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近日,南京大学王漱明团队以「Chip-scale metaphotonic singularities: topological, dynamical, and practical aspects」¹为题在Chip上发表长篇综述论文,对光子奇点在各种物理学科下的表现形式进行了总结,围绕拓扑、动态及应用方向对已有研究成果和未来发展方向做出了展望。共同第一作者为李添悦和刘梦蛟,通讯作者为王漱明、蔡定平、祝世宁和王振林。香港城市大学王书波教授亦对本文有重要贡献。Chip是全球唯一聚焦芯片类研究的综合性国际期刊,是入选了国家高起点新刊计划的「三类高质量论文」期刊之一。
图1 | 不同物理系统中存在的光学奇点现象。
图2 | 奇异点的动态演化。a,多维超构表面的各向异性超原子。由各向异性元原子组成的超表面(上图),显示了入射光在不同偏振状态下可能的出射偏振响应。J-板和两种TAM板(下图)。b,蜂窝光子晶体及其单元胞满足C₆对称支持量子自旋霍尔效应(上图),自旋动量锁定拓扑特征(下图)。c,谷-霍尔晶格及其相关的谷霍尔晶格。d,单金属散射体和多金属散射体的c线和v线奇异动力学。e,通过调整参数将偶发BIC合并为对称保护BIC,从而形成MBIC。f,FW-BIC与偶发BIC的合并。g,不同方向环绕奇异点的轨迹(上侧)和不同波导模式之间的不对称切换示意图,以及上述奇异点环绕(下侧)的投影。h,通过调整通道波导的核心宽度w₂和隧道势垒宽度分布g₂来动态环绕奇异点,从而实现宽带宽拓扑时间不对称的硅波导结构设计。i,全偏振器示意图,相反的操作产生互补的偏振本征态。j,能够同时发射两种不同模式的单横模环绕奇异点激光器的示意图,每种模式都来自不同的面。k,基于反PT对称体系中环绕奇异点的传统偏振器与手性偏振器的比较,对于后者,任意输入偏振态在正向(反向)传播时,输出偏振态将旋转到垂直(水平)方向。
图4 | a,光学集成超构光镊-光扳手(左图),能够分别生成用于光学捕获的高斯光束和用于光学扳手的聚焦轨道角动量(OAM)光束。b,双层光子晶体中由BIC介导的光学力,当αtop=αbot时,可视为光镊,而当αtop≠αbot时,它变成光学扳手。c,当纳米粒子嵌入拓扑波导时,由不匹配模式引导的光学牵引力。d,由动量拓扑诱导的光学牵引力,通过散射动量和入射波矢在动量空间同向实现。e,基于近场旋转向量的光学斯格明子(左图),通过光力探针方法展示(右图)。f,光力系统中的非厄米效应,左侧是两束光与粒子的相互作用,中间是粒子在总强度中的正负动量涡旋,右侧是由此产生的异常点。g,奇异点引起的光波导分选。装置中的光力分布显示在左侧,由TE-TM模式形成的诱导奇异点在右侧。
Chip-scale metaphotonic singularities: topological, dynamical, and practical aspects¹
Singularities refer to scenarios where conventional rules fail at certain points, such as the centers of black holes or during phase transitions of matter, where properties may become undefinable. Originally derived from mathematics, this concept has been extensively applied in physics, particularly in optical physics. The presence of singularities enables the exploration of novel phenomena and drives the development of technological applications. The article provides a comprehensive review of various photonic singularities, categorizing them into singularities in real space, momentum space, and other parameter spaces, as illustrated in Fig. 1. This includes polarization singularities, phase singularities, and monopole singularities; singularities induced by bound states in the continuum (BIC), Dirac points, Weyl points, and exceptional points. The research value of these singularities is discussed from three perspectives: topological properties, dynamic evolution, and potential applications.
Fig. 1 | The classification of metaphotonic singularities organized into three types based on their physical domains.
