
文摘   2025-01-26 20:30   爱尔兰  

Postdoc Position in Short-Term Wind and Solar Power Forecasting

Position Start Date: As soon as possible

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

Job Categories: Postdoc Position

Contact: fernando.porte-agel@epfl.ch[https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DLN469/]


The Wind Engineering and Renewable Energy (WiRE) Laboratory at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is looking to fill a Post-doctoral position in the field of short-term (typically from 6h to 24h) power forecasting of renewable energy sources (wind and solar). The successful Post-doc candidate will work in the development of hybrid forecasting models combining numerical weather prediction (NWP) models with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for wind and solar energy production. The research framework will involve data collected from various wind and solar power plants in Switzerland and worldwide. By using long time series of wind/solar power production, as well as NWP outputs (big data), the candidate will focus on the development and testing of new forecasting models, with especial emphasis in novel AI-based methods (e.g., deep learning, explainable and physics-informed AI, large language models, etc.).

The position will be developed within the funded project entitled “UrbanTwin: An urban digital twin for climate action: Assessing policies and solutions for energy, water and infrastructure”, as part of the ETH-Joint Initiative funding program.


In order to qualify for the position, the candidates are required to have:

  • A completed PhD degree.

  • Experience in machine-learning methods.

  • Some skill in at least one of these topics:

  • Large data sets analysis

  • Statistics and uncertainty analysis (probabilistic)

  • Weather modelling (Numerical Weather Prediction)

  • Computing experience with Python.

  • Excellent English writing and speaking skills.

  • Strong peer-reviewed journal publication record.

Position conditions:

Full time (100%) one year with the possibility of extension. Salaries in Switzerland are highly competitive internationally (around 88000 CHF for a first-year Postdoc).
Starting date: As soon as possible.


Interested candidates should send a single PDF file including CV, a brief research statement and the contact details of 3 reference persons to Prof. Fernando Porté-Agel fernando.porte-agel@epfl.ch[https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DLN469/].

Application Deadline: 32 March 2025




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