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图1 | 光电器件和无线系统的概念和结构。a,具有无线监控功能的光电传感系统示意图。b,氮化镓芯片的光学图像。比例尺为1毫米。插图为工作状态下的氮化镓芯片。c,光电器件的光学图像。比例尺为3 mm。插图为DVD光栅的AFM图像。d,无线监控系统组件的光学图像。
图2a-2e表明,制备的光电器件具有-100 kPa~30.5 kPa的宽压力响应范围,且在多种压力响应模式下展现出高度的重复性与稳定性。如图2i所示,经超1,2000次循环性测试,器件对压力的响应波形仍保持一致,展现出其卓越的耐用性。此外,该器件还具备响应速度快、传感分辨率高的特点。如图2j,k所示,它能够精确捕捉到糖粒撞击过程中产生的0.03 mg微小压力变化。得益于PDMS的疏水性,该器件可以空气和水下两种环境下工作。在水下工作时,其最大可探测水深约为3米,且水深监测分辨率达到0.3毫米(相当于2.97 Pa),满足了大多数日常生活需求(图3a-d)。由于器件的小型化设计与PDMS腔体的柔性特性,它能够与人体紧密贴合,从而具备采集多种生理信号的能力。图中展示了包括脚踝、腕部等多个部位的心率信号采集实例。另外,通过对比10 mA与10 μA发光二极管(LED,light-emitting diode)驱动电流下采集的脉搏信号,也验证了器件在25.2 μW的极低功耗下仍能正常工作(图3e,f)。如图3g-i所示,研究还进一步探索了器件在呼吸监测、握力传感以及肌肉压力传感等多种可穿戴应用领域的潜在用途。
图2 | 传感器压力响应表征结果。a,测试正压力响应的实验装置。b,光电流随正压而变化。c-d,加载瞬时和阶跃正压力时的动态光电流响应。e-h,负压测试设备与光电流响应。i-k,器件的耐久度,瞬态响应与最低检测限表征。
图3 | 器件在监测人类活动和生理信号时的性能表现。a,监测0至100厘米水位的光电流响应。b,在1 mm、3 mm和5 mm深度移动设备时的光电流反应。c,水深传感分辨率表征。d,吹水面时测量的光电流响应曲线。e,器件测试心率的示意图和光电流波形。f,LED在10 mA和10 μA偏置电流工作时采集的心率信号比较。g-i,检测口罩内呼吸、抓取物体以及弯曲手指引起压力的光电流响应。
图4 | 水下无线监测人体运动和心跳。a, 无线监控系统设计示意图。b-c,实时监测水下人体运动和心率的照片和手机app接收数据。
Aversatile optoelectronic device for ultrasensitive negative-positive pressure sensing¹
Fig. 1 | Concept and structure of the proposed optoelectronic device and wireless system. a, Schematic diagram of the proposed optoelectronic device with wireless monitoring system. b, Optical image of the GaN chip. The scale bar is 1 mm. Inset shows the GaN chip under operation. c, Optical image of the optoelectronic device. The scale bar is 3 mm. Inset is the AFM image showing the surface morphology of the DVD grating. d, Optical image showing the components of the wireless monitoring system.
Fig. 2a-e show that the fabricated optoelectronic devices have a wide pressure response range from -100 kPa to 30.5 kPa, and exhibit a high degree of repeatability and stability in multiple pressure response modes. As shown in Fig. 2i, after more than 1,2000 cycles of cyclic testing, the device still maintains the same pressure response waveform, demonstrating its excellent durability. In addition, the device features fast response time and high sensing resolution. As shown in Fig. 2j, k, it is able to accurately capture the 0.03 mg small pressure changes generated during the impact of a sugar particle. Owing to the hydrophobicity of PDMS, the device can operate in both air and underwater environments. When operating underwater, it has a maximum detectable water depth of about 3 meters and a bathymetric monitoring resolution of 0.3 mm (equivalent to 2.97 Pa), which meets most daily life requirements (Fig. 3a-d). Due to the miniaturized design of the device and the flexible nature of the PDMS cavity, it is able to fit closely to the human body and thus can acquire a wide range of physiological signals. Examples of heart rate signal acquisition in various parts of the body, including the ankle and wrist, are shown in the figure. In addition, by comparing the pulse signals acquired under 10 mA and 10 μA light-emitting diode (LED) driving currents, it is also verified that the device can still work properly under the very low power consumption of 25.2 μW (Fig. 3e, f). As shown in Fig. 3g-i, the study further explores the potential use of the device in various wearable applications, such as respiration monitoring, grip force sensing, and muscle pressure sensing.