Typically, integrating along a closed path around a singularity yields a topological invariant of the system, which characterizes the topological properties of the singularity. In this article, each type of singularity is introduced alongside its topological characteristics and the definition of its topological charge. Subsequently, the authors also discuss the construction of singularity phenomena in micro-nanophotonics. For far-field singularities, the orbital angular momentum carried by vortex light fields and their derivatives, such as optical Möbius strips and skyrmions, are extensively studied. This requires the special design of phase-gradient metasurfaces; to achieve singularities in momentum space, periodic optical lattices must be designed, such as Dirac metasurfaces.
In terms of applications, the article introduces the derived applications of optical singularities from three aspects: on-chip optical routing, lasers and sensing, optical micro-manipulation and optomechanics, integrated imaging, and display. This showcases the important physical concepts and strong application potential of optical singularities in micro-nano optics. Fig. 3 illustrates photonic topological devices based on metaphotonic singularities, while Fig. 4 presents research on optical micro-manipulation enabled by metaphotonic singularities5.
Fig. 3 | Photonic topological devices based on metaphotonic singularities. a, topological edge states led by QSHE, where the upper is the configuration and band structure, the lower is the normalized intensity. b, QVHE-based PCS sample with its band structure (upper panel), and three cases of experiment results (lower panel). c, pseudospin-valley coupled topological photonic router, where the left is the configuration and the corresponding Chern number, and the right is the experiment results. d, multi-channel, multi-band topological routing driven by hybrid topological devices, from the top to bottom are PhC setup, QHE-guided wave, QVHE-guided wave. e, on-chip topological rainbow devices, whose supercell and field distribution are shown from left to right. f, the concept, sample and result of topological dislocation localized states. g, Topological disclination states and the bulk-disclination correspondence within topological defect. h, Dirac bulk state lasers based on QSHE. i, mass-term-controlled topological cavity with unit-cell perturbations. j, Topological-cavity surface-emitting lasers and their characterization result. k, EP-driven single-mode lasers coupled in two gain-loss rings with PT symmetry. l, BIC-induced OAM microcavity lasers for ultrafast switching. m, Polarization singularity-mediated tunable photonic crystalline lasers. Band structure (left panel) and experiment result (right panel). n, Nanophotonic gyroscope based on PT-symmetric microresonator, where the green (blue) solid line corresponds to pump 1 (pump 2) with an angular frequency of ωp1 (ωp2), while the red (yellow) solid line indicates SBL 1 (SBL 2). The orange wavy line represents acoustic phonons with an angular frequency of Ω phonon. o, EP-based sensor of IgG arising from breaking the translational symmetry of bilayer plasmonic structures.
Overall, this review provides a comprehensive and systematic review of various optical singularities, their unique attributes, and corresponding physical mechanisms. Moreover, it explores the dynamic behaviors of these singularities and their interactions, such as merging, splitting, and conservation relations, revealing how to manipulate and utilize these singularities to achieve multifunctionality. Importantly, the article details the meta devices based on various optical singularity effects, demonstrating the immense potential of optical singularities in practical applications and opening new possibilities for complex structured light. The coupling and synergistic effects between different types of singularities are gradually expanding into broader spatiotemporal domains, and showing significant value in light manipulation, integrated imaging systems, and communication, illustrating the broad application prospects of on-chip singular photonics.
Looking forward, as a vibrant and rapidly evolving frontier field, meta photonic singularities will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in driving the innovation and development of photonic technologies. First, deeply exploring and revealing the intrinsic connections between different singularities, and establishing a comprehensive and coherent theory, is crucial for deepening our understanding of singularity physics. Second, precise control over the dynamic behavior of various singularities will greatly advance the development of chip-level photonic devices, not only pushing photonics towards miniaturization and integration but also potentially steering optoelectronic technologies towards more efficient and intelligent directions. The authors are optimistic about the prospects of singularity photonics, firmly believing that this dynamic and innovative field will continue to bring revolutionary changes and developments to photonic technologies, contributing more outcomes to scientific research and engineering applications.
1. Li, T. et al. Chip-scale metaphotonic singularities: topological, dynamical, and practical aspects. Chip 3, 100109 (2024).
2. Li, T. et al. Generation and conversion dynamics of dual Bessel beams with a photonic spin-dependent dielectric metasurface. Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 014059 (2021).
