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近日,天津大学光子芯片实验室程振洲团队以「Suspended nanomembrane silicon photonic integrated circuits」¹为题在Chip上发表研究论文,研发了一种新的波导架构,突破了短波中红外硅基光子集成电路的多项关键指标。第一作者为郭荣翔、郎玘玥与张尊月,通讯作者为天津大学程振洲和深圳大学王佳琦。本文被遴选为本期封面文章和本期Featured in Chip编辑特选文章之一。Chip是全球唯一聚焦芯片类研究的综合性国际期刊,是入选了国家高起点新刊计划的「三类高质量论文」期刊之一。
图1 | 悬浮纳米薄膜硅基光子集成电路示意图。a,三维示意图。b,波导截面示意图。c,波导俯视示意图。
图2 | 悬浮纳米薄膜硅基光子集成电路的实验表征与测量结果。a,SNS波导截面扫描电镜图。b,SNS微环谐振器扫描电镜图。c,SNS微盘谐振器扫描电镜图。d,SNS光栅耦合器的实验测量结果。e,SNS微环谐振腔透射谱。f,SNS微盘谐振腔透射谱。
图3 | 基于MPW服务流片研发的悬浮纳米薄膜硅基光子集成电路。a,MPW工艺示意图与芯片照片。b,SNS波导与普通硅基波导之间的模式转换器的俯视示意图i与截面示意图ii。c,SNS波导与普通硅基波导之间的模式转换器的测量结果。d,不同设计参数SNS光栅耦合器的实验测量结果。
最后,研究者们采用MPW服务验证了流片加工SNS波导器件的可行性(图3a),为实现高集成度、高可靠性、低成本的芯片研发奠定基础。同时,通过模式转换器(图3b)可将SNS波导与标准硅基波导实现单片集成,实现SNS波导器件与普通硅波导器件的优势互补。图3c和3d展示了基于MPW工艺开发的波导器件的实验测量结果。其中,模式转换器的插入损耗约为1 dB,SNS光栅耦合器耦合效率约为20%。另外,由于SNS波导器件具有极低的有效折射率,SNS光栅耦合器对不同的设计参数表现出了很强的制作容差特性,展现出了与MPW工艺优异的兼容性。研究者们证明了MPW服务可以很好的满足SNS波导器件的加工需求,并能够实现SNS波导与普通硅波导的单片集成,对实现集成化、低成本的中红外片上应用具有重要意义。
Suspended nanomembrane silicon photonic integrated circuits¹
Fig. 1 | Schematic of the SNS PICs. a, 3D view. b, Cross-section view. c, zoom-in top view.
Fig. 2 shows the experimental characterization and measurement results of SNS PICs. Here, Figs. 2a-c show the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the SNS waveguide, SNS MRR, and SNS MDR, respectively. The measurement result shows that, as shown in Fig. 2d, the peak coupling efficiency of the SNS SWG coupler is ~33% (−4.8 dB) with a 1-dB spectral bandwidth of ~161 nm and a back reflection of −19.0 dB. Compared with ordinary mid-infrared SWG couplers, SNS SWG couplers significantly improve spectral bandwidth, back reflection, and manufacturing tolerance. In addition, SNS MRR also shows high performance. As shown in Fig. 2e, the loaded quality (Q) factor of the TE0 mode of the SNS MRR can reach ~2×105, corresponding to a low optical loss of ~0.6 dB/cm. Besides, the SNS MDR exhibits multi-mode resonances with a Q factor of ~3×104, as shown in Fig. 2f. In conclusion, the developed SNS PICs have a huge evanescent field ratio, extremely low optical loss and excellent light coupling efficiency, which are crucial for high-performance mid-IR on-chip applications.
Fig. 3 | Design, characterization, and experimental results of the foundry-fabricated SNS PICs. a, Photograph of the chip fabricated by using the MPW service. b, Schematic of the mode converter from the top view i and the side view ii. c, Transmittance of the mode converter versus the number of the mode converters connected back-to-back. d, Coupling efficiency of the SNS SWG couplers with different parameters.
To verify the fabrication reproducibility of the SNS PICs, the researchers developed SNS PICs based on an MPW foundry service, which has been widely utilized to fabricate silicon PICs in the telecommunication band. Fig. 3a shows the photograph of the foundry-fabricated chip. Moreover, it is also possible to monolithically integrate an SNS waveguide with a conventional silicon waveguide via a mode converter, as illustrated in Fig. 3b. Fig. 3c-d shows measurement results of the SNS mode converters and SNS SWG coupler. The insertion loss of one mode convector is 1.03 ± 0.19 dB, while the coupling efficiency of the SNS SWG coupler is about 20%. SNS SWG couplers with different parameters have a similar spectrum, indicating their strong fabrication tolerance for MPW foundry services. In summary, the SNS PICs show good performances, indicating their compatibility with MPW foundry services, which is of great significance for the development of low-cost and high-volume mid-infrared on-chip applications.
Rongxiang Guo is pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering at Tianjin University. His research area is mid-infrared silicon photonics for sensing applications.
Qiyue Lang is pursuing an M.Sc. degree in the School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering at Tianjin University. Her research area is mid-infrared silicon photonics devices.
Zunyue Zhang received a Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently an Associate Researcher at the School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering at Tianjin University. Her research interests include silicon photonic integration, waveguide-integrated spectrometers, on-chip sensing, and imaging systems.
Jiaqi Wang received a Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently an Associate Professor at the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering at Shenzhen University. Her research interests include silicon photonics and fiber optic sensors.
程振洲,博士毕业于香港中文大学电子工程系,现任天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院教授、光电信息工程系主任。研究方向为硅基光子学。主持国家级青年人才计划、国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作/面上/青年科学基金、天津市杰出青年科学基金、广东省粤港澳研究团队基金、日本科研费若手基金等项目10余项。在Nature Photonics等SCI期刊上发表论文130余篇,引用4700余次,入选斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。获得教育部高校科研优秀成果二等奖,香港科学会青年科学家奖,香港中文大学青年杰出校友奖等荣誉。担任中国光学学会基础光学专委会和光电技术专委会委员、中国光学工程学会微纳专委会委员、中国激光杂志社青年编委。
Zhenzhou Cheng received a Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a full professor at the School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering at Tianjin University and the Chairman of the Department of Opto-electronic Information Engineering. His research area is mid-infrared silicon photonics. He has led several research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin Municipality, and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. He published over 130 SCI papers with over 4700 citations and was featured in Stanford University's list of the top 2% scientists. He received several education and research awards, namely, Second-Class Award in Research Achievements, Ministry of Education, China; Young Scientist Award, Hong Kong Institute of Science, Hong Kong; Young Alumni Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He serves as a member of the Basic Optics Committee and the Optoelectronics Technology Committee of the Chinese Optical Society, the Micro-Nano Committee of the Chinese Optical Engineering Society, and as a young editor for the China Laser Press.