ASME BPVC VIII-1将在2025年版本中引入D分卷(Subsection D) - 特定类型压力容器和组件(REQUIREMENTS for SPECIFIC TYPES of PRESSURE VESSELS and COMPONENTS),包括以下部分:
PART UAS Vessels with Acrylic Cylindrical Shells 带亚克力圆柱壳的容器 (原强制性附录48)
PART UCC Design Rules for Clamp Connections 卡箍连接件的设计规则(原强制性附录24)
PART UDA Dimpled or Embossed Assemblies 蜂窝板或波纹板夹套 (原强制性附录17)
PART UEB Bellows Expansion Joints 波纹管膨胀节 (原强制性附录26)
PART UEJ Flexible Shell Element Expansion Joints 柔性壳体元件膨胀节 (原强制性附录5)
PART UGL Alternative Requirements for Glass-Lined Vessels 搪玻璃设备的另一种要求 (原强制性附录27)
PART UHX Rules for Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers 管壳式换热器规则
PART UIF Integrally Forged Vessels 整体锻造容器 (原强制性附录22)
PART UIG Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Impervious Graphite 不透性石墨制压力容器的要求
PART UJK Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired Jacketed Steam Kettles 电加热或燃气夹套蒸汽釜 (原强制性附录19)
PART UJV Jacketed Vessels 夹套容器 (原强制性附录9)
PART UNC Vessels of Noncircular Cross Section 非圆形截面容器 (原强制性附录13)