3. Li, T. et al. Spin-selective tri-functional metasurfaces for deforming versatile non-diffractive beams along the optical trajectory. Laser Photonics Rev. 18, 2301372 (2024).
4. Kang, M. et al. Merging bound states in the continuum by harnessing higher-order topological charges. Light Sci. Appl. 11, 228 (2022).
5. Li, T. et al. Integrating the optical tweezers and spanner onto an individual single-layer metasurface. Photon. Res. 9, 1062-1068 (2021).
王漱明,南京大学物理学院教授,博士生导师,兼任南智先进光电集成技术研究院院长。获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助和第四届江苏省青年光学科技奖。长期致力于微纳光子体系在线性、非线性与量子光学等方面的研究,及其在集成光学成像、光场调控、光力学和拓扑光子学等领域中的应用。在Science、Nature 子刊、Chip、Advanced Materials、Light: Science & Applications、Laser & Photonics Reviews等期刊上发表论文90余篇,总引用次数超3000次。相关研究成果荣获2018年和2020年「中国光学十大进展」。
蔡定平,Photonics Insights 创刊共主编,香港城市大学讲座教授。多年来致力于纳米光子学及光电物理领域前沿的实验与理论工作,发表学术论文360余篇、专著及会议论文70篇、技术报告及其它论文共39篇、国内外专利共45项。曾荣获国际光电工程学会(SPIE)墨子奖、爱思唯尔SCI高被引学者、中国光学十大进展奖等。曾参加国内外举行的重要国际会议340次做特邀报告,目前担任多种重要国际期刊的编辑委员或编辑,以及多种国际知名期刊的文章审稿人。
Din Ping Tsai, co-founding editor of Photonics Insights and Chair Professor at City University of Hong Kong, has devoted to pioneering experimental and theoretical work in nanophotonics and optoelectronics. He has authored over 360 academic papers, 70 monographs and conference papers, 39 technical reports and other papers, and holds 45 patents both domestically and internationally. Tsai has been honored with several prestigious awards, including the Mozi Award from the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), recognized as an Elsevier Highly Cited Researcher, and recipient of the Top Ten Advances in Chinese Optics award. He has been an invited speaker at 340 significant international conferences worldwide and currently serves as an editorial board member or editor for various prominent international journals, as well as a peer reviewer for numerous well-known journals.
祝世宁,南京大学教授、中国科学院院士。主要从事微结构功能材料和物理研究 , 研究兴趣包括:微结构对经典光、非经典光场调控基础理论,发展新的实验和表征技术,开拓微结构在材料和信息领域的实际应用。作为主要完成人曾获国家自然科学一等奖(2006),国家级教学成果奖二等奖(2018)。个人荣誉有:「求是」杰出青年学者(1998)、美国光学学会会士(2013)、美国物理学会会士(2017)及首届江苏省基础研究重大贡献奖(2019)等。
Shining Zhu, is a professor at Nanjing University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, primarily focuses on the research of microstructure materials and physics, including the fundamental theories of controlling classical and non-classical light fields with microstructures, developing new experimental and characterization techniques, and advancing the practical applications of microstructures in the fields of materials and information. As a principal contributor, he has received the National Natural Science Award First Prize (2006) and the National Teaching Achievement Award Second Prize (2018). Personal honors include a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (2013), a Fellow of the American Physical Society (2017), and receiving the inaugural Major Contribution Award in Basic Research from Jiangsu Province (2019).
Zhenlin Wang, Vice President of Nanjing University, Dean of the Graduate School, Professor at the School of Physics, and doctoral supervisor, also serves as the Chairman of the Jiangsu Optical Society. He is a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and a specially appointed professor under the Ministry of Education's Yangtze River Scholars Program. He has been awarded the Ministry of Education's First-Class Award in Natural Sciences and the First-Class Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Award. His long-term research focuses on the design, fabrication, and characterization of artificial microstructured photonic materials. He has led key projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, the National 973 Plan, and other major national research initiatives. Wang has authored the textbook 「Modern Electrodynamics」, published over 170 SCI-indexed papers, and holds more than 10 patents.