Figure 1. Maximum Parsimony strict consensus tree illustrating the phylogeny of four new species and related species in Lyomyces within Schizoporaceae, based on ITS+nLSU sequences. Branches are labelled with Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values ≥ 70%, parsimony bootstrap values ≥ 50% and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95, respectively.
Figure 2. Maximum parsimony strict consensus tree illustrating the phylogeny of the four new species and related species in Lyomyces, based on ITS sequences. Branches are labelled with Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values ≥ 70%, parsimony bootstrap values ≥ 50% and Bayesian posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95, respectively.
Figure 3. Basidiomata and microscopic structures of Lyomyces hengduanensis (holotype, CLZhao 25551, holotype) basidiomata on the substrate (A), macroscopic characteristics of hymenophore (B). Bars: (A) = 1 cm and (B) = 2 mm.
Figure 4. Microscopic structures of Lyomyces hengduanensis (holotype, CLZhao 25551) basidiospores (A), basidia (B), basidioles (C), fusoid cystidia (D), subclavate cystidia (E), a section of the hymenium (F). Bars: (A–F) = 20 µm.
Figure 5. Basidiomata and microscopic structures of Lyomyces niveomarginatus (holotype, CLZhao 16360, holotype) basidiomata on the substrate (A), macroscopic characteristics of hymenophore (B). Bars: (A) = 1 cm and (B) = 2 mm.
Figure 6. Microscopic structures of Lyomyces niveomarginatus (holotype, CLZhao 16360, holotype) basidiospores (A), basidia (B), basidioles (C), fusoid cystidia (D), clavate cystidia (E), a section of the hymenium (F). Bars: (A–F) = 20 µm.
本研究聚焦的木腐菌4个新物种均发现于云南省内,其中Lyomyces hengduanensis的模式标本 (Holotype) CLZhao 25551 (SWFC) 发现于云南省临沧市凤庆县腰街乡的阔叶树落枝上;Lyomyces niveomarginatus的模式标本 (Holotype) CLZhao 16360 (SWFC) 发现于云南省文山市平坝镇到小街镇的阔叶树落枝上;Lyomyces wumengshanensis的模式标本(Holotype) CLZhao 29374 (SWFC) 发现于云南省昭通市大关县黄连河风景区内的阔叶树落枝上;Lyomyces zhaotongensis模式标本(Holotype) CLZhao 32878 (SWFC) 发现于云南省昭通市乌蒙山国家级自然保护区内的阔叶树落枝上。
Figure 7. Basidiomata and microscopic structures of Lyomyces wumengshanensis (holotype, CLZhao 29374, holotype) basidiomata on the substrate (A), macroscopic characteristics of hymenophore (B). Bars: (A) = 1 cm and (B) = 2 mm.
Figure 8. Microscopic structures of Lyomyces wumengshanensis (holotype, CLZhao 29374, holotype) basidiospores (A), basidia (B), basidioles (C), capitate cystidia (D), a section of the hymenium (E). Bars: (A) = 10 µm, (A–E) = 10 µm.
Figure 9. Basidiomata and microscopic structures of Lyomyces zhaotongensis (holotype, CLZhao 32878, holotype) basidiomata on the substrate (A), macroscopic characteristics of hymenophore (B). Bars: (A) = 1 cm and (B) = 2 mm.
第一作者 袁琦同学
初审:顾子蕊 杨新