std 614-2022 Lubrication, Shaft-Sealing and Control-Oil Systems and Auxiliaries / 润滑、轴封和控制油系统及辅助装置, 6th Edition / 第6版
API Std 616-2022 Gas Turbines for the Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的燃气轮机, 6th Edition / 第6版
API Std 617-2022 Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-Compressors / 轴流式和离心式压缩机和膨胀机, 9th Edition / 第9版
API Std 618-2007(R2017) Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的往复式压缩机, 5th Edition / 第5版
API Std 619-2010 Rotary-Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries / 用于石油、石化和天然气工业的旋转容积式压缩机, 5th Edition / 第5版
API Std 670-2014(R2022) Machinery Protection Systems / 机械保护系统, 5th Editiion / 第5版
API Std 671-2020 Special Purpose Couplings for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业特种用途联轴器, 5th Edition / 第5版
API Std 672-2019 Packaged, Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的成套整体齿轮离心空气压缩机, 5th Edition / 第5版
API Std 673-2014 Centrifugal Fans for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的离心风机, 3rd Edition / 第3版【注:风机主要作用是气体输送而非气体压力提升,通常出口压力大于350000Pa时就成为压缩机了】
API Std 677-2021 General-Purpose, Extruder, and Epicyclic Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的通用模头齿轮和行星齿轮装置, 4th Edition
API Std 681-2021 Liquid Ring Compressors and Vacuum Pumps in Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services / 用于石油、化工和气体工业的液环压缩机和真空泵, 2nd Edition / 第2版
API RP 684-2005(R2010) API Standard Paragraphs Rotordynamic Tutorial: Lateral Critical Speeds, Unbalance Response, Stability, Train Torsionals and Rotor Balancing / API标准转子动力学教程:横向临界速度、不平衡响应、稳定性、扭转和转子平衡, 2nd Edition / 第2版
API TR 684-1-2019 API Standard Paragraphs Rotordynamic Tutorial: Lateral Critical Speeds, Unbalance Response, Stability, Train Torsionals and Rotor Balancing / API标准转子动力学教程:横向临界速度、不平衡响应、稳定性、扭转和转子平衡, 1st Edition / 第1版
API RP 686-2009(R2014) Recommended Practice for Machinery Installation and Installation Design / 机械安装及安装设计推荐规程, 2nd Edition / 第2版
API RP 687-2023 Special-Purpose Rotating Equipment Repairs / 特殊用途旋转设备维修, 2nd Edition / 第2版
API Std 688-2023 Pulsation and Vibration Control for Positive Displacement Machinery Systems for Petroleum, Chemical and Natural Gas Industry Services / 石油、化工和气体工业容积式机械系统的脉动和振动控制, 2nd Edition / 第2版
API RP 691-2017 Risk-Based Machinery Management / 基于风险的机械管理, 1st Edition / 第1版
API Std 692-2018 Dry Gas Sealing Systems for Axial, Centrifugal, and Rotary Screw Compressors and Expanders / 用于轴流式、离心式和旋转螺杆式压缩机和膨胀机的干气密封系统, 1st Edition / 第1版
附注:括号内的年份为重新确认( Reaffirmed)的年份。
