Want to be more likeable?
Then please stop reading this article.
Go focus on developing a skill in something you can become passionate about.
Still here?
Ok, you’re tenacious. I like it. Let’s talk.
Whether in your relationships, your work life or personal brand influence, being likeable will obviously help you.
More people will read and buy your stuff, you’ll have better relationships, and you’ll make more impact.
But here’s something I learned…
If you try to be liked by everyone, you will be ‘meh’ to everyone.
Years ago, this frustrated me. Nothing seemed to really take hold.
So I experimented with this:
I said what I really felt.
I stopped being so ‘nice.’
I danced with radical honesty.
I said what most were not saying (from a loving place).
For example, I asked the seemingly dumb questions.
I disagreed when I disagreed.
And I spoke about my past struggles with anxiety.
It felt weird at first. But over time, I found my ideas taking off with people.
Sure, I lost a few, but I felt free.
Honesty meant ditching the fake bullshit cloak I’d been wearing for years.
But now people were listening.
I was likeable in a way that felt right.
Originally published on medium.
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