扎哈-哈迪德建筑事务所(ZHA)与塞尔维亚 Bureau Cube Partners 公司(BCP)合作,将把贝尔格莱德历史悠久的米兰瓦帕造纸厂改造成新的尼古拉-特斯拉博物馆。该项目是通过匿名设计竞赛选出的,旨在纪念具有远见卓识的发明家和工程师尼古拉-特斯拉,他的开创性工作为现代电气工程奠定了基础。翻新工程保留了造纸厂原有的外墙、拱形天花板和砖石结构,在保持其历史意义的同时,还根据新用途对其进行了更新。Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) in collaboration with Serbian Bureau Cube Partners (BCP) will transform Belgrade’s historic Milan Vapa Paper Mill into the new Nikola Tesla Museum. Selected through an anonymous design competition, the project celebrates the visionary inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla, whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern electrical engineering. The renovation preserves the paper mill’s original facades, vaulted ceilings, and masonry, maintaining its historical significance while updating it for its new use.从特斯拉对磁场和无线能量传输的开创性研究中汲取灵感,设计融入了从原工厂烟囱辐射出来的动感椭圆曲线--这是该厂区的显著特征。这些形式象征着特斯拉作品所体现的连通性和能量,同时也保留了历史建筑的工业遗产。Drawing inspiration from Tesla’s pioneering research on magnetic fields and wireless energy transfer, the design incorporates dynamic elliptical curves radiating from the original factory chimney—the defining feature of the site. These forms symbolize the connectivity and energy that Tesla’s work epitomizes while preserving the industrial heritage of the historic structure.米兰瓦帕造纸厂建于 1924 年,是塞尔维亚第一家现代化工厂,具有重要的文化价值,受到贝尔格莱德文化古迹保护研究所的保护。这座废弃了十多年的建筑将在贝尔格莱德滨水区的资助下重新焕发生机,成为一座占地 13,400 平方米的文化中心。Built in 1924 as Serbia’s first modern factory, the Milan Vapa Paper Mill holds significant cultural value and is protected by the Belgrade Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. Abandoned for over a decade, the building will be revitalized into a 13,400-square-meter cultural hub, funded by Belgrade Waterfront.由 ZHA 和贝尔格莱德 BCP 公司共同提出的博物馆方案在西侧立面上新建了一个圆形入口,将参观者引入一个三层高的中央中庭。这个空间连接了博物馆的各个部分,最后到达东端的特斯拉纪念馆。在内部,原工厂墙壁上雕刻的椭圆形开口形成球形空隙,延伸了整个空间的视线和动线。博物馆一楼展厅将通过历史文物、互动展示和身临其境的介绍,展示特斯拉的发明和遗产。临时展厅将举办轮换展览,以确保为再次光临的游客带来耳目一新的体验。The museum proposal by ZHA and Belgrade-based BCP features a new circular entrance on the western facade, leading visitors into a triple-height central atrium. This space connects the narrative of the museum, culminating at the Tesla memorial at the eastern end. Inside, ellipsoidal openings carved into the original factory walls create spherical voids that extend sightlines and movement throughout the space. The first-floor galleries of the establishment will showcase Tesla’s inventions and legacy through historical artifacts, interactive displays, and immersive presentations. Temporary galleries will host a rotating program of exhibitions to ensure a fresh experience for returning visitors.特斯拉电子变压器展厅(Tesla Electronic Transformer Gallery)将展示一个 1200 万伏特的变压器,为观众带来震撼的电气体验,彰显特斯拉的创新精神。其他设施包括一个咖啡厅、一个多功能厅和一个屋顶餐厅,可将萨瓦河的美景尽收眼底。该项目非常注重可持续性。被动式设计策略、可再生能源和地热系统将最大限度地减少博物馆的生态足迹。Highlighting Tesla’s inventive spirit, the Tesla Electronic Transformer Gallery will feature a 12-million-volt transformer, offering an electrifying experience for audiences. Additional amenities include a café, a multipurpose hall, and a rooftop restaurant with panoramic views of the Sava River. A strong emphasis on sustainability defines the project. Passive design strategies, renewable energy, and geothermal systems will minimize the museum’s ecological footprint.在博物馆围墙之外,该项目还将引入尼古拉-特斯拉广场,这是一个公共空间,旨在将博物馆与周围的贝尔格莱德海滨连接起来。受特斯拉电磁场概念的启发,该广场将设有流畅的小径、广场和花园,以提高可达性并促进社区参与。Extending beyond the museum walls, the project will introduce Nikola Tesla Square, a public space designed to connect the museum with the surrounding Belgrade Waterfront. Inspired by Tesla’s concepts of electromagnetic fields, the square will feature flowing pathways, plazas, and gardens, enhancing accessibility and fostering community engagement.
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