虫草属于一类真菌,它们寄生于昆虫、少数真菌和植物体上。根据虫草的分类系统,虫草科(Cordycipitaceae)、线虫草科(Ophiocordycipitaceae)、麦角菌科(Clavicipitaceae)等科隶属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、粪壳菌纲(Sordariomycetes)、肉座菌目(Hypocreales),以及其他一些分类地位尚未确定的类群(Sung et al. 2007)。同时冬虫夏草科(Cordycipitaceae)以其昆虫病原性营养习性而闻名,其中该科的许多物种最初是从死昆虫和蜘蛛中分离出来的,这些昆虫和蜘蛛要么埋在土壤中,要么位于落叶层中,要么附着在叶子的上部或底部(Aini et al. 2020)。此外,刺束梗孢属(Akanthomyces)在昆虫病原真菌中非常重要,其多种多样的生物活性物质引起了广泛关注(Madla et al. 2005, Kuephadungphan et al. 2014, Kinoshita et al. 2017)。
云南存在着丰富的虫草资源,天然虫草群落中蕴藏多样的真菌资源,是挖掘新型抑菌活性化合物的潜在来源。云南具有独特的地理条件,具有丰富的生物资源,是虫草物种多样性分布的重要地区之一,目前已报道近100种虫草(赵志远等 2020)。
Figure 1. Phylogeny of Akanthomyces species by ML analysis of combined ITS+nLSU+RPB2 sequences.
Figure 2. The results of the pairwise homoplasy index (PHI) test for the combined partial ITS+nLSU+RPB2 sequences data of Akanthomyces bannaensis closely related taxa using LogDet transformation and splits decomposition. PHI test results Φw ≤ 0.05 indicate a significant recombination within the dataset. New taxa are in red, while closely related species to new species are in other colors. Ex-type materials are marked with “※”.
Figure 3. Akanthomyces bannaensis (Photos from the Holotype CLZhao 34016). A–C. fungus on adult moth; D, E. synnema from host body; F, G. Phialides arising from tramal hypha; H. Ellipsoidal conidia; I. Obovoid conidia; J–L. synnema from moth wings. M. Phialides at the tip of synnema.
Figure 4. Microscopic structures of Akanthomyces bannaensis (Drawn from the Holotype CLZhao 34016). A. Obovoid conidia; B. Ellipsoidal conidia; C. Tramal hypha; D. Phialides at the tip of synnema; E. Phialides arising from tramal hypha.
初审:顾子蕊 杨新