Fig. 2 | Characterizations when loading and unloading pressures on the sensor. a, Experimental setup for testing the response of the device to positive pressures. b, Photocurrent changes as a function of positive pressure. Dynamic photocurrent responses when loading c instantaneous and d stepwise positive pressure changes. e-h, Photocurrent responses when applying negative pressure for testing the dynamic performance corresponding to a-d. i, Cyclic measurement when pressure changes from 16.9 kPa to 30.1 kPa. j, Transient response of the device. k, Photocurrent changes when dropping a 0.3-mg sugar particle on the device. The inset shows optical images captured during the particle fall.
Fig. 3 | Performance of the optoelectronic when monitoring human activity and physiological signals. a, Photocurrent response for monitoring water level ranging from 0 to 100 cm. b, Photocurrent response when periodically moving the device in depths of 1 mm, 3 mm, and 5 mm. c, Characterizations for measuring resolution of water level when operating underwater. d, Measured photocurrent response curve when blowing the water surface. e, Schematic diagram and photocurrent waveforms collected from different artery positions by the device. f, Comparison when LED biased at 10 mA and 10 μA. g-i, Photocurrent changes when applying a device to detect the pressure changes induced by breathing in the mask, gripping force of holding a paper and a petri dish, and muscular pressure induced by bending fingers.
Although the optoelectronic device has been demonstrated with different sensing functions in various environments, its practical application still needs to be improved by connecting several electrical devices, especially for pressure sensing in underwater environments. For this reason, in this study, a wireless monitoring system is prepared by combining the optoelectronic integrated device with various electrical modules. The system processes the signals collected by the optoelectronic devices through current-voltage conversion, filtering, and digital-to-analog conversion, and sends the signals to a Bluetooth device using an Arduino. After the signal is transmitted and received wirelessly, remote real-time wireless monitoring is achieved on the mobile device interface, and the specific process is shown in Fig. 4a. In addition, the system is able to remotely monitor various human movements underwater by sensing the pressure difference caused by changes in water depth. As shown in Fig. 4b, the system is able to accurately monitor and display a variety of movement patterns, including large-amplitude and small-amplitude ascending and descending, as well as stepwise descending and ascending. The corresponding water depth change data during the movement can be presented in real-time on the mobile phone, which provides potential application value in areas such as remote monitoring of children's swimming and drowning risk prevention. As shown in Fig. 4c, the system is also capable of remotely capturing underwater pulse signals when the device is aimed at an arterial location, and the captured heart rate waveforms contain a wealth of physiological information, such as peak intensities (P, T, and D), systolic and diastolic durations, and heart rate.
Fig. 4 | Wirelessly monitoring the human movement and heart pulse underwater. a, Schematic diagram showing the design of the wireless monitoring system. b-c, Photograph and received data when real-time monitoring human movement and heart pulse underwater.
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安小帅, 硕士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)。目前攻读南方科技大学和香港大学联合项目博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括单片集成氮化镓基光电芯片、可穿戴电子产品和微流控。
Xiaoshuai An received his M.S. degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen. He is currently a joint Ph.D. student at the Southern University of Science and Technology and the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include GaN-based monolithic photonic chips, wearable electronics, and microfluidics.
Sizhe Gui received his M.S. degree from the Southern University of Science and Technology. His research interests are in GaN optoelectronic sensors.
Yingxin Li received her B.S. degree from the Sichuan University, Sichuan, China. She is currently pursuing an M.S. degree at the Southern University of Science and Technology. Her research interests include GaN-based optoelectronic devices.
Zhiqin Chu is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Joint Appointment with the School of Biomedical Sciences) at the University of Hong Kong. His current research interests include quantum sensing, biophysics, biophotonics, and materials-biology interface.
Kwai Hei Li is currently working as an assistant professor in the School of Microelectronics at the Southern University of Science and Technology. His current research interests include the design, fabrication, and characterization of III-nitride optoelectronic devices.