
文摘   2025-01-06 19:15   爱尔兰  

A PhD student on nature-based solutions in urban waterbodies (0.8-1.0 fte)

Urban waterbodies - ranging from ornamental ponds to shipping canals - are integral and often iconic features in cityscapes and provide vital ecosystem services including biodiversity support, cooling, water storage, and recreation. At the same time, these urban waterbodies are heavily under pressure from human-caused stresses such as pollution, flow modification, invasive species, and climate change. As a result, many urban waterbodies are in poor ecological state, characterized by degraded biodiversity and frequent blooms of harmful cyanobacteria. Such poor ecosystem health not only diminishes ecosystem functionality but also may pose risks to human health.

Despite decades of restoration efforts to reinstate healthy and resilient urban waterbodies, challenges related to water quality and biodiversity persist. In recent years, innovative nature-based solutions have been introduced to provide a potential pathway towards enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Examples include increasing shoreline and underwater habitat complexity or reducing nutrient levels. These interventions, however, are often launched as local pilot projects, and the subsequent monitoring of the effects and efficacy of these interventions remains scarce.

Your role:

This PhD project aims to advance our understanding of the impact of nature-based solutions on urban waterbody ecology, health, and resilience. Key objectives include a) mapping the types of nature-based solutions implemented in urban aquatic systems and evaluating how well their efficacy in increasing biodiversity and restoring ecosystem functions is monitored; and b) assessing or co-designing case studies that measure success based on both ecological and societal parameters. Addressing these objectives may involve field monitoring, stakeholder surveys, citizen science initiatives, mathematical modeling, or experimental fieldwork in urban settings or at Leiden University’s Living Labs. The exact approach will be co-created between the PhD student, other researchers and potentially also stakeholders.

Selection criteria

We seek a motivated and creative PhD candidate who is keen on combining aquatic ecology and urban sustainability while addressing real-world challenges. The ideal candidate will meet the following criteria:

  • A completed MSc in a relevant field (e.g. ecology, environmental sciences). Candidates from other disciplines are welcome if they demonstrate a strong affinity with aquatic ecology or field research.

  • A good understanding of (aquatic) ecology in urban settings at the cross-section of socio-ecological interactions and global change.

  • A collaborative mindset, good communication skills, and an affinity with co-creating and co-producing research with diverse societal actors.

  • A strong background and interest in statistical analyses, data management, visualization and coding skills (e.g. in R) is essential.

  • Prior experience in (aquatic) fieldwork and laboratory skills is highly valued.

  • Strong written and spoken English skills are required. Proficiency in Dutch or a willingness to learn the language within the first two years is expected.

Research at the Faculty of Science

The Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) is positioned in the Faculty of Science, a world-class faculty where staff and students work together in a dynamic international environment. The Faculty highly values personal and academic development. Our people are committed to expand fundamental knowledge by curiosity and to look beyond the borders of their own discipline; their aim is to benefit science, and to make a contribution to addressing the major societal challenges of the future.

The research carried out at the Faculty of Science is very diverse, ranging from mathematics, information science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences. The research activities are organized in eight institutes. These institutes offer eight bachelor’s and twelve master’s programs. The faculty has grown strongly in recent years and now has almost 2,800 staff and over 6,000 students. We are located at the heart of Leiden’s Bio Science Park, one of Europe’s biggest science parks, where university and business life come together. For more information, see https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/science and https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/working-at.

Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Biology

The core focus of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) is to perform research and education in the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Sciences. The environmental science research in CML is organized around two major research areas: ‘Industrial Ecology’ and ‘Environmental Biology’. This makes CML one of the few institutes covering both the circular, sustainable economic use of natural resources and natural capital, as well as assessing the environmental impacts of economic activities on natural resources, biodiversity and natural capital. Presently, over 150 FTE (including postdocs and PhD candidates) are employed at CML. The CML has facilities to work with soil, water, microbes, and plants including growth chambers, large field experiments and molecular labs. The CML has a culture of mutual support and collaboration between researchers both within and between institutes and collaborates with the TU Delft and Erasmus University in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability (LDE-CfS), Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, and other partners. For more information about CML see:

Terms and conditions

We offer a 1-year position with the possibility of extension to 4 years based on performance. The salary ranges from € 2.872 gross per month in the first year to € 3.670 gross per month in the fourth year based on a full-time position (pay scale P in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities). Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %), training and career development and sabbatical leave. Our individual choices model gives you some freedom to assemble your own set of terms and conditions. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.


At Leiden University we value inclusiveness, strive for a diverse community with equal opportunities for all, and especially welcome applications from members of underrepresented groups. We give full support to our staff in achieving their potential to become independent academic researchers and teachers. For more information about our policy on diversity and equality please go to the Leiden University diversity website.

Coming from abroad

Leiden University is an international work place. Applicants from abroad moving to the Netherlands may qualify for a special tax relief[https://www.staff.universiteitleiden.nl/human-resources/conditions-of-employment-salary-and-allowance/salary/30-ruling/science/institute-of-environmental-sciences-cml?cf=science&cd=institute-of-environmental-sciences-cml] known as the 30% ruling. Our team of advisors on Dutch immigration procedures will help you with the visa application procedures for yourself and, if applicable, for your family. Our Service center for international staff[https://www.staff.universiteitleiden.nl/human-resources/international-staff/service-centre-international-staff/service-centre-international-staff/science/institute-of-environmental-sciences-cml?cf=science&cd=institute-of-environmental-sciences-cml] will help you on the way and make you feel welcome to Leiden.


Please submit your application via the online recruitment system, via the blue button at the top or bottom of this page. Applications received via e-mail will not be taken into consideration.

  • To apply you have to upload 1) a cover letter (max 1 page) outlining both your motivation and your suitability for the project, 2) list of publications, and 3) your CV (max 2 pages excluding publication list) including names and contact details of two potential references. Please do not upload any other documents, they will not be considered.

  • This vacancy will be listed up to and including Sunday 19th of January 2025. Interviews will be scheduled in the week of February 3rd; if you are unavailable in this period, please announce that in your cover letter.

For more information:

For more information about the position, please contact Dr. Alena Gsell at a.s.gsell@cml.leidenuniv.nl[mailto:a.s.gsell@cml.leidenuniv.nl]. Please do not send requests for suitability scans, or prereading of motivation letters or papers.

Application Deadline: 19 January 2025




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